
Monday, January 31, 2022


It's NEW YEAR'S EVE and we're counting the hours till it's 2022.

Dear Andrei was especially excited because we got lots of fireworks for the night. You could say that we all saved a little bit per payday so that come October 31, we'll have enough funds for a whole lot of ka-boooming!

As for the rest of us, I'm sure you'll know, that we're here for the food. Although we're not going to go so much for the homecooked route like in Christmas, we still plan to get all fat and full as we bid the old year goodbye.

And yep, as expected, we did THAT plus so much more.  

Sharing our night as we bid "paalam" to twenty-twenty one and halooooo to twenty-twenty-two!!!!!!!

Wooooo to the HOOO!!!!!!!!


And like with our Christmas celebration, we started the New Year table set up early.

(Don't wanna rush anything)

And then finally.... 


You likey????

I hope it may not look like it but we used a lot of decors from our previous years. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Arranged with so much love naman. He he he he he!

I'm loving the center piece if I may say so for myself! He he he he he!

My place setting!

Mommy's view at the head of the table. 

Closer look! Sorry just too proud. He he he he he!

Check out my "name card."

Now that ginormous bottle means a whole night of drinking. He he he he he!

All set for laterrrr!

We know we'll be eating a LOT for media noche so for our early dinner, we just had some Korean noodles.

Mati and Andrei liked to do this again (we also did the same at Christmas) that they said this should be our new pre-buena tradition. 

Online mass!!!

The others were at the other side. 

I wonder if next year this would be for  reals na. 

The mass is done, so let's get this party started!!!!!!!

After mass, Andrei and I did a bit of firecwackers!

Appetizers kumbaga. He he he he he!

Hey Yoongi... wanna join?

Sorry if the head gear is giving you a hard time Yoongi but I have to admit that you look soooo cute. He he he he he!

Lighting up some fountains!


And another!

Andrei proceeded to light up more rockets.

Keeping our distance.


Andrei and I took a break from all that poppin' because it's time to EAT!

Again... thank you Mommy for this!

Mommy asked for a picture with the "chefs." He he he he he!

The besties wanted to eat SOOOO bad na. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Officially started our media noche with a prayer!


This is what we're having tonight. Unlike our Noche Buena, we just ordered some of the dishes. He he he he he he!

Potato Salad!

Macaroni Salad!

Pancit Canton!

Paella Valenciana!

Paella Negra!

Crispy Pataaaaaaah!

Now this we cooked ourselves.... 

Kuya Jon's super delish Salmon with Wasabi Mayo dressing. 

And for dessoit, LECHE FLAN!


Like out shirts??? He he he he he!!!! Specially made for that night!

Guess who didn't want to wear it at first? He he he he he....

The cousins attacking the buffet set up.

Mommy and Mati!!!!

The one in the green pot nga pala is Molo Soup. He he he he he!

Our busy table.

ROLL CALL!!!!!!!!

Kuya Jon and Mommy!

Cio and Kuya Jay!!!!!

Mati and Andrei!!!!



(If you're looking for my sister and hub, they're in his hometown in Quezon province). 

Making a toast!

Galit... galit...muna... Tee hee!

Yep! That's what delicious food does to us!

Aba aba... somebody's drinking!

Mah plateeee!

After media noche, we all went back outside to resume our FIREWORKS! Mamaya na ang ligpit! Tee hee!


Sorry I know that these pics may be boring you but I really just want to remember it. 

Trust me though that the sight and the feels of fireworks during New Year's cannot match these photos. Super saya talaga!

And another!!!!

ANNNND another!

Mommy's not a real fan of fireworks but whereever we are, she'll go!


This was our light for 2022!!!!!!

We were all jumping and shouting... Another unforgettable night. Too bad lang ate Jojit and Anthony were not with us. 


Finished with our fireworks before 1:00am! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Yeah seriously.

Most of our stuff naman were fountains. We only had one 16 shots that we used at 12am!


Another year is done. Hay..... Not used pa nga so much with 2021, and now it's already 2022. 

So much has happened and though there have been many unfortunate incidents for 2021, we all remained hopeful and happy that New Year's Eve.  I don't know if it's the power of family but somehow we all felt comforted, and awesome that night. Really so thankful that we all have each other. 

I'm sure too that food had something to do with it. Ha ha ha ha ha!

So cheers to you, 2021. Though it was indeed such a wild ride, thank you for making it work out everything in the end. It's all something to look back upon with a thankful heart to family, and of course (God, Jesus, Mother Mary, Padre Pio, and Guardian Angels -- you may find it corny, but They have helped us all in very difficult times and I want to acknowledge them here for it. ALWAYS BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF PRAYER).

If last year I wished for EVERYTHING TO BE BETTER, this year, I'm going for LET EVERYTHING WORK OUT with the help of the power of prayer.

Sorry if I'm becoming off course but it's what I feel right now. He he he he he!

Soooo... Happy New Year y'all!!! This was our best New Year's Eve celebration yet (yeah I know I always say that but it's really true.. ha ha ha ha ha ha... you know me... I always appreciate the present).


(sige and good food na din... bwa ha ha ha ha...)



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