
Wednesday, October 18, 2017


THE YAPPY BUNCH are with our long time friends Team Virrey in BAGUIO CITY and we are having so much fun!!! Even if we were only in the summer capital for the long weekend, we have jammed so many activities that the enjoyment was non-stop. The great thing too is that the kiddies were all great buddies that it was always a riot EVERYWHERE! That's why even if we have scheduled so many places to go to, it was all a-okay; their screams and giggles just made the ride more memorable... and NOISY! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

WOHOO! We're in Baguio!

Our first stop  this Sunday is going to be THE MANSION!

The MANSION is the summer home of the President of the Philippines. It was built in 1908 initially for the US Governor's General. 

When our homeland was inaugurated for the Philippine Commonwealth, THE MANSION was turned over to the President. Besides being his vacation home, it is also the venue for many important international conferences.

Now when you go to THE MANSION, remember 2 things:

1) Admission is free...


2) The roads going to it have THE BEST CORN EVERRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We cannot wait until after our MANSION visit and just indulged in the hot, juicy, sweet, and super buttery corn!!!!!!!


We parked at the rotonda and walked our way towards THE MANSION!

You might find yourself making a LOT of stops because the flowers and trees were just beautiful for pictures!

And now we're here!

There is no admission fee in THE MANSION and you could take as much pictures as you like. You could even ask one of the Presidential Guards for a picture!

Even if we cannot go inside THE MANSION, we still had a lot of fun outside!


You may not get near THE MANSION but its facade from afar is beautiful enough for a picture.

I am loving the Spanish Colonial styling of the house that is surrounded by tall trees. 

THE MANSION had a lot of open space for the little kiddies to run in.

Of course, they expressed their love for the place with a dab!

Awwww! Selfie with my bunsoy!

And now we come upon WRIGHT PARK!!!!

THE WRIGHT PARK is located across THE MANSION and it is where you'll also see the tranquil Pool of Pines!

It was still a fun walk going back because the air was cool and it smelled like pine trees! Ang saya!

When we saw the corn vendor again, we cannot help but to indulge in its golden awesomeness once more!

Thanks for the treat Team Virrey!!!!!!!!!!! We loved the corn!

Everyone loved the corn except for pareng Jonahs. He could never have even just one kernel of it. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

My baby bunsoy enjoyed the corn so much that he ate it along with his Filipino ice cream!


In WRIGHT PARK, we were able to rent out costumes for P25 each person and they'll dress you up. I think that's a very good deal.

Yup! Especially that they allowed us to take A LOT of pictures! He he he he!

I don't normally like taking solo pictures but minsan lang ako Igorota so why not peklat???

Mr. and Mrs. Igorots!!!!!

(Of all the photos that we have, the Chinese Dimpol used THIS for his Mother's Day post for me. Che! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!)

It's actually quite fun to do Igorot role playing.

I think this stall in better than the one in MINES VIEW because there were shorter lines and the attendants were very nice.

There were no limits on time and number of pictures. We could ham it up as much as we wanted to.

The little lords gamely played along. This was actually their first time to wear Igorot outfits.

Hmmm.... I doubt if Igorots fight like THAT baby Andrei? He he he he he he!

As promised to my little lords, we went down the looooong flight of stairs for the stables.

Yes. It was so LOOOOOONG!!!


Tinitingnan ko pa lang, hinihingal na ako. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

It's okay. The flight of steps became bearable with our buttered corn. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

I told bunsoy Andrei if I had only known that the stables were on millions of steps below, I would have.... complained more. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

As if I could say no to them. He he he he he!

Besides, when in BAGUIO, you cannot NOT have your kids ride the horse and take a picture of it. This is like the tourist commandment.

Master Mati and his cutie steed!

To be honest, my first born did not feel like riding a horse since he's done so many times in the past. But since it's his first time to actually ride one the mecca of kiddie horse back riding, I just HAD to take a picture!

My bunsoy was so excited!

He has ridden a horse before but this is his first time on his own.

The kind attendant assured that he will never leave him.

Yay! Go Andrei!

My bunsoy was doing really good!!! He would even have his horsie gallop faster.

After an hour, my bunsoy was done!!!

I paid about P200 for this ride and for me it was so worth it.

My bunsoy enjoyed riding his horsie!

He didn't want to leave it.


Don't worry baby. You'll ride here again on our next trip.

The Yub and master Mati then had the lovely task of going up to get the car and Team Virrey! He he he he he he!

Sorry! Exercise din yan!

And that's that.

The Chinese Dimpol and I were so happy that besides showing a Chief Executive's mansion in Baguio and having them taste superkaduper delicious corn, we were able to take the little lords horsie-back riding -- something that's like a kiddie custom or rite of passage in Baguio (or growing up) if you will! He he he he he! It may be mababaw, but really, I really felt that our BAGUIO getaway is truly complete!


Of course, what made it more great was sharing this wondering experience with dear Team Virrey. Love you guys!


Romulo Dr, Baguio, Benguet

Beside Rizal Elementary School, 
Gibraltar Rd, Baguio, Benguet



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