
Thursday, May 30, 2013


There was a time in my life when everything I think about was food.

I was not yet finished with breakfast, I would already ask what is for lunch.

While having lunch I will dream of what is for "merienda"

Then... before dinner, coffee...

Then dinner...

After dinner coffee...

Then snacks....

I remembered long ago that I would never set foot at my home unless I get something in my mouth other than the carbo heavy meal I had for supper.

And THAT was how we came upon TAMAYAKI!

From what I remember, my husband and I already had a great meal somewhere. My tummy was bulging and I was looking forward to snoozing my gluttony to bed. 

But then, I felt a certain urge brainwashing me that the night is not over yet. 

I just HAVE to get some munchies! And my foodie angel smiled then led us to TAMAYAKI.

I'm sure that even if you are not as a loser like me, you would still be hypnotized into passing by TAMAYAKI because of its inviting pink lights along the dark streets of  P. Guevarra :)

Somebody seems to have made himself at home!

You would too if the staff welcomed you like crazy even if it was about 5 minutes till closing time. 

Now that's service!

And that made my Chinese stalker more happy! He will be able to relax at a comfortable and cool place while I gobble things up!

I love their interiors and how everything transports you to anime-world! I bet you could not tell that TAMAYAKI is a franchise from China!

Time to order!

I love TAKOYAKI or octopus balls. There is something about the play of flavors encased in a sweetish ball then doused with a healthy dollop of their mayonnaise. It's cloud 9 in a bite! ARIGOTO!!

However, upon seeing their menu, I was in a dilemma... what to order? Everything seemed to good and I want to order more than 2 viands but my husband, a very "sensitive" eater, abandoned me by declaring he does not eat octopus balls.


So I just ordered the basic... TAMAYAKI'S Seasoned Octopus (P105.00).

They asked what sauce I would like on m Takoyaki and I requested to have one half to be regular while the other half is spicy!

Boy was I excited with what was laid down before me. I got not just 3 but 4 big Takoyaki balls heaping with bonito flakes and nori strips. 

I am so ready to dig in!


I tried my darnest to act like a lady but I failed. Since I was not able to pop the whole thing inside my mouth, I just took a huge bite then let the other half dangle down to my fork.

I was pleasantly surprised that unlike other Takoyaki balls, TAMAYAKI's had that slight crunch. Once you munch on a morsel what surprises you are the glorious fillings all meshed together but still identifiable!

I got a big chunk of meat there and veggies! YUM!!! I loved mopping it up my plate for more mayonnaise!

By the way, I have a high tolerance for spicy grub but I found myself chugging down glasses of water with their hot sauce which is mostly curry based. I still liked it though and was worthy for a secondary visit from my gnarling teeth... 

Just a thing of beauty!

It is a shame that I was not able to try their other balls and milk teas but it made us look forward MORE to coming back to TAMAYAKI!

And this time we'll not only be guided by their bright lights, but we'll follow the calling of our taste senses as well!


453 P. Guevarra St.,
San Juan City


  1. I love Takoyaki! Must try this soon! ;)

    1. Hi Michy! Me too!!! And I was pleasantly surprised with the different crunch their takoyaki balls have!!

  2. Food looks really good! Been wanting to visit this for quite some time now.

    1. Hiya Stacy!! Yes it really was! I truly enjoyed my mini snack but was not able to order more because I was still full from dinner. I too am looking forward to trying out their different dishes.

      Their takoyaki balls are so good even for take out by the way! My kuya loves bringing these babies home too!! :)

  3. I'm a fan of takoyaki! If only the place is more accessible for me, I'd go there in a heartbeat! Anyway, it's so nice that they're very accommodating. And wow, I would've never guessed this is from China and not from Japan :D

    1. Hiya Sumi! Me too! I love Takoyaki balls so much that I once snacked on it when we watched a movie. The bonito flakes' odor was so strong but I did not care. Ha ha ha! Anyway, yes I really appreciated that they let us in. I asked if it was okay since it was 5 minutes till their closing time and they insisted that it was we try it out and stay as long as we like. Like you, I would never guess because of the great interiors and awesome taste of the balls. Authentic or not, it was a tasty experience... Thanks for the comment! :)

  4. WOW! Not only does the food look AMAZING, the place is so much Fun!! Great Review! Thank You!!

    1. Thank you for the kind words Tara! My husband and I had a lot of fun hanging out at TAMAYAKI and and I had a grand time writing about it as well. I'm glad you liked it! You're welcome! I hope you enjoy my future entries as well! Thank you again :)

  5. Replies
    1. Hiya Sara! It is! Plus the TAKOYAKI balls -- a different kind of experience!!! I loved its special crunch! Everytime I read my own blog, it gets me craving again. That's how much I like it! He he he! Thanks for reading!

  6. If I happen to pass by this place, I will definitely try this place.

    1. Hiya Bap!! Yes please! Tell me what you think of it. Of course, you'll only appreciate TAMAYAKI if you love TAKOYAKI balls and this resto gave it a different twist that works! Ayan, I'm craving again... ha ha ha ha!

  7. What a cool place, and the food looks great!

    1. Hiya Food Dude! Yes!!!!!! To think we only had the Takoyaki balls! The drinks and other grubs got some great reviews in other blogs that I'm raring to try it as well! You shoud try it too
      Thanks for reading!!!!!

  8. I love the place especially the pink lights... :)

    1. Hi Elie! Yes the decor is really very inviting! PLUS! They serve great Takoyaki balls pa! YUM!!!! Thanks for stopping by :)

  9. have you tried tea monkey's king kong taayaki? i personally loved their version of tamayaki

    1. Hiya! You mean their Takoyaki balls? I haven't!! Will check it out :) Thanks for stopping by and the recommendation! :)

    2. I tried tea monkey's tamayaki and its loaded with stuffings and it taste great.

    3. Hiya Jean! Where's Monkey's Tamayaki? Now I'm also rarin' to try it!
