
Tuesday, September 11, 2018


THE YAPPY BUNCH were with my family and aunties for a weekend in LAS CASAS FILIPINAS DE ACUZAR last summer. The weather was quite unpredictable on Saturday as the sun and rain alternated in their "performances" (he he he he). Nevertheless, we were all still able to appreciate the beauty of this heritage resort in our own way and we were so looking forward to our day 2! 



Good morning LAS CASAS!

Though they slept early last night, I had a hard time waking up the little bubuys!

There was breakfast provided in our overnight stay and it was served at the restaurant behind HOTEL DE ORIENTE.

After breakfast, the bunsoy asked if we could go to the beach so he could use his big boat.

Yay!!!!!! We're the only ones here!

Since it was windy however, the waves were quite strong. One of the LAS CASAS staff went to us and said they're prohibiting swimming for that day because of the strong waves that made the waters go up to us. 

Awwww... Poor Andrei can't use his big boat.

But it's okay. Safety is MORE important anyways.

See that white mark on the sand there? Andrei and I got surprised when the waters suddenly went up to there. Ha ha ha ha!


Too bad Andrei spent a lot of time last night pumping air onto his boat. Still, we consider it a blessing that a nice man was there to warn us.

I told Yub and Andrei that they should deflate the boat already (because it too heavy to carry around). Besides, we can't use it in the pool anyway since most establishments don't allow big boats there.

The Yub said they'll just deflate it in the room because doing so will take a lot of time and they all wanted to swim pronto.

Oh well.... Maybe next year Andrei you'll get to use your boat.

While going back to the pool side, we saw a Taho vendor! Hmmmmm.... That would be a nice mid-morning snack!

And we're here at the pool!

The LAS CASAS pool is built like a batis. If you find the flooring icky because it's black and all, try it out first. It's actually just painted to look like the bottom of a river!


We all got in and water was just perfect. It was cool too that not a lot of people were swimming that day. With that, Andrei looked around and asked "Mommy, since there's not a lot of people swimming, why don't I try using the boat? Tapos if the lifeguards tell me to take it out, then I'll just put it back."

Woah! I'm impressed with Andrei's guts and "abilidad." At least he's willing to try anything just to get what he likes and if it's not allowed, it's okay.

Guess what? It was fine with the lifeguards! They saw us using it but didn't say anything!!!

YAYYYY! Good for you Andrei!

He's learning from me na talaga!


Don't worry we were still careful not to hit anyone with Andrei's big boat. :) 

Wohoo! Swimming with my lookalike!

My handsome boy!

And then suddenly, it started to rain!

It was really coming down strong!

At first, it was Andrei's big boat that covered our things. When we started using it, the Chinese Dimpol used something else!

Very good Yub! Nahawa ka na din sakin!


Afterwards, the other swimmers copied us! He he he he he!

Hala! The rain really went down! Ha ha ha ha ha!

Oh no! Mababasa kami!!!!!

Seriously though we had a GRAND TIME swimming under the rain. We even used the boat as our "umbrella." He he he he he! It was awesome getting wet on many different levels. He he he he he!

And we're going back to our room again.

If you think that the door going to our unit is the one that's open, you are so wrong.

Don't worry I was wrong too! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! 

I mistakenly entered that opened door also and found out that it's where their housekeeping items were. I almost bumped into somebody pa. He he he he he!

After showering and cleaning up, it was time to go.

BUT not without having our usual pictures around the room first!

By the bed...

By the stairs...

By the vanity table...

By the loft....

From the loft...

Master Mati and Me on the right...

The Yub and Andrei on the left!

By the LAS CASAS view...

Bye ROOM 304!

Hall shot!

Hala! We forgot to do our usual "Drunk Shot"!!!!

Bye Andrei and Mati's bed!

As usual, the little lords are sad to go.

Same goes for hampy!

Thanks room for being nice to us!

Before leaving, the bunsoy thought of leaving a message for housekeeping...


Let's go Yubhubs!

It stopped raining so we could do a bit of "tourins" in LAS CASAS!

Every corner had its own picture perfect moment!

Since it was raining last night, this was where they had the cultural show.

My Mom and family went ahead to check out because we might get more delayed if we go along with the other parties who were leaving at 12:00pm.

Our bags went ahead with my Mom's group. Here, we were just waiting for a jeep to pass by as all cars were in the parking area outside the resort.

I guess Mom did make the right decision in checking out early because now pa lang, it's hard to get a jeep.

Good thing that in LAS CASAS, it was so beautiful that you really wouldn't want to leave yet.

I find it lovelier too that the weather was working so well with us!

I think even the little ones agreed because they were also in a good mood to take pictures.

But my "joy" was short lived though.... Ha ha ha ha!

Andrei: Mommy? When is the jeep coming???

Finally the jeep arrived!!!!!!

We asked manong to hurry because my Mom and the others were texting us na from the parking area. He he he he!

Good bye LAS CASAS!!!!!

The road to "goodbye"...

Cue in dramatic music.

He he he he he he!

I'm thankful that my Mom and the others were not too mad at our lateness. 

All was forgiven after a delicious lunch at Max's. He he he he he!

(Baka gutom lang!!!!)

It may already be my second time at LAS CASAS FILIPINAS DE ACUZAR but I would NEVER get tired of going here. 

I want to go here AGAIN!!!!!!!!!

Me kasi I value our old Filipino traditions (mano, saying po and opo, NOT USING JEJEMON) that's why being in LAS CASAS is my wish come true of seeing the "old Philippines."

The heritage resort is also very clean. Even if it has already been in operation for many years now, the place is well-maintained and seemed like "new". 

The LAS CASAS staff too were very accommodating and friendly. This "Katipunero" even volunteered to take our family pictures. So nice!!!!!!!

I really appreciate all the efforts of Mr. Jose "Gerry" Acuzar for constructing LAS CASAS to be a haven of our ancient homes. To think that many of these houses have endured decades and have a lot of history behind them but were being forgotten and left to rot in their towns. I'm grateful to Mr. Acuzar for seeing the eternal beauty of these houses and preserving them at LAS CASAS. It is certainly something for the people who have a deep love for our culture and for the future generations as well.

Personally I find LAS CASAS one of the best resorts in the country. You should really go here at least once in your Filipino lives!

I'm thankful that we were able to go here with Mommy and the others. Sayang my Daddy is not here anymore with us but he would have loved this. Like me, LAS CASAS is his "jam"!

Yun lang Mommy and the others were not able to go out as much because of the rain. It's okay I guess. At least we have ANOTHER reason to go back!!! HAR DE HAR HAR!


We'll certainly be back AGAIN!!!!!!!!!



89 Brgy. Pag-asa, Bagac, 2107 
Bagac, Bataan 
(63-2) 3325338 or (63-2) 3325286

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