
Tuesday, April 30, 2019


The Yub and I recently celebrated our 16th wedding anniversary and let me say how it felt like it's only been 10 minutes....

UNDERWATER! He he he he he!

Let me share with you our many celebrations when our blessed union (BLESSED UNION DAW O!!) turned 1-6. He he he he he!!! We had so many and I'm very thankful that we were able to honor our crazy marriage in our favorite ways.

Of course, I'm more thankful that I am able to celebrate it with the person that St. Joseph felt was meant for me.

Either THAT or He was giving me this big joke.


Tee hee..... :P


We're 16 years and counting!!!!!!

Oh and just in case you're wondering, we took this picture 16 years ago to greet our future selves!

Wednesday, April 24, 2019


The Yub and I don't go to Solaire often because it's far from where we live. I have been there for some of their shows (Les Miserables, Phantom of the Opera, etc) but we only stayed within the theatre area.

One time my officemate invited me and the family to eat lunch at YAKUMI in SOLAIRE because she had a special discount. She said it will be her advance birthday gift to me.

Game!!!!! I answered without any hesitation. I don't even know where it is in SOLAIRE but you know me, when it comes to Japanese I never think twice. Tapos birthday treat pa, so SUGOD MGA KAPATID! ha ha ha ha!

Another officemate was supposed to come with us but they cancelled the last minute. Now who to invite to come with us????

Mam Zeny said I could just invite whoever pa since sayang naman her very big discount. My Mom and Kuya Jon cannot go because they're looking after the business while Andrei naman is on his field trip.

So who else? Hmmmm... Decisions... Decisions.

With that I thought of my kumareng Gail!!!

We were just together last night for her birthday treat to me in DUCK AND BUVETTE. And what better way to say "thank you" by taking her with me to a Japanese extravaganza?

As expected, she said yes. YAYYYY!!! Japanese food here we come!!!

O, iyan na mare "treat" ko sa yo sa birthday mo in December ha?

Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!! 


Monday, April 22, 2019


My kumareng Gail and I have this long standing tradition of treating each other during our birthdays. It's a simple but enjoyable tradition that I always look forward to because besides taking a break from our usual kuripot selves (he he he he he he), my long time kumare and I are able to set aside a date amidst our busy schedule.

At least, sure na that we'll meet up 2 times a year! He he he he he he!

For this year, when my mareng Gail asked where we'll go for my birthday treat, I said that I was fine wherever. My only condition was that it should be a place that I haven't been to before because I wanted to blog it.

With that, she came up with many suggestions but I was torn between Japanese or French food. At first I said Japanese, then French, then later on Japanese again.

FINALLY, my fickle-minded super self really took over and urged me that French was a better choice. With that I sent a very meek (but cute) text asking if she'll bust her pipe if I chose French again. Knowing my good friend, who's always fine with everything, she agreed without a problem. Yun lang when I asked her if I'm magulo na she answered with a "Mejo..."


Well, if that French restaurant meant DUCK AND BUVETTE, I'm sure you'll have a difficult time choosing your favorite Japanese over it!!!!!


DUCK AND BUVETTE has been in Edsa Shangrila Mall already for a loooooong time but it's our first time here.

Friday, April 12, 2019


For our VALENTIMES celebration every year, the boys and I would always go out on one-on-one dates with their venue of choice. With these dates, I also take it as an opportunity to teach the little lords how to be a perfect gentlemen when they're out with a lady. I believe that you can't start them early enough when it comes to proper behavior!

Everything goes well of course, except for the food and farting department. He he he he he he he! KIDDING!

ANYWHO, our schedules were so full this year (plus somebody got sick again) that I was not able to have one-on-one dates with the boys. At the same time, when I ask who wants to go out on a VALENTIMES date with me, they would eagerly point TO THE OTHER ONE.


With that, the Yub and I just resolved to have a family date to officially end the VALENTIMES season. It was perfect timing too because we received an invite from BROTZEIT for their event "A FAMILY VALENTINE."

Family? That's something you don't hear in BROTZEIT everyday.

It's true though. BROTZEIT is now becoming popular with families because of their delicious dishes in their extensive menu that could be appreciated by the kiddies as well. The Yub and I haven't brought the little lords to BROTZEIT that's why we're happy that for our family VALENTIMES date, we'll get to do this with them.

Check out our VALENTIMES night in BROTZEIT where we all had a great time feasting on meats plus more. It may not be our usual venue for VALENTIMES but huwadaheck, we all had an enjoyable family date!


It was a full house that night!

Thursday, April 11, 2019


For VALENTIMES SEASON, we were supposed to take out the little lords for our family date that Friday. We have already arranged everything: I have made reservations in our favorite Healthy Shabu Shabu, and tickets were ordered for our movie.

However, we were not meant to go out that night. :(

Saying that traffic was terrible is an understatement -- everything was on a standstill!!!!! Well it was a bit our fault too because we thought luck would be on our side for this gimik night and we'll be able to go to Powerplant Mall smoothly from Quezon City.

Yeah. Yeah. On a payday Friday that was also a day after Valentimes. Ang galing namin no? We were too positive for our own good. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

So we broke the bad news to the little lords that Fridate was cancelled and they understood the situation naman. With that, the Yub and I were left to ourselves again (ahuhuuuuyyyy) and since it was still VALENTIMES week, we suddenly had an another date night for the season of hearts.

Where to go???

Syempre, I don't want the Yub to spend a lot. He already took me out yesterday and we're still due to go out this weekend with the family.

With that, I remembered going to this homey food court that is fast becoming one of my new favorites because they're serving my kind of food: CHEAP AND DELICIOUS!!!!


Wednesday, April 10, 2019


I haven't eaten in MIGHTY QUINN's in Powerplant Mall even if my family already ate there a few times and didn't invite us (traitors!). To think that the YAPPY BUNCH are always in Rockwell but we never got to trying out the place since, I don't know, we have separation anxiety from our favorites maybe?

Or maybe we just found it expensive. BWA HA HA HA HA!

Anywho, one weekend, my brother invited the whole family for an early lunch in MIGHTY QUINN's for his post birthday treat. YEHESSSSS!!! Finally!!! I'll be able to eat in MIGHTY QUINN'S!!!! LIFE IS WORTH LIVING AGAIN!!

He he he he he!

Seriously though, I'm also very excited that the family will be complete. I seldom see my eldest brother because he lived far, far, farrrrr away -- he would usually visit my Mom on weekdays (while we're all at work), and is too lazy naman to go down and join us on Sundays (his "rest day"). So yeah!! This is really a treat!!!

And yup! True enough, we all had an awesome lunch!! Family time is INDEED the best time!

Lalo na if libre kami. He he he he he he!

We're at MIGHTY QUINN'S! Wohooooooo!!!

Saturday, April 6, 2019


If you have met the Chinese Dimpol, you would know that he's NOT a lot of things:

-- He's not into long trips away from his family.
-- He's not into heavy drinking with friends and relatives.
-- He's not into extravagant celebrations or expensive gifts.
-- He's not panget. (Hee hee)
-- He's not into pasosy-wosy parties.
-- He's not fussy about messy rooms (hay salamat).
-- He's not very particular about gimiks.
-- He's NOT Mr. Spend-a-lot.
-- He's NOT super choosy woosy.

-- He's NOT for ugly, fat, and noisy ladies with big foreheads and small bewbs.

AHEM. Ha ha ha ha ha!!! Kidding.

Anyway, that's why it's no surprise how during his birthday, the Yub did not have big celebrations. We didn't plan anything because his only wish was to hear mass and have Buddy's with the family -- no drinking spree with his friends and workmates. He's so fine na daw just to have a simple celebration with our family.


I still won't put out though.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!



Tee hee!

(Belated) Happy Birthday pogi!

The Yub woke up to some gifts from the family!!

I gave him a yellow polo shirt which I know he'll look so pogi in!

Friday, April 5, 2019


One night, I was craving for Mexican food soooo much that I spent an hour in the office looking for restaurant recommendations.

(Remembers something) OOPS! Ah eh.... 1 minute! I meant 1 minute in the office... He he he he he he he he!

(Buti na lang nobody in the office reads my blogs)


I looked up the top Mexican food in the area and came across the name LA CARNITA. It has received many good reviews and it's the restaurant where that viral video of nachos doused in cheese came from.

So LA CARNITA it is!!!!!

It was also the season of hearts so it was perfect for the VALENTIMES season. At least, we'll be going somewhere affordable that I was craving for. Eh you know the Yub, he lives to answer my cravings.

Teka. That didn't sound right. Pero pwede din. He he he he he!

Here's our pre-VALENTIMES date in LA CARNITA! Did it answer my cravings?

Oh you'll see. You'll ALL see!!!

Dan. Dan. DANNNN.....


Thursday, April 4, 2019


One Sunday, everything was feeling like how I want Sundays to be.


Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Kidding! (My Mommers would wring my neck). Well usually we would all attend mass then have a Sunday feast at home (where the usual dish in the "starring role" is the Grilled Liempo... yummmm). We never get tired of it and always look forward to family Sunday lunches that I NEVER accept any invite from friends or blogging.

That Sunday however, my Mom said we should just go out for family lunch because she was not in the mood to think of other dishes that would go with our famous Grilled Liempo (or maybe that's her way of telling us that she's getting tired of it? NOOOH!!!!!) Whatever the reason, we're fine with it. As much as we wanted to eat at home though (because Sunday Grilled Liempo was our all time favorite) we're all looking forward to have lunch somewhere else.

Now where to go????

When my Mom asked me where I wanted to go for Sunday lunch, I blurted out the first thought that came into my head "NORTH PARK!!!" And they were all fine with it.

YEHESSS I thought. Because I was soooo LAZY to do some thinking, I just said whatever came to mind. Come to think of it though, maybe I was subconsciously craving for some of my Chinese comfort food favorites from NORTH PARK.

Oh well. Whatever the reason, I'll just think about it after our heavy lunch and before dozing off for my afternoon siesta.

Yup. Like I said. LAZY. 


Tuesday, April 2, 2019


Every year, our friend Gem treats our Bawal Panget Group to a weekend staycation in BELMONT HOTEL. This is something we all look forward to because not only do we get a a weekend of fun with good friends, but our families get to bond in the different activities that BELMONT has to offer.

Come night time, when we asked Gem where she wanted to have dinner, she asked for ICHIBA JAPANESE MARKET in Resorts World.

Again?? We all clarified. We have been there in the last two years of our her Belmont Birthday staycation.

But we understand her sentiment. In the few times that we've eaten at ICHIBA, we've always had an enjoyable meal. The food is good and the prices reasonable. Plus, it's really a different experience for all of us because of that market type setting.

Great thing too is that they take reservations even for our big group.


So ICHIBA it is!!!!!!!

Monday, April 1, 2019


I have been inviting my Mom to have a museum day for soooooo long but she had many things to attend to in the family business that it never pushed through.

Finally for our VALENTIMES SEASON, I declared that we will have our family date in my much-awaited "Museum Day": We will go to the National Museum of Fine Arts in the morning then have a seafood feast for lunch. I was so happy that my Mommers agreed (I guess she knew that I would NEVER stop bugging her) and so we planned that super fun Saturday.

In fact, I got two invites from friends to go out that day, but no can do -- we have a date with my number one lady!!!!

And as expected my Mom had a lot of fun. I was so aching to say "I told you so" with pointy pointy finger but I loved her too much (ha ha ha ha ha ha!)

Hopefully we'll get to plan more Museum outings with her because it's something I know that my "culture-loving" Mom would enjoy. Of course, we also had loads of fun too because it's a refreshing change of our family gimik instead of the usual mall and parks.

So here's our VALENTIMES date with my Mommers when we became all fartsy tartsy and ended with us getting bondat from seafood.

Now THAT is my kind of date!!!!!!