
Thursday, July 12, 2018


The family was in Powerplant Mall and attended a mass offered for my Daddyowzers. When deciding where to eat, my Mom asked the little lords.

Me: "Mati and Andrei na naman will decide?? What about me?? I'm the bunsoy! I'm the foodie! I'm the one who has different cravings that are always a hit with the family??? Tapos I will again be second fiddle to these snotty boys???"

Mati: "I like Korean food Lola so let's go to KAYA!"

Me: "(Realizing that I too was craving Korea that night) Aaaah... Eeehhh..... Yeah! The boys know best nga naman! What they want, they will get! They're the real bosses!"

He he he he! Maybe that's why my loving Dad (rip) and Mom would always go for what my boys wanted: they have such great taste that they could  never go wrong!



KAYA EXPRESS Korean Restaurant!

KAYA has been in Powerplant Mall since the establishment opened. It's the only Korean restaurant in the mall and it has been able to satisfy our cravings for many years. 


You know how I said we are so passionate when we order? Teee hee!

Don't worry. My sister doesn't read my blog anyways.

Free KAYA appetizers!

It's great that they give this refillable Banchans for free now. I remember that before, they charged us per serving.

We ordered a small plate of their Korean Fried Dilis (P60.00) because it's Andrei's favorite.

ROLL CALL!!!!!!!!!!

Ate Jojits and the bunsoy Andrei!

Me, Matthew, and Mommy!!!!

From now on, I will address my handsome teenager with his grown-up name: MATTHEW.

(Tears up.)

Oops! I take it back.


KAYA Spicy Pork (P270.00)!!!!!

This is Yub and Master Mati's favorite because each pork strip is tender and perfect with rice. It's actually not so spicy but has an appetizing kick to it!

KAYA Dolsot Bibimbap (P300.00)!!!

Another staple order of my Handsome Teenager. He he he he he! He could finish this all by himself even when he was still a little boy.

KAYA Bossam (P480.00)!

Strips of pork served with lettuce, Kimchi, and other condiments for wrapping. 

This is yum but you might want to cut on the fat though. He he he he he!

KAYA Jap Chae (P270.00)!

I'm not really a fan of glass noodles but the others liked this.

KAYA Spicy Pork and Tofu Soup (P280.00)!

THIS is what I've been craving for in KAYA and I'm so happy that I was able to enjoy it tonight. 

This was SOOOO good with rice!!!!

To add to our spicy dishes, we got the KAYA Kalbi Jim (P295.00)! 

Tender meat in sweet sauce. A must-have in every Korean restaurant.

My Mom feels our dishes were "bitin" and got a KAYA Korean Pancake (P290.00). The fried pancake was not as crispy as I wanted it to be but still, it was a nice addition to our other dishes.

ERICJAZ FOODIES with the little lords and family in KAYA!!!!

Could you see Mommy putting the bunny ears at the back of Mati's ?


If you're looking for my sister, she just put in a big lettuce pork wrap and had a very full mouth when the server got ready to take our picture. She opted not to join na lang because it WAS a very big lettuce wrap and took time to chew. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!


My pork lettuce wrap!

We were surprised that Andrei loved the Spicy Pork when it's one dish he wouldn't touch before. He begged to have another order but as experience taught us, it's better not to (we're sure that he'll not be able to finish it!). I told him that he could just have the Kalbi Jim.

Of course my Mom (like my Dad) cannot resist if it's her apo and food you're talking about. She ordered one more plate of the Spicy Pork for her cute grandson.

Nom... Nom....

Le bill!!!

Thanks Mommy for the treat!!!!

Since we didn't want to go home yet, the Yub and I treated them with dessert of churros and coffee!!! 


Check out Ate Jit with mouth almost full uli. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Good thing she doesn't read my blogs.




KAYA (Powerplant Mall)
Lower Ground Floor, 
Power Plant Mall, Rockwell, Makati City
02 8980935



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