
Friday, August 10, 2018


THE YAPPY BUNCH were in Manila to check out the different museums in celebration of our Independence Day. Even if the little lords were objecting at the start (because we deprived them the opportunity of being lazy the whole day), they later appreciated the different treasures that showcased our history and culture.

So yayyy! Our gimmick was a success!!!

After the NATIONAL MUSEUM OF THE FINE ARTS, we decided to go to the newly renovated NATIONAL MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY!

I haven't been there so I was excited.As for Master Mati, he said he had a field trip here before so he knew what to expect.

We made the mistake of entering thru the back. This entrance was only for senior citizens, PWD, pregnant women, and young children.

Now why wasn't I 50 years older????

Tee Hee!

Kidding! That's still useful info to know!

The entrance was actually at this side!

Although we had a bit of a walk, I'm glad we're going to enter thru here because this side is just glorious!



Check out the lines!!!!

Good thing, we're always fine wherever we go!

(As long as nobody needed to go to the bathroom. He he he he)

Good thing the airconditioning was in full blast so it was (somehow) a comfortable wait.

Yup! Always see the good in everything is what I always say! He he he he!

Things to remember when entering the NATIONAL MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY!

If it's not raining, don't bring anything and leave your bags secured in the car. The guard said that the long lines were also caused by the depositing and claiming of items in the baggage counter.

(And it was true!!!! Depositing it was no problem. But when we were claiming our umbrella, the line was sooooo long!!!!) 

Entrance was free but we still needed to register our names and if have students with us.

When the lady asked how many we were, I said "3 humans and 1 monster!!!" Ha ha ha ha! That made her laugh.

Uy pero she checked Andrei just to make sure.


The Yub lining up to deposit our umbrella.

He didn't want to bring it at first but I suggested it would be best because it might rain after our visit.

(Later sya nga gumamit because the kids and I had jackets!)

And we're inside!!!!!

We planned to just go where our feet takes us so I apologize if our "itinerary" could be confusing. He he he he he he!

Here's a guide to the museum. 

The first gallery we went to immediately stopped the kiddies on their tracks.

Upon entering, we were "greeted" by a mini-theatre showing our marine life.


Inside, the little lords saw more pictures of our marine species!

Andrei even saw a globe with showed fishies!

Actual Dugong bones!

At the other side, we saw THE bones of what I was excited for....


This beast was the largest crocodile in the country who ate actual humans!!!!!

It was indeed a spectacle! And though he WAS indeed a monster, there's just something so jawdropping about seeing the remains of Lolong up close and imagining the terror that he did.

Of course, if you're expecting bones the magnitude of a T-Rex, duh, you'll be disappointed (and rightfully so).

There, I saw my officemate, Ate Juvy!!!! I pounced on her like a tiger! He he he he he!

Next gallery...

This section had activities for guests.

Here naman the Pioneering Naturalists in the Philippines!

Could you tell me what kind of birds these are?

(Yes. I don't know too. Ha ha ha ha ha!)

Old record books.

A reconstruction of a 17th century botica!

Afterwards we decided to check out the main hall.

There we saw a replica of Lolong!

Would you guys believe that Lolong ate a fisherman, and a young girl beside the usual prey of animals?

The structure for the elevator was breath-taking!

Photo-op! He he he he!

The elevator was not working at the time of our visit but it was still a wonderful structure at the center of the museum.

We were able to see a stuffed Monkey Eating Eagle. 

Even if it's not alive anymore, our National Eagle still commands presence!

We went to the lowest part of the museum where you would supposed to ride the elevator. Here, Master Mati surprised the bejezez out of me.

I was like "Where's Mati? He's missing. Where did he go? Is he in the...."

Mati: "BULAGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Good thing I was wearing diapers!!!!

Oh I'm kidding!

Up next is Gallery 9 -- Mangroves, Beaches, and Intertidal Zones!

Andrei saw a stuffed Pawikan.

And a model of how their eggs are stored in sand until it hatches.

There were many things to see in this gallery and based on Andrei's smile, he loved it!

Up next...

Woah! These may only be replicas but imagining their vastness underwater is just awe-inspiring!

Check out the wall of tuna!

And another typeof Pawikan!

There was a restricted section near the galleries which had the animals for stuffing. Sayang we can't go inside!!!

Restricted sections are always fun! He he he he he!

We then went up to the top floor.


The view at the top was mighty fine!

And we're done!!!

As much as we wanted to visit all of the galleries, there were still many sections closed. 

Now THAT'S a reason to go back!

It was raining outside but the little lords were lured with the thought of having cups of hot taho!

Same goes for me!

Though many sections were still closed, I'm glad that the Yub and I were able to take out the little lords to the NATIONAL MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY.

As we were going, Andrei said "Mommy I had so much fun in that museum!!! I'm so happy we went!"

Awwwww!!!! We're so happy din to take you and your kuya there my dearest!

Till our next visit!

Teodoro F. Valencia Circle, Ermita, 
Manila, 1000 Metro Manila



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