
Wednesday, November 18, 2020


Ever since the pandemic started, my family and I dutifully stayed at home. Save for work and other essentials, there's no going out for us.

The great thing was I had such a great family that I didn't mind the solitary life with them. I didn't yearn for our usual mall gimiks, or out of town trips -- as long as we're all together (eating, doing chores, praying the rosary, having movie nights, etc), I'm happy.

Yun lang the Yub didn't agree. He REALLY wanted to go out and fast. BWA HA HA HA HA! So di siya masaya sakin ganern??? Che!

Kidding! In his defense, he has been religiously working at home for 4 straight months now, only going out for grocery runs. So yeah, he felt like having a bit of a social life even for just a few hours.

That weekend, the boys were in Antipolo with my brother's family so I didn't have that guilty feeling of going out without them. With that, the Yub jumped at the opportunity and excitedly invited me out for a mini-date in Powerplant Mall.

To be honest, if given the choice I'd rather stay at home and chill. At the same time I wanted to be practical and just save money. The Yub though was very insistent and declared that he will treat me to ANYTHING. Minsan lang naman daw.

E DI SIGE! Bwa ha ha ha ha ha! Basta I already raised my points ah (nagpapilit... he he he he).

FINALLY after 4 months, we're out on a date!

It was so surreal going around POWERPLANT MALL because the place was nearly empty and most of the shops were closed. I was happy to be out but disheartened at the sight of establishments either empty or shutting down.

Not to mention the suffocating face mask and shield while walking!!!! Grrrr!

There was a time when the Yub absent-mindedly put his around me. The guard saw us and signaled us to stand farther apart for "social distancing."

NGEH! E magkatabi naman kami matulog nito e! And it's not like I'm going to allow a random stranger to put his arm around me!

Of course, the Yub and I just followed. Yun lang while we were alone, we held hands. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Belat!

Kidding! After this picture the Yub dropped my hand like it was hot coal and walked ahead. Natakot kay Manang Guard!

Our date nights are not really too mushy mushy kissy kissy. Sometimes we enjoy just doing the simple things like buying groceries. Ang saya kaya!!!!!!

For our late lunch, the Yub and I were undecided where to go. We walked for a long time and were choosing between THE GRID or something else.

One last walk led us to CAFE MARY GRACE and I suddenly had a craving of their pasta. The Yub agreed so we checked it out.

Upon arriving at CAFE MARY GRACE, we had to sign some papers to declare that we're not feeling sick at all.

They also took our temperatures and made us step onto the antibacterial mats to clean our shoes.

Woah! We're the only ones here!!!!

The restaurant was using the mall airconditioning so it was a bit warm. We transferred to the coolest area that they had.

To order, we marked the dishes that we wanted from their menu sheet.

The restaurant was limiting the contact between diner and servers as much as they can. 

Waiting for our grub!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not sure if you could tell but the Yub and I were one seat away from each other. 

The server then gave us the plates, utensils, and drinks that were all covered in plastic or paper.

Brace yourselves! Food is here!

First on the table is Yub's order of CAFE MARY GRACE Ensaymada (P128.00). 

We already had a big breakfast before our trip here so that Yub wasn't that hungry. He finished this in one bite. Sayang lang he didn't opt to have this grilled.

He got a tall glass of CAFE MARY GRACE Mango Shake (P218.00) to wash the cheesiness of that ensaymada down.

The Yub said this was so sweet and refreshing. Perfect match with his ensaymada. 

HINDI AKO?!!! Ha ha ha ha!

As for me I got this bowl of CAFE MARY GRACE's Salmon Cream Pasta (P417.00).

I wasn't really planning on eating heavy because of our breakfast but seeing my favorite Salmon Pasta on the menu, I cannot resist!!!!!!

At first I said, I'll only eat half and take home the rest. While I was eating though I kept on going and going until UBOS!

I'm on my cheat day naman so I got my usual Coke Zero to enjoy my pasta with. Ha ha ha ha ha!

The Yub liked his ensaymada so much that he ordered their Cheeseroll (P78.00). This time he got it grilled!

As usual, ubos agad!



Ha ha ha ha ha! Simot na simot no?

And when it's time to pay...

Le bill!

Everything was easy peasy and fast naman.

The Yub and I went around and decided to pass by PRESS!

We got the book that Andrei asked for his reading time. 

Before going home I asked the Yub if we could pass by STARBUCKS since I wanted to try out this popular Tiktok drink.


I got that Iced Mocha with 4 pumps of Sweet Cream thingy. They don't know it so I showed them the video.

It was quite good!!!!!! Yum!!!!!

So how was our date?

I don't think we'll be going out very soon because going around the mall with controlled temperatures while wearing a mask and shield was very uncomfortable. The Yub and I found ourselves out of breath even at the normal pace of walking (must be due to the face mask?).  Of course, we will follow the rules and do what we can to ensure everyone's safety but that gimik was not as "leisurely" as we hoped it would be.

Did I enjoy the date? Of course I did! I'm happy with Powerplant Mall's precautionary measures that when the Yub goes there for grocery, I won't be so worried. I'm also very thankful that my hub really made an effort to take me out and treat me to whatever I liked (may kapalit I'm sure... ha ha ha ha ha).

So yeah, though it was different from what we were both used to, it was truly a memorable experience. When the situation lightens up, hope to go out again with the Yub. 

Thanks ugly Yub for the date!!! Aawayin pa din kita.




Second Floor, Power Plant Mall, 
Rockwell, Makati City



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