
Friday, January 5, 2018


New Year's eve may now be different for THE YAPPY BUNCH but we will still try our "bestest" to have a good time so that we'll also have a great 2018 ahead of us. Of course, the thought of facing another year without my Daddy just gives me a sharp pain in the chest but in the end, I'll just remember what Patrick Swayze said in the movie, Ghost -- "The Love inside, you take it with you."

So yes, my Dad is not here anymore but the many loving memories and values that he shown us will always be in our hearts. I'm sure in times of trial, that is where I'll draw my strength from. I'll also continue sharing with the little lords the experiences and traditions that he has done with us while we were growing up. With that I'll declare that if I'm the writer/creator of ERICJAZ FOODIES, my Daddy is what you could call the "Board of Director" because all our activities and food trips here were inspired by him.

Love you so much Daddyowzers. 


Anyway, we went to Yub's hometown in Quezon province to visit his family.

We had fun with our short stay and a major reason of course is because of the food we devoured that weekend.

I love meeting up too with my nieces from Eric's side because they're my "besties". He he he he he! Andrei feels the same.

We drove back to Manila after lunch and there was no traffic at all. 

At one part, we felt "blessed" with the ride home because of how the clouds seem to shine on the road. He he he he he he!

After a short rest, we attended mass with the family at the new chapel in Powerplant Mall.

My sister was only able to save a few seats. Wawa Yub got separated. He he he he he!

Like my tassel earrings? BB Aning gave them to me!

The mass was short but full of advises for the coming year. We're looking forward to have God more in our lives this 2018! 

When we got home, I set up our table real fast.

Do you like our multicolor candles? It was a gift from last year. He he he he he he!

While we were cooking and setting up, my bunsoy Androse was practicing for his "concert" at 12:00am.

And finally.... Yey! It's time to eat!

Our table filled with food.

Amber's Pork Barbecue and my Mom's delicious stuffed chicken!

We always have Mommy's stuffed chicken during special occasions and just the aroma of it already smells like Christmas!

Mommy's Beef Mechado!

OMG this was sooo good too! The meat was fatty and tender plus the sauce was soo hearty and flavorful!

Inangko sa sarap!

Amber's Spaghetti!

Since I'll be coming from Lucena, I won't be able to cook. That's why my ate thought of ordering our pasta from Amber's instead and it was a very good decision (pun intended) because the Yub just devoured many servings of this Pinoy spaghetti!

Whenever I'm in Lucena, my sister in law Ivy always gives me this mind blowing delicious Creamy Potato Salad with Mushrooms and Chicken. I'm glad that she made some for us this weekend because it's just PERFECT with our New Year's eve dinner menu.

Haaaaaaay! Sarap talaga!

My French Green beans in Garlic and butter.

After praying, we raised our glasses to offer a toast to my Daddy!

Yup! New Year dinners always call for something bubbly!

ROLL CALL!!!!!!!!

Kuya Jon and Mommy!

Bunsoy Andrei and his Mommy... este... Auntie!

Me, Master Mati, and the Chinese Dimpols!


My beautiful plate of food!!!!

We also had some Amber's pichi pichi!!!

Bentang benta Amber's with the Hub ah! He he he he he!

After eating,  Kuya Jon took out our firecrackers.

We just had fountains and lusis! Firecrackers that go boom are now strictly prohibited.


I love fountains!

It's no fun to lose a finger on New Year's eve anyway.

Our condo was empty so we almost had the street to ourselves!

The family went out to welcome 2018 with noise and to support Andrei!

Then at the strike of 12:00am, Andrei greeted 2018 with a mini-concert!!!!!

He wished to have two fountains light up at his "entrance" and he got it!

Imagine the 2 fountains bursting with flares then Andrei striking his drums to introduce his first song "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" by The Beatles!


Go Andrei!

My bunsoy had about 5 songs in his "set" and we were a happy audience!

Good thing there were only about a handful of people outside because otherwise, Andrei would be too nervous to play.

He really hit his drums and played with all his might!!!

While we light up his 2018 night!

Wohooo! Thar she blows!


We may not be a complete family this New Year's eve but the important thing is that we have each other. 

We know in our hearts and in our faith that there were still many things to be thankful for and we look forward to spending more time with the family and with LOVE this 2018.

Happy New Year everyone!




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