
Thursday, February 1, 2018


In the months after my Father passed, we realized that THE YAPPY BUNCH cannot just go out as one group like we always did before. Since we don't want my Mom to be left alone, my little lords made it a point to have one stay with her to keep her company. Don't get me wrong. It's not like we don't invite her to go with us or my Mom demands us to stay with her. In fact, we've had many weekend gimiks with her where she gamely joins my silly fam. But there are many times when she just feels to stay at home because she's busy with the business, she just wants to watch her koreanovelas, or she just doesn't feel like going out. Sometimes when she knows that we're supposed to go but would cancel plans for her, she would actually force us to continue with our plans. But still, a promise is a promise made to my Daddy -- we will NEVER leave Mommy all alone.

For that upcoming Saturday night, it was going to be a complicated one. The Yubhub was going to Quezon province to attend something, my older brother had a raket, and I was going to meet with Team Campo at OOMA because they wanted to cheer me up. I invited my Mom to go with us but she said she'll stay at home na lang.  Master Mati was supposed to be my date because I wanted him to try OOMA. But when my brother said that he had raket, he realized that nobody will stay with his Lola. So he just volunteered to do so. He just recommended Andrei to be my date especially if Team Campo would bring their little girls.

Awwwww... My thoughtful Handsome Teenager!

With that I realized, oh my poor Mati. He was supposed to be the one who'll join me at OOMA because I know he'll love the food. But when he studied the situation, he volunteered to forego his craving and just stay at home. Excited pa naman siya.

THAT'S when the Yub and I thought to have an insta-Fridate in OOMA just so my little foodie could have a taste of the food. Uy! What a great idea!

So yay!!! Everything worked out and everyone will be happy!

Yun lang, I'll be eating in OOMA for 2 days in a row.

Naahhh! I don't mind! Like I said, EVERYONE IS HAPPY! :)

(Haba my intro no? He he he he he he!)

OOMA! Here we come!


We parked in Powerplant Mall and walked our way to the restaurant. It was a cool night so this was actually fun.

There's always a line at OOMA so it's no wonder that we had to wait a while. 

Yohoo! Finally we're inside!!!!!!

We were seated at the second floor of OOMA. Though the space was limited, we were quite comfy womfy.

ROLL CALL!!!!!!!

Master Mati!

Karen Page and THE PUNISHER!!!!

(The Yub and I were watching it when I made this post and it's SOOOOOOOO nakakakilig!!!!! -- Jaz)


First on the table is some OOMA Spicy Tuna Maki (P255.00)!

Each piece was fat and overflowing with the spicy tuna while the aioli topping had the right spice making the makis more rich!

Master Mati immediately tackled on the spicy tuna because he was so hungry!

Huy! Order ko yan!


My Handsome Teenager had the OOMA Beef Gyudon (P299.00) and the bowl was huge!

If you're not a hungry teenager, this is actually good for 2 hungry diners!

Their Beef Gyudon was so sulit too with loads of seasoned strips of tender beef and fluffy rice.

There was supposed to be soft boiled egg on top but I just asked for it to be cooked sunny side up!

He then mixed it on his rice for added richness and flavor.

My carbo loading teenager!

When the servers set up the table, they placed this rectangular container that had a mini-brush.

This is so that you won't dip the maki into the soy sauce. 

I'm not sold on the idea though so I'll just pour the soy sauce on my maki. He he he he he!



Master Mati asked if he could order the OOMA Crispy Calamari Maki (P245.00)!


The calamari was fat but boy, OOMA really loved their spicy sauce.

Next time I would ask to have it on the side na lang.

Master Mati allowed me and the Yub to have a taste. Hooray!

The Yub and I decided to share the OOMA Oyakudon (P299.00)!

Yep! We still found it more than enough for us two.

The big bowl did not scrimp on the chunks of chicken. Sulit na sulit at every bite. 

Now my mouth is watering again. Ha ha ha ha ha!

My happy husband! Huy give me some. 

Each rice meal was served with a side salad WHICH I'm sure will all go to me! He he he he he!

ERICJAZ FOODIES with Master Mati in OOMA!


Our OOMA bill!

Afterwards, we saw the last night's showing of KINGSMAN 2!!! Wohooo! What an awesome movie!

I'm happy that we were able to treat my thoughtful teenager for an OOMA food trip! We certainly had a fun and delicious night!



Ground Floor, Edades Tower And Garden Villas, 
Amorsolo Corner Waterfront Drive, 
Rockwell, Makati City
02 9586712




  1. Uy super mura ng bill nyo and mukhang masarap!

    1. Hi Erika!!! Di ba? For the amount and sarap ng food, the price was worth it! :)
