
Thursday, March 16, 2017


My older brother recently went to Japan and as promised, he took home Andrei's favorite for pasalubong!!!!



For this lazy Sunday, Andrei is going to do the KRACIE Cheeseburger and Fries!


The KRACIE EDIBLE TOYS come with a detailed and colorful instructions at the back of the box. But since it was in Japanese, it still a bit difficult to understand. So usually we check out Youtube videos to have a more clearer idea of how to do it. 

Opening the box, we got these plastic utensils needed for the creation of Andrei's edible toys!

And the powdered candies that are color coordinated for the ingredients!

To start it off, Andrei cut out the foil packet containing the candy kit. 

He will use these for the containers of his Cheeseburger and Fries!

Noice one Andrei!

To really start it off, Andrei got the Yellow Packet which was the French Fries Mix.

He got 2 triangle cups of water and put it in the tray.

Mixing the powder and water!

Andrei would always get discouraged when he sees his mixture still so powdery even after a lot of mixing. He would always want to add more water but later realize that the KRACIE instructions are precise to a T that if they said 2 triangle cups, you ONLY need to put 2 triangle cups.

After a lot of mixing, kneading, complaining, realizing, mixing, kneading, and so on...


We heated our French Fries mixture in the microwave for 30 seconds (600w)! 

For this one, kiddies need the help of their Mommies or Daddies!

A watched pot never..... fries?

Well so sorry old saying...

Because ours DID!!!!

It smelled like cooked mashed potatoes and my bunsoy was very happy with the result.

He immediately cut it into long strips!

And put it inside the French Fries pack. (I'm sure he snuck in a few bites first before doing so!)

YEY Andrei!

It was time to do the burger patties!

Andrei put 2 triangle cups into the patty mixture...

Then mixed it with all his might!

This time he asked for my help na because he really can't get the proper texture for the patty.

When it was similar in the video, he put it in the patty mold and flattened it up with his fingers.

"Oooh! It feels like..."

What Andrei??? He did not continue because he knew I'd say something. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Next up is the orange packet for the burger buns!

Look at my boy's serious concentration....


He poured 2 triangle cups into the powder mixture and got this!

Andrei was happy that it was creamy in an instant. He poured it on the bun molds with the burger.

It was again zapped in the microwave for 30 seconds (600w).

When it was "cooked" the buns smelled like toasted cerelac while the burger was something I can't define. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

He popped it out from the molds and got a plastic knife to cut it.

It was a bit difficult for kiddie hands to slice the buns and patties successfully. But he was still happy to do his creations by himself.  My bunsoy guiltily laughed afterwards and said he "fouled up", I insisted that he didn't. He just had to do it better next time.

For the cheese, look for the blue packet!

Pour the powder in the plastic tray with marked bottom. I think this is the same one you used for the French Fries!

After putting 1 triangle cup of water, MIX!

Andrei got a pasty, almost doughy like mixture. He put it on the  packet he cut out from earlier.

It has a guide on the size for forming.

Andrei was not too happy with the results.

I think he pressed it too hard. H ehe he he he!

We're almost done and up next is the ketchup! For that, get the Red packet!

Pour in 2 triangle cups onto the powder!

Then mix! Andrei fancied the color and consistency. He did not need to knead or press. He he he he he he!


Up to now Andrei would still sheepishly look at his patties and buns with a laugh. But he hoped the addition of cheese and ketchup would make it better. He he he he he he!

There you go!

Hmmm... It's not exactly Mcdonald's type but I STILL LOVE IT ALL!

And last but not the least is the soda for our Burger and Fries!

Andrei put water on the small cup and poured the soda powder mixture.

Wow! Andrei loved that it made such a fizzzzzz!

He made sure to get everything from the packet because he wanted a LOT of fizz!

And it's done!!!

WOHOOO! Good job Andrei!

And it was dinner for two tonight!

Our "date" grub!

Hey! What happened to the soda???

I knew that Andrei was more excited to taste the fries after getting a whiff of it. 

Open wide....

He took a bite and was happy!

To be honest, both of us were hesitant to try out the Cheeseburgers. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

But my little trooper went for it.

It was just okay. Thankfully, the cheeseburger was not as bad as I thought it would be. The patty just tasted a bit like grilled tofu (when it's supposed to be candy) while the buns were like, you guessed it, toasted baby food.

My boy was fine with finishing everything since it was his creation.

And in no time...

It's always great watch my bunsoy Andrei do his KRACIE edible toys. And though the Cheeseburger was the least of our favorites (but the fries were good), this would still be something my bunsoy would consider doing again should one kind soul (ahem Kuya Jon) bring home a box for pasalubong. He he he he he he he!



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