
Monday, November 5, 2018


Last June was the Anniversary of my Daddyowzer's first year in Heaven. Now as much as I'm yearning to make this another dramatic post and recount the pains of how much I still miss him, I'm sure my Daddy wouldn't want us to be always crying and overlydramatic (Siguro konti lang he he he he.... He doesn't want us to be too unsentimental!). So yeah, I'll try my best to keep this as light-hearted and fun as I could (because that's the way he is).

And also like how my Dad would always prefer, his Anniversary will involve prayers and GLORIOUS FOOD!!!!!!

We started off the day with a mass offered for him....

Andrei cam!

Since it was a weekday, there were not a lot of people in church. I took a leave from work for this.

For lunch, my Daddy's sister's suggested we try out MESA!

House rules!

When we arrived there was not a table yet available for our big group so we just waited outside. My sister however made an advance order.


We got a table!

ROLL CALL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ate Jojit and Kuya Jon!

My wacky niece, Rocio, and Andrei!

Me and sister in law Karen...

My Kuya Jay was out of town that morning and will return tonight.

Master Mati and Ninang Carmi (Daddy's sister).

Tita Meldy (another sister of Dad) and Mommy!

FOOD IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We started off with MESA Malunggay Soup with Shrimp (P295.00)!

Green and mean!!!!

2 orders of MESA Baked Scallops (P240.00)!

Fresh sweet scallops grilled to cook in garlic and butter.


And that's why it's gone in 60 secs!!

The kiddies wanted something more baked with cheese so we ordered their mussels (P305.00)!

My Mom got curious with the Crispy Pritchon so we ordered the smallest serving (P1,100.00)!

Would you believe that even if this seems so small, we were still not able to finish it???

We had the nice lady prepare it for us.

MESA Beef Kare Kare (P325.00)!

So rich and peanutty! Of course, it was more malinamnam with the bagoong!

Since there was Kare Kare, we also got the MESA Boneless Crispy Pata (P535.00).

He he he he he! Good thing the Yub wasn't able to take a leave of absence today. Otherwise he would've attacked this and not leave us with a bone to fight over.

MESA Boneless Tilapia (P395.00)!

So crispy and meaty! We enjoyed this with the dips provided.

I cannot eat in a Filipino restaurant without having my favorite sisig (P205.00)!

I was a bit disappointed because their sisig was so MEH. I added a lot of Knorr seasoning and hot sauce to make it more appetizing.

Go Androse!!!!

ERICJAZ FOODIES with my family in MESA!


My plate!

My shy but pork-filled MESA plate!

Gobble! Gobble!!!


With loads of leftovers for our kittykat!

Mommy's bill! Thanks Mommy!

That night, we had a simple dinner for the family, GAT's staff, and very close relatives.

My sister and Tita Meldy (who was so close with my Dad) made a simple flower setting by our altar.

Hi Daddy!!!!!

I miss you so much! Hope you could join me in my dreams tonight.

Catering by Verleo!

VERLO Pastel De Lengua!

VERLEO Braised Beef in Creamy White Sauce!

Everything with mushroom sauce, I LOVE!

VERLEO Hickory Pork Ribs!

This was a strong favorite!

VERLEO Boneless Chicken Teriyaki!

VERLEO Crunchy Fish Fillet!

VERLEO Brocolli with 2 kinds of mushroom!

VERLEO Korean JapChae!

AND my favorite....

VERLEO Fried Rice! 

Yup! This may seem mababaw but this just makes all entrees better!


We all prayed the rosary and offered prayers for Daddy.

After praying, it's time to eat!

For the whole day I was doing okay (I was crying much more when we recently celebrated his birthday). However, after dinner, the waterworks started coming again! He he he he!

I guess I remembered how much my Daddy would have enjoyed this night especially that we're all together with his close relatives.

Haaaaaay Daddyowzers... I hope you know how much we miss you.

The next day, we went to our Daddy's hometown in Cavite to visit him.

Of course, we had lunch first. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Our simple lunch that day prepared by Daddy's sisters!



Pancit with all the trimmings!


My bowl!!!!!!!

After lunch, we went to the cemetery to visit the Daddyowzers!

Hi!!! Did you miss us???

I'm sure he's with us naman always.

We all prayed the rosary for him.

After praying, I asked for a picture. My brother said we should have that usual photo effect where the bouquet of flowers is on the foreground. He he he he he he!

Syempre we all laughed. We then got a SHHHHH from our Mom.

Yup! We'll always act like kids.

Daddy's naughty kids. He he he he he he

Hayyyyyyy... I know I've been saying this so many times but I'll say it over and over again.... We miss our Daddyowzers SOOOOOO much and we hope that he could feel our love from heaven. 

Of course, even if we have many celebrations or reasons to be excited for, I think we could never be truly happy like we were before because there is that special someone in our lives that's lacking.

When we lost him last year, that's when I valued more the meaning of FAMILY and treasuring the ones who were really there for us. That's why for those who went the extra mile to be with us and help the family, I will never forget them. As for those who did not even say a peep of sympathy, I removed them out of my system.

Will just value those who were there in the saddest period of my life.

This day last year we lost a very great man.  Not a day goes by that we don't think about him, feel that pang of heart-ache for him, and pray that he is having the time of his life in heaven jamming with his parents, his beloved relatives, and Frank Sinatra. 

It actually feels very surreal that he used to be with us before. Hay. If I had known then the pain that I would feel every single day from losing him, I would've attached myself at his side and never left.

Hay. But hey life goes on. And what's great too about my Dad was that he put up this business that would help out the family for many,  many, years to come. So yes, we still feel his care even if he's not anymore with us. 

He was (and IS) forever a great man.

We love you so much DADDYOWZERS. 


If it's okay, hope you go to my dreams tonight.




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