
Monday, June 10, 2013


It was my sister's 30th birthday (tee hee) and instead of eating at our usual birthday restaurant tradition KIMPURA (see my birthday there HERE!!), she requested to hold it at MY KITCHEN by Chef Kris in (shudders) Paco, Manila! Even though it was the wish of the birthday girl, bratty me was not enthusiastic with the family dinner for the following important reasons:

  1. It was far away from our "usual" venues (e.g. Makati, Mandaluyong, Ortigas, Greenhills).
  2. It was not in KIMPURA (tee hee).
  3. It was celebrated on a Sunday when it was supposed to be a "rest" day for us (rest day meaning snoozing all day).
But okay, then fine (in a tone which Yub Eric loves). We'll do it. We are such troopers anyway that when the going gets tough, the tough keep going... Especially if it involves food.  

My sister did not hear the end of it though from me as I complained worse than Andrei.

"Layo naman!!!" (It's so far)
"Sarap ba talaga don??!" (Is it really good there?)
"Bakit hindi sa Kimpura kasi" (Why not in Kimpura instead?)

... and repeat the whole process.  

I am lovable that way.

Good thing my sister, the every bit of a lady she is, would just give me soft assurances that the food was good and that the trip (yeah.. that looong trip from our place in Mandaluyong -- tee hee) would be worth it.

THAT'S why everybody loves her more than me. 

Except my husband though... unless...         KIDDING! 

My sister by the way, is a fellow of Child Psychiatry. So do not wonder how she is able to handle me very well. Ha ha ha ha!

Anyway as usual, the OLDER sister was right as everyone (yes even me and the little Andrei) enjoyed the whole dinner. (Yup there is wisdom in age... Tee hee... See how evil I am?).  I think for some members in the family, they did not even remember that we should have celebrated her birthday in KIMPURA....

... and for just that night after all great food, I will agree. :)


MY KITCHEN is located in The Oasis Paco Park Hotel and headed by Chef Cris. The great chef is the creator of C'Italian dining in Angeles Pampanga where foodies travel hours just for their panizzas. 

At least no need to travel far and very long for a taste of his specialty. MY KITCHEN is definitely more accessible and will be staying put and cozy by the poolside of The Oasis. 

They take reservations even during weekends in MY KITCHEN BY CHEF CRIS. At first I thought we do not need to since we occupied most of the seats in the restaurant but later on this will be a full house.

That was a good thing because at least the chatter from the other table drowned out Mati and Andrei's noise. He he he he! 

Ate Jojit ordering up at MY KITCHEN BY CHEF CRIS!

Little Andrei was trying his best to behave and properly placed the table napkins where it should be...

What the... ??

My eldest brother Kuya Jay said he will take care all of the wine served for tonight. So it was sky's the limit for us (tee hee). As we were sipping some reds while waiting for the appetizers, Andrei got a little curious...

... and took a sip. I hope this makes him behave for the night.

Oh I am kidding! He just had a small taste! Anyway, the little guy loved it!

Sorry Andrei but no more for you!

My Dad and Mom!

Yes we were a looong and noisy table having a great time even there was no food yet!!

Kuya Jon, Ate Jit, and her friend Atty. Anthony Endrenal.

When I ask Andrei if he likes Anthony he would always answer, "No! Because he looks like Tito Jon!!"

Do you see the resemblance? 

My kuya Jay and his wife Karen!

My little foodie the Master Mati!

My niece Rocio! She is entering her teens now and you could just imagine the abomination she felt when Andrei wrapped his face with the table napkin...

... and went around MY KITCHEN howling that he is a zombie....

(" I want some liver with fava beans and a nice chianti...")

I think she made the usual "I'll hide your toys" threat to Andrei to make him sit down. 

MY KITCHEN by CHEF CRIS gave free appetizers for us to munch on while waiting for the real food. The kids were happy though with the crusty baguette slices and pesto with olive oil and grated parmesan dip.

First served was MY KITCHEN by CHEF CRIS gambas (P780.00). Shrimps were plump and perfectly flavored with the tangy sauce. The dish was good but we could have used more servings for the price... ha ha ha ha!

Good thing we were served with extra bread because I used it to mop up all of the extra sauce. My dad did the same! Like father like daughter as they say!

We have to have vegetables so Ate Jit ordered MY KITCHEN BY CHEF CRIS' Caesar Salad (P490.00)!

I finished the whole dish with my Mom and we both agreed that MY KITCHEN BY CHEF CRIS' caesar's salad is as it should be... delicious!

My ate Jojit ordered MY KITCHEN BY CHEF CRIS' famous panizza's. I would like to apologize though that I will not be able properly identify which is which. But from what I remember, everything was delicious, crunchy, and cheesy so it does not really matter what falls on your table! 

Classico - P720.00
Original Tinlou - P780.00
Paolo - P390.00

To fully enjoy the taste of a panizza, you get one slice (or two!!) and roll it with arugula leaves and alfalfa sprouts!

Yum! You may add a few drops of chili oil to taste and have a great big bite of this awesomeness!

... or you may do it like what Andrei did and make a "sandwich" out of the MY KITCHEN BY CHEF CRIS panizza!

I am envious of Rocio's teen metabolism as she owned this whole plate of MY KITCHEN BY CHEF CRIS panizza and she is still fit as a fiddle. We were left to contend with just the 3 other orders of it.

It's okay! We still had more to come anyway...

Much, much more!

MY KITCHEN BY CHEF CRIS Spaghetti Frutto de Mare (P780.00). One bite of the seafood and you could tell it was very fresh and cooked perfectly. No rubbery fishsticks or squid here. Just a perfect blend of tomato sauce in oil with the fresh grapes. 

Like Ate Jojit, I am a sucker for risotto and I am glad she insisted ordering one even if the table was overflowing with carbs already. And the MY KITCHEN BY CHEF CRIS Risotto Pollo El Fungi (P1,300.00) will definitely hold its place should there be a contest in the best carbs ever.

Everything was just creamy and cheesy as I longed for a risotto would be. The chicken was tender and just right to the bite. This is getting my mouth watering just by the mere sight of it....

I remember adding more cheese to the wonderful risotto just for the fun of it and wow, this totally rocked the night for me!

Dear Master Mati craved for some carbonara so Ate Jojit ordered one at MY KITCHEN BY CHEF CRIS (P650.00). 

The carbonara was so rich and cheesy as ever that I was cloyed after a few bites. My little lord was happy with it and kept on shoveling forkfuls of this in his mouth.

I just remembered that during birthdays, you CANNOT not have enough noodles for long life. So here is another dish from MY KITCHEN BY CHEF CRIS called the pasta calabrese which included an abundance of perfectly cooked tomatoes. This spaghetti is flavored so mildly and perfect as a siding to other entrees. 

Little Rocio's favorite is poultry so Ate Jojit requested for  MY KITCHEN BY CHEF CRIS whole roasted chicken (P1,250.00). My sister thought this would be the usual measly chicken with some sides. We were all surprised when the server laid down this big platter overflowing with vegetables, baked rice, and a TON of chicken!

Yes a TON! It seemed like it anyway! Don't forget the juices! I think it was almost a kilo in there!

Yes... look and drool guys... Look and drool...

I know I am!

As we were all meat lovers, my sister ordered MY KITCHEN BY CHEF CRIS Bistecca 1000g (P3,250.00) and requested it to be medium rare... Our favorite "medium" there is!

When we saw it we all ooohed and aaahed then like all siblings we rivaled to get the biggest juicy piece of all!

Unfortunately, though the meat was very tasty and seasoned well, it was not as tender as we expected it to be. It even came close to tough! Such a disappointment coming from a fine piece of meat.

No worries! This will just be chopped and fried for fajitas! YUM!

We were all enjoying the delicious food that we forgot we ordered MY KITCHEN BY CHEF CRIS pumpkin soup (P200.00) when it was supposed to be served at the start of the meal.

Nevertheless, Mati got this and slurped all of its creamy glory.

We requested the waiters at MY KITCHEN BY CHEF CRIS to serve us each of the dishes because it would be difficult to get what is at the end of the table.

Also, because we are just lazy. It's Sunday anyway!

No matter what reason, the servers at MY KITCHEN BY CHEF CRIS were happy and accommodated our every request. 

By the way, check out my husband Eric deserting me with the kids and sat at the far end!

Outside the kulambo ka mamaya! >:(

It's a good thing my little Andrei was behaved and ate quietly at MY KITCHEN BY CHEF CRIS.

More wine perhaps? Kidding!

Poor Mati was separated from his Ate Cio because he was making a lot of noise.

I think he forgot about her while eating though... Pssssh! Men!!!

Table with lots of food 1....

Table with lots of food 2...

Anyone need more rice?

(chomp chomp then gulp) "I do!!!"

My plate! My wonderful plate!!!!

Happy Birthday Ate Jit Southern side!

Happy Birthday Ate Jit Northern side!

Perfectly red but not so tender :(

The Chef Cris himself visited our table to ask how everything was and to wish ate Jit a happy birthday ("Kiss! Kiss!" -- kidding!).

He graciously sent over some birthday Tiramisu for the big sis!!!


With the arrival of the birthday dessert we ordered some more sugar for the sweet tooth in all of us!

But first... a toast to the lovely birthday celebrant!!! May you have more children than you could count...

Teka... look for a husband first pala! 

Ha ha ha ha! Kidding! Oh I am getting so bonked on the head for this.

MY KITCHEN BY CHEF CRIS lemon lime cheesecake was not too sweet and not too sour. Just the perfect cream with a slight flavor of cheese. The almonds added a special crunch to the whole dessert!

Chef Tinlous' decadent cake (P180.00) is the clear dessert winner for the night! The cake was so fudgy and if that was not enough, get a teaspoonful of the chocolate pudding and slather it over the cake. YUM!!!

So rich and perfect! My kind of dessert!

Little Andrei was getting bored and requested to take MY picture. He did a good job don't you think?

My dessert plate! My wonderful dessert plate!

As always, the kids are the stars of the show and we all sang to Andrei as if it was his birthday!

I guess he wished for something very important since he requested us to sing to him one more time! Ha ha ha ha!

A new hair cut maybe?

(Check out how he cut his bangs. Yup! He did it himself.)

The damage! Pretty reasonable right considering we are a big group with an overflowing table.

If you ask me I think we needed more carbs... 


The dessert damage!!

Thanks for such a wonderful dinner Ate Jit and Daddy!!! 

When's the next one?

LET'S EAT again! Ha ha ha ha!

My Kitchen by Chef Chris
The Oasis Paco Park Hotel (beside Paco Church near Old Swiss Inn)
1032-34 Belen Street, Paco, Manila
Telephone: +632 521-2371 to 75 


  1. Funny how you plugged your own b-day...LOL!

    1. Ha ha ha! Perfect segueing is the name of the game!!! TEE HEE!!! :)

  2. Ang kulit! :D Hahaha.. I'm glad the celebration was a success even if it's a long drive away from Mandaluyong. So cute that Andre also blew a birthday candle! :D Anyway, daming food! My friends and I are planning to visit My Kitchen soon. We'll definitely use your post as reference when ordering ;)

    1. Hiya Sumi! Ha ha ha! Yes we really had a lot of fun that night and the food was really delicious! Hopefully the bistecca will be tender when you order it because it tasted really good. Ha ha ha! It's an accepted tradition in our family to sing to the kids a "happy birthday" too (even if they're not the celebrants) not just once but sometimes 3 times! Mati is old enough to be embarrassed already so only Andrei eagerly wished for it. Thanks for reading! I hope you have a great time with your friends as well! Take care :) I love your comment :) Thanks again :)
