
Thursday, August 31, 2017


It is the Chinese Dimpol's birthday week and for our family Sunday lunch, we are having a BOODLE FIGHT!!!!

WOHOO! For us, BOODLES are the BEST!

Wednesday, August 30, 2017


International dishes may become the rave from time to time but no cuisine reigns more supreme for us than Filipino food. With that, MARCO POLO MANILA, Forbes Travel Guide Five-Star awardee, invites you to celebrate the awesomeness of our taste with "From Palette to Palate!"

From August 22 to 31, 2017, our very own Chef Ramon Antonio will show how Filipino food is like a work of art -- literally. The world-class chef is known for sketching his dishes and bringing it to life for his diners. With "From Palette to Palate" you will experience first-hand a feast for the eyes AND for your insatiable hunger at CUCINA for as low as P1,500.00!

Check out my date with the Chinese Dimpol as we enjoy Chef Ramon Antonio's beautiful and tasty dishes at CUCINA, in MARCO POLO HOTEL Manila!

ERICJAZ FOODIES are going to have a date night with Chef Ramon Antonio's creations! 


Too bad we were not able to attend the launch last August 22, 2017 but we were still able to see Chef Antonio's sketches displayed throughout CUCINA!

Tuesday, August 29, 2017


How to throw a successful surprise birthday party?

I have given about 20 plus surprise parties but I still get excited every time I plan for one. For me, it's because each celebrant and situation is different so there is always a new kind of fun in every party.

And to think, this time the VIP for the day is the Chinese Dimpol -- my Yub, my boyfriend for life, my Captain Maharlika, my husband. This night should be special and it should be ALL ABOUT HIM.

So while planning Yub's surprise birthday party, I could think of many tips and points, but the most important thing I have have to remember is that I should do a lot of acting!!!!

Yep! That's where I put my frustrated theater skills to use. Not only would I act so convincingly but I would also create a back story (with props) to really throw off the celebrant.

I'll share more as I go on. Though this was a simple event, it was a loooong and well-oiled process to make everything perfect. Nothing is more gratifying than seeing the celebrant getting shocked then giving the sweetest and most happy laugh afterwards.

Now THAT is always my favorite part.

As for the Chinese Dimpol, the ever deadma-boy, he gave a very stunned and dazed reaction. He really can't believe what was happening. He didn't know what to say! Yayyy!!! But all throughout the night, you would feel his joy, his gratitude, and his excitement at seeing his good old true friends. And one thing's for sure, we were all feeling the love at celebrating somebody's special 4-0 party. It was really an unforgettable night for him and for all of us!

What a very successful night!!! Happy Birthday Chinese Adonis! You are so loved!


HAPPY 40TH BIRTHDAY YUB!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now you may ask, why DID I throw my husband a party? I just thought that it was high time for him to spend a night out with his favorite childhood friends (whom he rarely meets up with) at this momentous time in his life. 

To think that during my 40th birthday, he didn't do anything AT ALL. Yup! Not a thing. But even if I'm past that already, I thought of using that reason in throwing him off for his 40th. Early February, I was already telling him, "Yub, ikaw na bahala sa birthday mo. I WON'T DO ANYTHING since that's what you did for my 40th".

But really, it was just an alibi to program his mind how nothing will happen on his birthday.

Or so he thought!

Friday, August 25, 2017


It's the Chinese Dimpol's weeklong birthday celebration and though the little lords cannot join us (being a school day and nearing exam week), I thought of giving him a simple treat at one of our favorite restaurants...


To be honest though, this was not really supposed to be a full-blown birthday night (especially that it's a weekday and the boys are not with us). It's more like a He-Picked-Me-Up-From-Work-Now-We-Need-To-Eat somewhere type of thing. But since it's his birthday week, and it's more likely the boys are already asleep (I get out of work late), HE gets to choose where we'll go and what we'll do (baka gusto niya tumingin ng dibidi... He he he he he he!). When he chose CHILI'S, I'm so go na go!!!! Yun lang, I already ate because of our production meeting, but still, it's ALWAYS fun at CHILI'S!!!!!!

And what do you know?

THE FOOD ALPHABET family is here!!!!!

When we got to our table, I was about to ask the receptionist if we could go to the other side (for privacy kuno) but then we head the familiar greetings of THE FOOD ALPHABET family, kaya we're staying put here!!!!!

We joined up our tables! Instant gimik night! WOHOOOOOO!!!!!

Thursday, August 24, 2017


The Chinese Dimpol had his big 4-0 this year and even if I told him there won't be ANY sort of celebration (because he didn't do anything when I turned 40!!!!), I wasn't able to resist and gave him a LOT of birthday gimmicks! I figured, he may not really be into grand gestures but he shows us everyday how much he loved us by being the most dependable and loving husband, daddy, son, brother, and son-in-law, there is. That's why I was glad when we were planning his birthday getogethers, I didn't have any problems with guests' participation -- the ones who mattered really partied with us.

So let me share with your how we celebrated the 40th birthday of our one and only Chinese Dimpol! Why? Because you guys are also VERY special to us!




HAPPY 40TH BDAY our dearest!!!!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017


I have always declared that breakfast is my weakness. Even if I'm controlling my carbs, just present me with coffee, eggs, garlic rice, (my favorites) and I become powerless. I don't know what but there is just something about breakfast that makes my tummy a bottomless pit. I NEVER get full when I'm wolfing down my usual "silogs" no matter what time of day.

So imagine my glee (with a matching yipee) upon discovering EAT O'CLOCK in THE NORTH HIVE FOOD PARK. With the growing popularity of food trucks in the Metro, it's great to know that one of them is serving the type of food I will never mind going back for.

And I'm sure that after one taste of it, the all day breakfast food at EAT O'CLOCK is something that you'll be craving for again and again.... 

It's a Friday night and we're in NORTH HIVE FOOD PARK!!!

Food parks are certainly the place to be in these days especially if you're in the mood for a variety of dishes in a very casual, no frills setting.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017


Now how do I start?

Well first of all. This is one post I NEVER wanted to do. Writing an entry would just confirm it. But I just have all these thoughts in my head and aches in my heart that I want to let out. And it was all caused by losing a VERY great man.

I am not going to enumerate his many academic and professional accomplishments because doing so would just put him on some sort of level and make him comparable to other people. He had so much (even with his humble beginnings) but these were not the only reasons why he was well loved and respected. Instead, I'll just share why he was (or is??) somebody so special to us and to the many people he had helped. Because really, titles, awards, and accolades that he received were one thing (and he had many!), at the end of the day, what matters most was how he was ALWAYS there for me, the family, and his relatives.


Here are some of my loving memories of him in no particular order. I know I won't remember all of it because we have a lot...