
Tuesday, April 3, 2018


Let me be a VERY proud Mommy for this blog entry.

Or better yet, a PROUDER Mommy at that!

There's nothing better talaga than seeing your children achieve their dreams and goals. And for this year, the Yub and I were so happy to witness (and assist) our bunsoy to fulfill his little boy dreams.

It all started last year when Andrei told us that he wanted to join Mr. Bosconian 2017. We were all shocked because if you know Andrei, he wouldn't come across as somebody who would join competitions of that nature. My little guy may be naughty but he's not the "pabibo-bibo-look-at-meee" type; sometimes you wouldn't hear a tiny peep from him.

So imagine our surprise when he announced that he wanted to join his school's competition.

"Is it required?" We asked.
"No." He answered.
"Are there extra points?"
"I don't think so."
"Did your teacher ask you to join?"
"No. I was the one who signed up."
"Did your classmates force you??"
"It IS like the Ms. Universe pageant right except that there's no bathing suit competition and you're all boys?"
"You have to do modelling, present a talent, and do the question and answer portion in front of ALL the grade school students right??"
"Yes Mommy."
"You DO know that the competition is for Grades 4, 5, and 6 year levels so there are A LOT of other students?"
"I know Mommy."
"Why do you want to join?"
"I just want to."

Hay! Curiouser and curiouser!!!

When we asked him what he planned to do for the talent portion. My bunsoy said that he would like to play drums. Now that would be a problem because the only drumset we have was the one my brother used in the 1980s (Yep! We still kept it!). When my Androse showed interested in playing the instrument and asked us to buy a set, we said that he could use his Ninong Jay's drums. It may be a bit rusty but it still sounded good since it was a Pearl.

We told Andrei the bad news though -- since his Ninong Jay's drum set was old, it might break down in transit going to school. Also, since he just received it, he may not be able to practice enough in time for the contest.

"Okay." My bunsoy said. "I'll just join next year."

"YES!!!!!" The yub and I said as we gave each other a high five.  Sorry it may sound mean but we were not really looking forward to Andrei joining the contest. Well... for one, there were a LOT of requirements for the contestants to be eligible to join and we have to prepare for many costumes. Also, even if we loved him, we were toying with the idea that if he lost, my bunsoy might not be able to handle it (I'm sure we couldn't).
So yay. He decided not to join this year. Maybe he'll forget about it in 2018.

Of course we were wrong. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

When he told us that he's going to join Mr. Bosconian 2018, I felt a small groan in my heart "Egad... again????" We went through the usual questioning (see above) and I tried my best to be a human lie detector test to see if what he's telling is the truth. Yes, all was consistent.

I received the list of requirements plus the rules and regulations. "Inangkupushness..... How could I prepare all of this??" When I saw the date of the competition, hala, it was a work day! Why can't it be on a Saturday? Because they want me to suffer more that's what (ha ha ha ha ha). Add to that, we needed to rent some drums because my brother's set was already geriatric. Gastos yun!!! HAY!!!!!

I wonder if I could still change his mind? Okay. I could begin again by asking about the contest and based on his answer, I made up a lot of arguments that would convince even Pia Wurtzbach from joining Ms. Universe.

"Andrei, why do you want to join Mr. Bosconian ba? In contests there are winners and losers. Are you prepared to lose?"

Without any sort of hesitation, my bunsoy answered "I don't care if I win or lose Mommy. I want to join because I just want to show everyone that I could play the drums. Some kasi don't believe me."

With that, we dropped all forms of doubts and hesitations. My bunsoy Andrei IS going to join MR. BOSCONIAN 2018.

And we WILL be right behind him. This time, no questions asked. 

Yay! We're Team Andrei!!!!

First up... the pre-pageant where contesnts will be performing their talent and do a bit of modeling. There were many requirements to be eligible and one of them was to submit a video promoting the Don Bosco's Core values. The winner of the video automatically becomes one of the top 10 finalists so it's important that we do this good! 

Andrei chose Faith and when I asked him, what is Faith to him, he wrote down a lot of reasons. We edited his script and thought of video support for the audio. He also thought of using "Imagine" by John Lennon as background music. THIS is what we submitted...

We submitted everything a week before the competition. But imagine our surprise when the teacher in charge sent me a message saying that Andrei's video was missing and that the judging was tomorrow.

Hala!!!! We submitted it again but cannot get over how it was such a close call. Good thing the teacher assured us that there won't be any problems in the scoring because he knows that we submitted so many days before.

For his talent portion, Andrei was so adamant to do a drum solo. Since January of 2017, Andrei taught himself how to play the drums by playing along with some Beatles songs. 

Last December 2017, the Yub and I decided that in order to polish his drumming skills, he should get formal training na. I was able to find a nearby studio and met teacher Emerson. He and Andrei immediately bonded and my bunsoy loved that he was not as strict as JK Simmons in Whiplash. He he he he he he.

Since my brothers drums were incomplete and sort of old, we decided to rent Teacher Emerson's drumset for the competition. We're so thankful that he agreed and even volunteered to set it up in the venue. That would be such a big help!!!!!


The day of the pre-pageant, the Yub and I took leaves from work so we could help and support Andrei. We started off by wearing TEAM ANDREI shirts to surprise my bunsoy and feel how we were all there for him.

We fetched the drumset from the studio and pasted the sign THE BEATLE, which was Andrei's idea. He was the one who printed it too!

We know that parents could only enter at about 2:30pm but we were all there as early as 1:00pm (we didn't want to get stuck in traffic and hoped to get good seats). We were the first ones in the theatre and posted ourselves front and center.

It was a pre-pageant so the stage was simple.

Besides Teacher Emerson, we also brought with us GAT'S staff Joseph and Mang Marlon to clap. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

They set up the drums at the right side of the stage.


Yay! I'm the designated assistant!

Yay! Andrei is here!!!!

He immediately ran to his drumset and checked if everything sounded right. He asked help from Teacher Emerson to do the adjustments.

For the pre-competition, the contestants were only required to wear their Don Bosco family shirts and their casual wear.


Daddy! Get out of here!!!!!

To be honest the Yub and I were only ready to the pre-competition. We did not think of going beyond it. Kumbaga, para mairaos lang the wish of Andrei to show people that he could play drums. Just joining this contest is already enough.

But... we were wrong. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

And the Mr. Bosconian pre-competition begins!!!!!

Each contestant was asked to introduce and say something about themselves.

"Hi! I'm Andrei G. Yap. Everyones knows I love Ringo Starr and playing drums. My favorite quote is from his song "A Little Help From My Friends". And if my "friends" were God, Jesus, Mama Mary, and Don Bosco, I will have a blessed and POGI life!!!"


And now it's time for the talent competition.

Besides his musical accompaniment, Andrei and I also made a short video as back up. I swear, days before the competition, I was praying to St. Padre Pio that there would be no hitches or problems. I'm okay with losing as long as everything that we planned would go smoothly. What I cannot take is making a lot of preparations only to bomb just because of technical matters. 


That's why I was so kulit and almost harassed that boy in blue to check if Andrei's audio visual was working.

I guess my pangungulit paid off because again, they can't find Andrei's music for the talent portion. HAY! Good thing that we bought 2 back ups! He he he he he he!

Yahoo! Go Andrei!

His Beatles line up consisted of the following songs:

I Wanna Hold Your Hand
We Can Work It Out
The End
Get Back

After the last song, Andrei proceeded to do a bit of freestyle.

(We were careful to go under the limited time because points will be deducted if we do.)

Check out the complete video of Andrei's drum performance! Pardon the screaming... He he he he he he he he he!

Everything went well but if you noticed, there were times were Andrei lagged behind. My poor bunsoy can't hear the music because the speakers were at the audience area (that's why drummers have monitors beside them so they could hear the music properly). He just relied on the beat of the video.

Awwww! But it was still a great performance. Your solo gave me the CHILLS!

After Andrei's talent portion, our guys packed up.

For the casual wear, Andrei just had the outfit he used for the talent portion. He he he he he he!

Pew! Pew! Pew!

And the moment of truth....

The announcement of winners!

Andrei and I were sad that he didn't win the Best Video. 

But before we become really sad...

Host: "Number 18!"


Oh wow! Andrei is one of the 10 finalists!!!!!!!! Congratulations Andrei! We're so proud of you!!!!

I know I said that I wanted to win the Best Video, but come to think of it, we're thankful that we didn't win that prize. Because the video, though it was Andrei's script, was somehow MY project (I did the editing and shooting). Kumbaga, if it won and Andrei automatically becomes one of the finalists, it would be because of ME.

That's why we're happy and thankful that we didn't win the best video because that meant Andrei became one of the finalists by HIS own efforts alone!! Now THAT would something that he could really be proud of -- not because of Mommy and not because of the video. It was Andrei who knocked it off of the ballpark and straight for the finals!!!!!!!


Galing talaga my Andrei!

Go number 18!!!!

Sayang that Master Mati had classes pa and was not able to watch.

The top ten finalists with the judges and Father Melo!

The judge wearing the black jacket went up to me and said he was so impressed with Andrei's drumming. He was his highest contestant daw.


Yey! Teacher Anna, Andrei's former adviser, watched and supported him. Thank you so much! She wsa soooo proud!

Top Ten Baby!!!!!

We had a mini-celebration in Andrei's favorite -- Pepper Lunch!

Since he's the guy of the night, anything he wants from Pepper Lunch, he'll get!

Congrats my dearest!!! 

Hala!!!! We only got 5 days to prepare for the finals!!!!


It's okay. WE COULD DO THIS!


On the day of the competition....

I wasn't supposed to take a leave of absence (kasi my boss might get mad na) but I changed my mind last minute and asked permission from my boss.

It's really good that I did because based on how the competition went, Andrei really needed me!!!!!

Sorry if that was so self serving because it's true!!! Hay thank God for everything talaga!!!!!

That morning, we made some placards and flags for the bunsoy.

Besides Mang Joseph and Mang Marlon, we also brought Lester and Mang Henry (not in picture) to help out and clap!

Yayyy!!! Master Mati came!!!!

Plus my Mom, Ate Jit, and Kuya Jon!!!!


I'm sure if my Dad (RIP) was still with us, he would watch also.

Full support for TEAM ANDREI!!!

First up is the Filipino Festival Costume!

I had an engeng moment here because I really thought the costume was just supposed to signify nationalism. I didn't realize the contestants should ACTUALLY wear costumes representing Philippine Fiestas.


That was barely 2 days away!!!!

Andrei was supposed to wear a billboard so that he would have a background. But after everything was done, he complained that he cannot walk properly. Though it was sayang, we had to scrap it.

I was able to borrow this feather costume that would be fit for the Ati-Atihan. The Yub found an old trick or treat Ninja costume with black long sleeved shirt and pants. 

We also found and painted a devil mask in black. At first, I wanted to have the horns removed kasi for me it seemed evil, but good thing we didn't because it was where we stapled the headgear. 

The Yub and I stayed late the night before doing the colorful banderitas. He he he he he. It added some festive color don't you think?

And MR. BOSCONIAN starts now!!!!!!!

Many other contestants chose the Ati-Atihan too but their costume were much more colorful and... neat! He he he he he!

Look at Andreis!!!!

It was obvious that we made it. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Okay lang. He still looked the cutest for us!

Go Andrei!

You're the most adorable Ati-Atihan forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Andrei was surprised that his barkada and classmates were there. They were even holding up some of my placards and flags!!!

Up next... the Casual Wear competition!

Andrei wanted to wear his leather jacket.

He was supposed to do some Mr. Pogi poses but he got a bit shy after seeing his classmates. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Sports Wear!

Andrei is also very good at playing table tennis that's why he picked this get-up.

He became kilig upon hearing his friends cheers!

Wohoo! Go Andrei!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Up next is Andrei's talent competition. Even if there was a new set of judges, he wanted to have a different list of Beatles songs:

I Wanna Hold Your Hand
Twist and Shout
Drum Solo

As always, there's video accompaniment for his talent portion.

Check it out!

Again would you guys believe that the music and video accompaniment went missing again? I think it's because they had too many files that during crunch time, they forgot where they put it. The Yub forgot his USB (hay!) so I got my lo-tech copy. Good thing that it still worked!

Ako naman basta all is well in the end, I don't care about the glitches. That's why we should always be prepared (and pray) that nothing goes wrong!!!

Ay naku! If his first performance gave me the chills, this one BLEW ME AWAY!!! Especially his drum solo in the end. Ay ang galing talaga! OMAYGAD!!!!

Check out the video a teacher took of his performance. I can't stress enough how proud I am!

And the best thing here was that Andrei got this wish -- his classmates, his friends, almost EVERYONE that mattered to him saw his drum performance (e shinare ko pa ng bonggang bongga sa Facebook di ba???)

Yep! Now I'm sure they all believe na that you could REALLY play the drums!!

Check this out if you want to watch his full performance.

And now comes the Formal Wear.

My bunsoy rocked that Barong Tagalog.

He could've worn the suit he donned earlier in the talent portion, but we feel that the Barong Tagalog was better.

What a cutie pie smile!

The last segment is the Question and Answer portion.

Egad. Andrei was yawning.

Well at least he's not nervous.

Andrei's question was "Among the Don Bosco core values, which one does your classmates know you for?"

My bunsoy was lost at first but he was able to answer "Collaboration."

It's now time to announce the winners!

Ayayay! I'm so nervous!

I prayed to Padre Pio for many nights to make everything go smoothly (no technical difficulties, Andrei won't forget the songs, we'll be able to sit in front, etc., etc). AND if it's okay, we hope Andrei could win something. Doesn't necessarily have to be Mr. Bosconian, basta something that he would be happy with.

And once again... Padre Pio made his powerful intercession....

Andrei won BEST TALENT!!!!!!!

Woah! Congratulations dearest!

Many were saying that he's going to get it (because his talent was the most memorable and well, he really did rock it right?) but still, I was worried that there might be a criteria where it should be related to the core values or something else.

Good thing there isn't and the criteria for the prize focuses really on talent. So yay! He really deserved this!

And just like that, our prayers were answered again. Thank you soooo much to Andrei's "friends" -- God, Jesus, Mama Mary, Don Bosco, and Padre Pio! Your gift was exactly what we prayed for.

Congratulations to all of the finalists and the winners of Mr. Bosconian (middle one with the trophy), 1st runner up, 2nd runner up, Best in Costume, Best in Formal Wear, Best in Sports Wear. 

I'm sure Andrei is so proud to be with you all!

My very happy Andrei! He fulfilled his goal and his dream came true!

Now, not only do his classmates and friends know that he could play the drums but DBTC awarded him for it!!!!


I'm so happy that everything worked out for our dearest Andrei!

Andrei got more excited when his barkada, the Banana Corps, were there to support him. 

They even made a sign!!!!

Ha ha ha ha! Andrei loved this! He even held this up for pictures more than the actual award. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Thanks also to Mommy Sahlee and Mommy Ace (of Andrei's class) for gathering the Banana Corps and the other classmates to cheer for Andrei. He was so touched.!

Teacher Anna, Andrei's former adviser was there too!

And also Teacher Eyz, Mati's tutor!!! Wow! Thank you!!!!!

I'm so also very thankful to Teacher Joel, the organizer. He was so helpful to all of the parents and patient with all of our pangungulits. Ha ha ha ha ha! You made our extra hard work more bearable. He he he he he h!

We're also giving our thanks to our Gat's Condo Staff (Mang Joseph, Mang Henry, Mang Marlon, and Lester). They were very alert in assisting Andrei and super-megaphone ang kanilang mga hiyaw. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Love talaga nila "bossing" nila!!!!

Our mucho gratitude to Teacher Emerson too! Even though Andrei taught himself via youtube, you certainly added more to his knowledge AND enthusiasm for drumming. Ang galing mo magencourage sa kaniya! And you're not just a teacher, we really felt how much you cared for our dear Andrei. The little bunsoy is so blessed to have met you. See you again this summer ha? :) 

And of course, we're thankful to our family who watched the competition to support Andrei. To think this is the 4th floor pa ha (no elevator)! Thank you Mom and everyone.

Sayang your Lolo Pogi is not here with us (but he did sent his Gat's Condo staff naman he he he he he). I know he's the proudest of them all and it's extended up to the heavens. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Yayyy! We love you dear Andrei! O ayan! Remember that whatever you wish for, your Daddy, Kuya Mati, and I will always be here to give you our 100% support and help.

For his victory dinner, our bunsoy wished for Healthy Shabu Shabu... his favorite!

Syempre, the Team Andrei squad is there to celebrate with us!

Awwww... My happy and bunsoy boy!

O di ba, even for Andrei's victory dinner, everything worked out for us because even if the restaurant was full, the very helpful Healthy Shabu Shabu staff was able to work out this big table for our group. Yayyy!

Thank you Mommy (and Daddy - RIP) for treating us all in Andrei's victory dinner in his favorite... Sarap!!!!!!!!!!

For dessert, the Yub naman treated the fam to some churros and coffee!!

That was certainly a sweet ending to a victorious night!


And finally it's over.

I know it may be trivial to some but to have a day job and go home to do the requirements for the contest plus the stress for everything to go as planned just took a few years from my life. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

I know we heard it many times that it's already a cliche but really, when it comes to your kids, you'll do everything for their happiness.

But for Andrei's wish to share his talent to everyone, he was not only able to fulfill his dreams and go home a very happy boy that night, but he was also able to us so happy as well!!!!!!

Congratulations my dearest Andrei! You have already given me so much happiness the day you were born.  And even if you're not yet a pilot you have brought me over the moon when you accomplished this goal.

This will CERTAINLY make us all happy for a million lifetimes! He he he he he he!








  1. Ive been a silent reader of ur blog for 3 years now & this is my first time to leave a comment. Love Love Love your stories! Visiting ur blog is one of my favorite past times. Im really sorry about losing Roger last year hope ur doing okay feeling better na than you did before. Congrats on Andrei winning the Best Talent! I watched da video & he more than deserved it! Please continue to blog your family adventures because I will always be reading it. Take care & God Bless to you & your family!

    *** Kyle ***

    1. Hi Kyle!!!

      Really from the bottom of my heart, super thank you!!! I am so touched with your note and truly happy that you we are kindred spirits via my posts and stories. Promise, I do my blog as an online diary where I want to record every memory. Some may find my blogs weird and ultra long pero I can't help it. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! I just want to put down everything.

      Thank you :( To be honest, after losing my Dad, I didn't want to do my blog anymore. Para bang life is not worth remembering especially that most of my foodtrips, family traditions, gimmicks, were all inspired by him. Yun lang after a few months, I discovered I could still laugh and miss him at the same time. And now, we more of his traditions in his memory. I'm really imparting it sa kids para they'll remember their lolo always. Haaaaay I miss him everyday. :( Kaya puro emo muna ang posts ko this year. Sorry he he he he he

      Yayy! Thanks!!! Di ba??? I am so proud of him. I know it may be mababaw kasi its just a school contest but still, I was overjoyed that he was able to fulfill his goal this year. Ang galing galing talaga. I even read my blog several times. Ha ha ha ha ha! One of this year's highlights.

      Thank you talaga dear Kyle! I'm actually down these past few days. (I think magmememnopause na ako ha ha ha ha ang emotional ko talaga e ha ha ha ha) but your note really cheered me up. Thank you so much again and I do hope to hear from you more soon. If we bump into each other, please pakilala ka ha para picture picture tayo yayyyy!!!!

      Thanks again and God bless you and your fam!!!!

    2. I know that you may have thought of quitting blogging. How? Because I remember you not posting for a while. Yun yta pinaka matagal mo na hindi pag post I was worried Oh no she might not be coming back. Super glad that you did! I wanted to leave a comment then but I thought what can possibly I say a stranger to comfort you what You needed is time to heal.

      No Ms. Jaz Thank you so much! You made me happy at times when Im lonely by reading your blog & overall really entertained. Love your international family trips especially Japan & Hongkong! I also like your posts come Christmas time & New Year including birthdays & Holy Week. Honestly Ive read all your blog entries even backdated #hardcorefan LOL. Read Mati's surprise party last year thrice yta hahaha.

      So when I say dont stop blogging I really meant it 1000 times.



    3. Thank you sooooo much dear Kyle! You don't know how much your words mean to me. As in I'm choking up. You may think it's mababaw but having someone appreciate something that you do for the love of it really means a lot. And promise, not a lot of people get my weirdness. Especially that my blog is not like the other more popular blogs out there. For me it's okay lang because since this is more like my diary, I know the people who'll appreciate it could be really my friends. Like I said, kindred spirits kumbaga. He he he he he he he!!!!

      Awwww... Sana nga you sent me a message! I would've really appreciate it. Alam mo, I did not blog during those times because I felt it was something trivial and disrespectful to the heavy burden I was feeling at the moment. Kaya I said, break muna. Pero there were some readers who sent me sweet messages, and I think they regretted it because I would give LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG emo answers (ha ha ha ha). Kasi I felt really grateful for their concern and I poured my heart out in my responses. Alam mo, I even had some friends who did not visit or reach out man lang. Kaya it was that time I knew who my real friends were. Sayang. Would've loved to hear from you then. Yun lang magsisisi ka also because novel ang sagot ko non. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

      Yayyyy!! Thank you talaga. At the same time, you're so welcome. I. AM. SO. HAPPY (o di ba all caps)., that you appreciate my online diary. When people like what you love it really fills up the heart kasi para na din nilang sinabi ang cute ng anak mo. He he he he he! Thank you talaga. I could never say it enough. But I will... THANK YOU A MILLION TIMES, NO PERIOD, BAWAL BURAHIN NG LIQUID PAPER. He he he he he he he!!!!

      Thank you. Yeah but the one thing that cheered me up today is your comment. Kaya superkaduper maraming salamaaat!

      O di ba nobela??/ Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

      Take care!!!!!!

  2. Congratulations Andrei!!! I always assumed he was the shy type, pero akalain mong talagang ginusto niya everything. Congratulations Ms. Jaz and Sir Eric --- sobrang worth talaga ang pagod if it's all for the bagets :)

    1. Hulloooo dear Yanna!!! Naku sorry sorry sorry for my late reply. My pc got busted and I was also not able to blog for a loooong time! Sorry talaga! Please don't be angry :( Huhuhu....

      Di baaa? That's what everyone thought also because he may be naughty but he doesn't come across as the bibo kid who wants to do jazz hands for everyone. But I guess because he loves playing drums so much, he forgot about being shy and showed the world how talented he is.

      Thanks sooo much! I agree!!! The stress and everything that we did was all worth it basta it's for our little bunsoy. He he he he he he!!!!

