
Wednesday, May 10, 2017


THE YAPPY BUNCH are having a staycation in BELMONT HOTEL, and for dinner, it was decided that we'll do a bit of travel for some delicious Japanese food!

Nooo... We're not actually in Osaka! He he he he he! But yes, we traveled (by foot!!!!) from our hotel to Resorts World for ICHIBA JAPANESE MARKET!!!

It was a Saturday night and we were all ready!

The dinner request that night was in ICHIBA JAPANESE MARKET!

ICHIBA JAPANESE MARKET was requested by birthday girl Gem! She and her husband treated the group for a staycation in BELMONT HOTEL that weekend.

ICHIBA JAPANESE MARKET has that Osaka food court set-up but really, servers would go to your table to take your orders.

Still, if you would like to go around and check out their food, you would see cooking stalls in ICHIBA JAPANESE MARKET!

ICHIBA Tempura stall...

ICHIBA Takoyaki stall...

Oooh lala!

I would love to order some Takoyaki balls but I'm the only one who eats it in the family... :(

Beef skewers!!!

Ice cream buns by Hattendo!!! Yum!

In ICHIBA JAPANESE MARKET, they also have a corner with live seafood for your picking.

Kiddies even have the option to fish for 15 minutes, no charge! If they catch something, then we'll just have to pay for it.

We were a big group of 20 people but it's a good thing that even if ICHIBA JAPANESE MARKET was full that night, we were able to get seats, pronto!

Wohoo! Finally!


Mareng Chel and Pareng Abel with my new best friend, Tobey!

Team Campo!!!

BFFs Dani and Tiana!

Best buds Mati and Johans!

Pareng Jonahs and BB Aning!

Pareng Joji and birthday girl, Gem!

Me and the Chinese D!

If you're looking for Andrei, he's having a go at the fishing station. Too bad he wasn't able to catch anything. 

Our server that night reminded me so much of Al Pacino!

See the resemblance? He he he he he!

When you meet him at ICHIBA JAPANESE MARKET, don't be scared. He's actually very nice AND fast!!!

ICHIBA menu!!!

ICHIBA menu 1!

ICHIBA menu 2...

ICHIBA menu 3...

ICHIBA menu 4...

ICHIBA menu 5...

ICHIBA menu 6...

ICHIBA menu 7!!!

Wohoo! THE YAPPY BUNCH are SO ready to eat!!!!

Somebody got this set of goodies!

ICHIBA Ebi Tempura (P386.00)!

I'm sorry I don't know what this is... ha ha ha ha!

ICHIBA Oyakudon (P220.00)!

ICHIBA Gyudon (P275.00)!

ICHIBA Katsudon (P270.00)!

The YAPPY BUNCH had the following...

ICHIBA Sushi Platter (P580.00)!

ICHIBA Tempura Udon Set (P360.00)!

My favorite Spicy Tuna Salad (P290.00)!

Yum! I always have this with rice!

The Chinese Dimpol's Chicken Teriyaki (P245.00)!

He ate this with a cup of ICHIBA Fried Rice (P80.00)!

Yay! Somebody shared with me their Takoyaki balls!


Chatting and eating!

After eating, little Andrei as usual made lambing lambing to his Daddy!

Later on, they brought out Aning's cake for Gem and we sang to her a happy birthday! The celebrant should wear an octopus hat of course. He he he he he!

Syempre, I"ll gaya!


When we finished dinner, Andrei asked me to accompany him to the costume corner.

There, he tried out different hats and signs! Awwww... So cute!

Of course, we're all for one, one for all!

After us, Team Virrey asked me to take their picture too!

Their camera is nicer than mine :(

Later on while we were having coffee....

Jonahs nearly choked on his coffee when he saw my "souvenir" for them. He he he he he!

Yaaaah. Don't expect me to hold your phone and not do something with it. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!


Selfie galore!!!!

We were so full from our ICHIBA JAPANESE MARKET dinner! At least we'll keep THAT in mind on our long walk back the hotel. 

Tee to the HEE!!!

Resorts World Manila f, Newport Blvd,
Pasay, Metro Manila
P(02) 865 6859

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