
Monday, February 19, 2018


What do you do when you had so much fun in BAGUIO that you cannot wait to go back?

E di, GO BACK!

He he he he! That's just what THE YAPPY BUNCH did because we really enjoyed our first BAGUIO trip as a family last May that we immediately planned for a sequel the same year. It was the perfect plan too since we were also celebrating my bunsoys birthday month.

This time though we stayed somewhere different and ate in places we haven't been to. But of course, we stayed true to our Baguio Family traditions and did some of the fun things we enjoyed as kids. It was such a riot.

Check out our ginormously fun BAGUIO trip where we made many more happy memories with the little lords. Again, we had an awesome time here that we want to have another one AGAIN and AGAIN!

YIHIIII! We're in BAGUIO once more!!!!!

We left Manila around 4:00am. Though we were all sleepy, we were not able to sleep much because of our excitement.

It was a fast and smooth drive. Later on, we saw the sun rise!



Our first agenda for the day was to EAT.  And with that, we went to the first restaurant on my foodie list that was on the way to our hotel....

Food was delicious and very cheap!!!!! We enjoyed our meal so much that we took a mental note to include this in our itinerary on our next trip to Baguio.

Check out our great lunch there HERE!!!!

After the delicious meal, we headed out for our hotel.

We teased little Andrei that since this is our second trip to Baguio this year, we got a cheap (read: UGLY) hotel so that we'll save money.

He looked worried at first but he understood our (fake) reasons. On our way going to the hotel, I could still see his quiet excitement.

Awwwww my little bunsoy!

And when we arrived... He he he he he he!

My boys already accepted their hotel "fate" but they were still so relieved upon seeing GRAND SIERRA PINES.

Cool! They both said.

Andrei even pointed an accusing finger at me "Mommy you lied to us ha! But it's okay. He he he he he"

They know that Mommy and Daddy would always save so that we'll be able to have vacations with nice accommodations. 

Our room!!!

We had a big terrace with pine trees as decors. He he he he he!

The GRAND SIERRA PINES staff immediately set up extra beds for the kids. Andrei got to choose his bed!

Awwwww... You don't want to sleep between Mommy and Daddy na? :(

More on our GRAND SIERRA PINES blog post SOON!!!!!

After a short rest, it's time to head out again!

Since our Baguio trip is Andrei's pre-birthday celebration, we'll be doing all of his wishes.

And one of his strong ones was to ride a horsey in WRIGHT PARK!

I remember how scared I'd get when riding a horse but Andrei was a natural -- he wanted to go fast pa!

The 3 of us just waited but it was a nice wait.

Master Mati and I had some taho.

And he turned over some stones! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

My Master Mati said if Andrei was going to do something productive, like riding horsies, he's going to rebel and do something totally useless! 

Hay naku!

I don't get teenagers.

Well Mati, what if the rock ACTUALLY needed help to move? O e di productive na yon???


Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Our little bunsoy was done after an hour and you could see in his smile how happy he was.

Great thing too that Andrei's guide gave him "Amo", a very kind and gentle horsie. He did everything that Andrei maneuvered him to do.

After Andrei's horsey trip, it's time for our next "gimmick".

The drive was a VERY foggy one though that there were times I wanted to go back.

Finally we arrived!!!!

I loved going to museums and I'm happy that the little lords found something to appreciate in the artsy fartsy place.

Check out our blog post HERE!!!!!!!!!

We took our time in BENCAB that when we were done, it was already time for dinner. My choice (with Andrei's permission of course) was AMARE!!!

What attracted me to the reviews online (besides the delicious food) was that kiddies could assemble their own pizza.

My bunsoy REALLY loved that!

And woah... the pizza was SOOOOO delicious!!! Parang bitin ang isa!!!!

Check out our blog post about AMARE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!

When we got back to GRAND SIERRA PINES hotel, we were so excited to discover that they had a bonfire that night.

This was so perfect with the super cold weather.

We all went to bed tired but very happy. 

Of course, since I don't want the night to end yet, I had some coffee while watching Chris Hemsworth battle a big whale.


The next morning....

Egad it was so cold.... But we're LOVING ALL OF IT!!!!

We all went downstairs for some breakfast.


We all enjoyed the delicious breakfast cooked up by GRAND SIERRA PINES that we stayed long and ate more than we should. Ha ha ha ha!

I've had strawberry taho before that I found too sweet for my taste. The one they offered in the hotel had the right berry flavors that I scraped my bowl clean!

More on our blogpost COMING SOON!

The bunsoy Andrei initially wished to stay in the hotel the whole day. But we reminded him that we'll be going go-karting and (if time permits) more horsie riding. This made him suit up and go instantly to the driveway!

It was always a good drive in BAGUIO. I'm thankful that when we stayed, there wasn't much traffic.

We all enjoyed the Baguio fresh air that most of the time, we turned off our car airconditioning so that we'll get a whiff of that pine scented coolness!

And we're here!

Whenever we're in Baguio, we'll NEVER miss a run at BURNHAM PARK!

Check out the rates....

At first, Andrei asked me to ride with him. He had a difficulty starting though.

And then we're off... Yay! Mommy and Bunsoy date!

As for Master Mati, he was already way ahead of us.

There was a lot of people so we'd just bike from end to end to have areas to ourselves. Most of the bikers tend to do small rounds lang.

Later on, Andrei deserted me and switched with his Daddy.


O di ba? I'm the one on the bike.

Don't be fooled. That was only for about 10 minutes then I demanded to switch. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Hellooooo baka pumayat ako sige kayo.

While biking, we made a "drive thru" (meaning we never went down our bikes) for some strawberry sorbetes!

We liked this more than the Strawberry Taho sold in BURNHAM PARK. However, for P20, it was so darn expensive!!!!!

When Andrei asked to go to the restroom, we were amused with the signs.

Also, since the cubicle had high flooring, you're seen from outside while you're fixing yourself after doing your business.

How awkward!!!! He he he he he!

At least they used the more educational word and not POOPY! He he he he he.... 

After biking (and defecating??? Kidding!), we went to the boating area.

Yay! Yap family boating!

This time, we got a manong to do the rowing for us. 

At least we were able to go somewhere not like THE LAST TIME. 

It was a fun and relaxing ride.

The manong pa shared many tales with the kiddies.

And we're done!

Even if we didn't do any rowing, the boys felt real hungry afterwards.

With that, we went out searching for meat....

We found it in SIZZLING PLATE!!!

After our late lunch, we drove to the farm for some strawberry picking. Unfortunately, the tourists earlier ransacked the whole place that it would take about 3 days before we get new berries to pick.

With that, we just went to the market nearby to get our strawberries.

At least Andrei was still able to do some picking! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

And we're back at WRIGHT PARK!

We promised Andrei that if it was still early, we'd go back so that he'll do some horsey horsey tigidig tigidig again.

Bulilit, his guide yesterday, was there and he got Amo again for our bunsoy Andrei. I liked chatting with him because he really cared for the horsies. I was happy (and relieved) to learn that his boss, the owner, was a horse lover too that injured or old animals are never sold to the slaughterhouse. When their steeds die, they were buried at the back lot.

Talagang their horses daw are cared for and well fed. Some daw even die of overfeeding! Nyahahahahhahaha!

Somebody was so happy that strawberry picking did not push through!

Go Andrei!

My bunsoy biked until night time... Ha ha ha ha ha!

It's okay. This is his pre-birthday celebration anyway. We're happy to make him happy!

For dinner, we went to O' MAI KHAN Mongolian Buffet!

Check out our blog post there in HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We got back to GRAND SIERRA PINES full and happy!

But were we going to sleep na?


We still checked out their museum.

Yep! There's a museum in the hotel.

We also had several rounds of Game of the Generals!

Check out too what Andrei did!

THEN it was time for bed. Ha ha ha ha!

The next day...

Now isn't that a wonderful sight?

It was only matched with our delicious breakfast.

Check out our blogpost coming soon!

While the Yub and I were enjoying our breakfasts (yep we took a long time), the little lords went at it in the playground.

Afterwards, it was time to go.


The little lords were sad to leave too. We had an awesome 3 days!

Before going home, we passed by Camp John Hay to buy some goodies!

Now it's time to say good bye to the pine trees!

For our ride home, the Chinese Dimpol chose to go for Kenon road (which I was so against... I don't care if it takes longer -- Marcos Highway is the safer route for me).

Nerbyosa na nga talaga ako because seeing the potential landslide areas already got me worried.

It's beautiful but it was also scary. Sometimes we were on a steep cliff! Ngiii!

FINALLY we're on land! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Nakahinga ako ng malalim! Yayyy!!!!

We had a quick snack at Shakeys because my pogi teenager (who said it should be his turn now) craved for the scallop pizza.


Even if this was our second time in BAGUIO and doing the same things this year, THE YAPPY BUNCH still had an unforgettable and great time! We're really glad that we planned and took a day off from work for this trip because our little family were able to bond and make wonderful memories again. of course, there may be other more exciting things to do in BAGUIO but for us, the traditional activities (such as horseback riding, biking, boating, etc) that made the city what it is will always be for our family.

I think our BAGUIO trips will now be a yearly tradition!!! Yahooo!





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