
Thursday, September 6, 2018


Last summer, my family planned a weekend getaway that got us so excited and sentimental at the same time. For one, it was trip with in the beautiful LAS CASAS FILIPINAS DE ACUZAR, one of the top Philippine spots that would take you back to old Manila. Another is that besides THE YAPPY BUNCH, we're going to have my Mom, her sisters, Dad's sister, and my siblings (except for my eldest Kuya), join us. It's been such a looooooong time since we had a family trip that we were all counting the days to this weekend.

The only bittersweet aspect with this getaway was that Daddyowzers, our original chief planner and leader, was not physically with us. However, we did make sure that this weekend will be in my Daddy's honor since he's the one who always pushed for family trips and togetherness (in fact, our trip was somehow "sponsored" by him... he he he he). "Basta siya, dapat ang pamilya laging magkakasama", and we will never forget that. Great thing too that he raised a family who enjoyed the company of each other.

So we're all off to LAS CASAS FILIPINAS DE ACUZAR for another unforgettable weekend. The place is awesome and we'll be with our favorite people....

We're all sure to have a grand time!


Notice anything?

Yup! Daddy is with us!!! He he he he he!

Normally we set out EXTRA early when we're going on an out of town trip....

But since we had many asungots (he he he he he he) we played the "waiting game and left na ng mga 9:00am!

STOPOVER in Mcdonalds!!!!!

The Androse, Mommy, tita Meldy, Master Mati, and our pilot Mang Henry.

Tito George, Kuya Jon, Ninang Saling, and Tita Fer!

The Yub, MEEEEEH, Anthony, and Ate Jojit!

We passed by this popular site in Bataan....

Then we're here!!!!!


First stop, the CASA NEW MANILA to check in!


Let's check in!

The CASA NEW MANILA was built in 1926 and stood in Balete Drive (awwwoooooh) for almost 90 years. This house of American architecture is often used for movies and tv shows. like "Kakabakaba," "Abangan ang Susunod na Kabanata", "Palibhasa Lalaki", among others.

I'm not sure if they're going to renovate it further to suit the front desk requirements but they sure do have a LOT of floor space for it.

Ate Jojit made the reservations for us and organized our rooms while I just stood by. Haaaaay! Kay sarap ng hindi ako ang nagaayos.... Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! I did stay with her though just in case she needs me to run for something. He he he he he!

Welcome drinks!!!!

We got a glass of ice cold tamarind juice which was sweet and tart. It was too sweet for my taste but it instantly cooled me off. 

Now it's time to go to our rooms...

Check out the karitela that would transport our bags.

Unlike our last stay in LAS CASAS, their front desk is located far from the hotel rooms. Also, they did not allow private cars to enter the premises so we just used their jeepneys to go inside.

All aboard!!!!

Our tight squeeze in the jeepney!

Daddy seems to be amused of our "tight as sardines" situation. Ha ha ha ha!

Our short drive going to our accommodations already gave my family a beautiful preview of our weekend.

I'm grateful to the owners of LAS CASAS FILIPINAS at how they were able to preserve and transport these beautiful ancient houses. They have so much history behind them that they cannot just be left to rot.


Our LAS CASAS FILIPINAS DE ACUZAR weekend officially starts NOW!

My sister got a room for THE YAPPY BUNCH here....

Woah! We got a loft!

Check out the "first floor".

The big bed...

The television set and fridge...

The toilet and shower...

The bath tub....

MY toiletries... He he he he he!


Now let's go up to the boys' floor!

Their bed....

At the other side is their cabinets.

I swear the space of our loft room is soooo big that we should've bought an extra mattress! He he he he!

Ahoy down there!

After settling in, we then went to where the others were staying (yes hiniwalay nila kami... huhuhu).

My Mom and the others were in the BALIWAG HOUSE, and if you'll take Heritage Tour in LAS CASAS, it's one of the house included. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Inside the spacious house.

I wasn't able to get a picture of the dining area by the windows. Sorry!

Master Mati making emo emo....

Each room could accomodate 4 pax so my sister was able to organize who will be staying with who.

If my brother and his family joined us, they will be staying in our loft while we'll just get extra beds to stay here.

Good thing that they cancelled (my brother's driver not available and he was lazy to drive he he he he) because we just discovered that the common area did not have air-con! We thought the whole house had centralized air-conditioning but as it turns out, only the 2 rooms had it.

Buti na lang pala! Otherwise, the 4 of us would be hot and wawa outside. He he he he he!

Each room had 4 Queen-Sized Beds (since it was good for 4 pax).

Correction. If my brother joined us and we stayed in the BALIWAG HOUSE, the boys would surely bunk with their Lola, or titos and titas leaving just the Yub and me outside!



Bath tub...

Shower and Sink!

Isn't that a nice set for the sink?


At first it was going to be Kuya Jon, Anthony, Tita Fer, and Ate Jojit in this room while the other one had Tita Saling, Tito George, Tita Meldy, and Mommy.

Later on, my Mommy asked if she could switched with Tita Fer so she could stay with her kiddies (awwwwwwwwwwww).

What about me Mommy??? 


After settling in our rooms and having a bit of rest, our first activity of the day was the Heritage Tour!

Unlike before, the tour now starts here!

(If you want to check out our HERITAGE TOUR in our previous trip, click on THIS LINK!!!! I think I was more comprehensive on that one.)

Our guide was already there waiting for us.

Since there was a bit of a drizzle, they gave away free raincoats.

As before, our guide in the Heritage Tour was friendly, funny, and knowledgeable about the houses. We asked many questions and he was able to settle our curiosity. He he he he he!

This was very handy to keep ourselves dry!

Tour proper!

First stop if the CASA BINAN, the replicated house of Teodora Alonzo, the mother of Dr. Jose Rizal.

Inside the house.

Some may find it stuffy but me I see a room that have been graced with history.

The paintings of the owners of the house!

There is a scandalous story behind them WHICH I forgot. H ah aha ha h! Please don't forget to ask your guide when you go to LAS CASAS.

Though I mentioned that this is a replica of the house, they were still able to transport some of the important wooden pieces (door, stairs, etc) from the original structure. 

Ahoy down there!

My sister rented 2 golf carts (For the tour it's P2,500 each) for the seniors.

After CASA BINAN, we were treated to a short concert featuring our history.

No dance numbers. Just songs and a bit narration.

While the older ones rode their golf carts, the Yub and I just walked!


This house was built in 1890 and was considered as a "Floral" Bahay na Bato. It used to be located in Madrid St., in San Nicolas, Binondo, and was transferred in LAS CASAS in 2009.

Later on, the Yub deserted me to drive Tita Saling, Tita Fer, and Tito George in their golf cart.

Up next is the CASA LUNA!

CASA LUNA was located besides my Mom's rented house and was one of the most memorable structures for me in the tour.

Want to find out what this is?

This house was like a museum and carried many different antiques. It was also like the house in Downton Abbey where they have a hidden area for their servants to walk thru.

After CASA LUNA, our guide distributed some cold towels. Even if it was not sunny, this was so refreshing!


He he he he he!

This was where my Mom and the others stayed!

CASA BALIUAG 2 was originally located in the Iglesia ni Kristo compound in Baliuag, Bulacan and was used for their meetings before.

Our last stop was also one of my most favorite houses in the tour, the CASA LUBAO!

The house was built in 1920 and was later on used as a Japanese base during World war 2.

I have more pictures in my EARLIER HERITAGE TOUR POST so this one was just for fun....

Don Antonio and Dona Josefina!

Ang mayordoma ng Casa Lubao!

Si Dona Josefina nakikiusap kay mayordoma na huwag umalis upang lumipat kina Don Tom Cruise.

He he he he he he!

When you go to CASA LUBAO, don't forget to take pictures by their open veranda which gives you a beautiful view of LAS CASAS!

Master Mati ran off with his lola so it's just us with the bunsoy Andrei for the pic!

Suyuan na nakapaa sa Azotea! He he he he he1

Afterwards, we had a short tour with the deserted golf cart.

By "short tour" I meant return it to the office since we were done with the Heritage Tour. He he he he he!

If you're looking for my Mom and the other seniors, they chose to just have a joyride around LAS CASAS because even if the tour was very educational, it was not so PWD and senior friendly. We did get golf carts for the long walks but the houses usually had stairs that made it difficult for our "younger" companions.

It doesn't help too that their road is made up of cobblestones. I mean, it does look good but the seniors (and pwd) would have a hard time walking with the uneven roads.

After the tour, we went downstairs in their play area. There we discovered other activities available in LAS CASAS FILIPINAS DE ACUZAR!

This time, we did the Balsa Tour (P300 each for about 1 hour).

This is HUGELY recommended and I really suggest you try it. 

Come night time, we rode a jeep going to dinner!

I think this is the ONLY TIME ever that we'll all be together in a jeepney! Ha ha ha ha ha!

It was a beautiful cold and breezy night! 

La Familia de Yap!

You could have the day tour in LAS CASAS but for me, I like staying overnight because the antique houses, the cool night, and the vast old Manila like surroundings is just so beautiful not to check out!

Going back, my Mom and the others rode on the jeepney.

As for me and Yub, we had a romantic stroll going home.

We were all supposed to do some more walking but since it rained, we all decided to call it a night.

I really didn't feel like sleeping yet so while posting pictures and making videos in social media, I had my favorite nightcap of coffee and choco mallows.

While I was online, the bunsoy boy was pumping air onto his big boat. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! You'll see more of it tomorrow!

He got tired from all that pumping and snuggled beside his already sleeping Kuya.

Good night all!

Though it was a tiring, hot, then wet first day, we all had fun exploring the beautiful ancient houses of the Philippines in this vast resort. We would really love to come back again!

Of course, like I would always say in my other posts, this weekend was more fun because I was with my 3 top guys. In all places that I go to, it's going to be a blast for sure if I'm with them!



Stay tuned for part 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

89 Brgy. Pag-asa, Bagac, 2107 
Bagac, Bataan 
(63-2) 3325338 or (63-2) 3325286



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