
Thursday, September 14, 2017


It's our 14th year Anniversary  together (blech) and in true blue Chinese Dimpol fashion, he is nowhere in sight.


Sometimes, he would just forget to greet me. Other times he would feel that a Facebook greeting is already enough. But this year, he decided to take it further and booked a business trip on the WEEK OF OUR ANNIVERSARY.


Okay fine. I'm sure that it's not his fault. I'm sure that somebody else made that schedule for him. But I was quite annoyed that in his usual deadma attitude, he forgot to call the whole day and just texted goodnight before going to sleep!


I mean seriously, who wouldn't want to Facetime or viber with THIS everyday???

To be honest too, I didn't feel like talking to him when he returned because it was clear that he forgot about our Anniversary (again). I'm sure he was only saved by the Facebook memories notification.

So finally the Chinese Dimpol returned and when he came  to pick me up from work, I was so geared up for World War Z (Z is for Zungit). I plastered my resting bitchy face with rolling eyes and mouth scowling. Boy was he in trouble now.

And then he said the magic words...

Chinese Dimpol: "Yub! Nagpareserve ako sa MAMOU!"

I swear, never before in the history of mankind did somebody make a 90 degree turn so fast that it would put the Flash to shame.

Me (with matching kiligations and pa-cute smile): OKAY! Hi hi hi!

And all was well again. Thanks to MAMOU TOO!

We arrived in MAMOU TOO on time for our reservations. When the server gave us the menu, we said that there was no need since we already knew what to get.

We haven't been more than 5 minutes on our chairs when the server laid down a basket of toasted dinner rolls with butter for us.

The Chinese Dimpol loved their bread and after he wiped out our first serving, he asked for another one.

When Jan, the friendly manager asked how many we wanted, I nonchalantly said 2 dozen. But if they can't manage, we would be happy with 11 pieces.

He he he he he he!

That sure got her laughing.


Oh I'm so happy we're in MAMOU TOO!

As long as I have the ability to order and have my taste buds intact, I will always get the MAMOU TOO Lorenzo Truffle Cream Pasta (P395.00)!

Because seriously, why wouldn't you? The pasta is al dente and it has the right coating of velvety cream, nutty parmesan cheese, and rich truffle oil! I could seriously eat a whole platter of this all by myself...

And you know what for tonight? I DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next is the MAMOU TOO USDA Angus Rib Eye USDA Prime Grade Steak (single P1,950.00) grilled to a perfect medium!!!!!

(I wanted medium rare but the Chinese Dimpol's eyes pleaded for mercy).

This MAMOU TOO specialty never fails... So tender, fatty, and had that perfect char-grilled taste at every bite. 

It is sacre bleu for you to ask for gravy or (worse) catsup as the meat is already so flavorful on its own. What you could just do is to "Salt Bae" your way all through out dinner. The special sea salt  complement the richness of the meat!

Each order of the steak comes with 2 sides and like before, we got the Brocolli with Cottage Cheese....

Plus Yub's favorite, the Steak Rice!

Ahhh... This is all I need for our 14th year anniversary!

Ay we also need each other pala.

(grumble grumble... blech).

He he he he he he! 

I don't like the taste of alcohol but because of watching too much DOWNTON ABBEY, I now yearn for the taste of wine during special dinners -- so much more with steak! 

Yub in a glass!

The other side of perfection!

ERICJAZ FOODIES at MAMOU TOO for our Anniversary!!!!!!!!!

I'm the happy senior having my moment!

He he he he he!

My also happy (yet sneaky) husband who knows me too well!!!!

Yes! Pagkain lang, bibigay na!

My plate!!! My uber delicious MAMOU TOO plate!

It may be scandalous to some but I loaded my Truffle Cream Pasta with some chili flakes. He he he he he he!

Oh bless my heart! What a beautiful pink-centered piece of meat!

Yehess! Since it's our anniversary, we're living life a little and just soaked the buttery strip of meat in its own juices and oils.

As usual, my husband was the first to finish.

And I followed.

Inangkupo, I finished the whole thing!!!!


The Yub's MAMOU TOO bill!

Jan, the manager of MAMOU TOO, saw how we were so kulit with our pictures and jokes that she gave us a complimentary red velvet cupcake even if we didn't ask for it.

I bet na-weirduhan siya samin -- but in a good way. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Awww... that's so sweet! Thanks Jan and MAMOU TOO!!!!

After dinner, I bought a bouquet of flowers not for the Yubhub but for my parents who were also celebrating their 49th wedding anniversary that night. They are, after all, my inspiration and role model of what a happy marriage should be.

After showing it to my Mom and Dad (RIP), they said to offer it to Mama Mary. 


The next day, I was so happy again!!!!

I forgot to mention that another reason why I got more depressed that week was because the little lords were having a week-long vacation at my brother's house. So imagine just how lonely I was! Even if I had the opportunity to live the single life and have night outs with friends, I preferred to stay at home and just make mukmuk. I missed my boys so much. It just got me thinking more how much I LOVED being married and would never EVER change it for the world!

Unless of course....

NAAAAH! I'm kiddng. MAMOU TOO is not THAT powerful.

Or is it?

Dan.. Dan... Dannnnnn.


AND let's have one more of THAT lovable face for the road. Tee Hee!

This was by the way, a "I-didn't-know-that-the-phone-was-in-front-camera-mode".

Now do you see why the Chinese Dimpol hid from me during our Anniversary???

He he he he he he he!

Ground Floor, Power Plant Mall
Rockwell, Makati City
02 8226218 / +63 9178062668


  1. Nakabawi si Sir! Hahaha :) Happy Anniversary to one of my favorite internet couples :)))

    1. Ha ha ha ha ha! Thanks Yanna!!!! Sana bumawi uli siya ng paulit ulit! he he he he he he! Joke! :) Thanks again! Mwah!

    2. Napanood ko sa IG stories yung spicy noodles challenge Ms. Jaz. Andami kong tawa :D

    3. Grabe yun... Ang sakit! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! I swore NEVER to eat it again but after a few days, ay gusto ko uli. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
