
Thursday, January 5, 2017


It's Christmas!!! Our favorite time of the year!!!! Not only was our Lord Jesus Christ born during this season, but everything just seems so magical and enchanting. Christmas just brings out the kid in us!

Oh and the gluttony as well! He he he he he he!

So as expected, even if I promised myself a GAZILLION times that I will watch what I eat and control my carb intake, I did the total opposite: I ate everything that I could and even had the gall to pair rice, potatoes, and noodles with each other.

Tsk... tsk... tsk...

Oh well. No regrets. It IS the season for eating anyway (yeah I know I read that somewhere). So even if I gained a ton this December, I'm still happy that I was able to spend Christmas with my posse THE YAPPY BUNCH, and our families. And, unbelievable as it may seem, I have learned to lessen my commercialism of the season and just truly observe the importance of the holidays -- Christmas after all IS the time for sharing and giving.

Happy Birthday dear Jesus!!! Thank you for everything!

Iiiiiits that... time of year when the world falls in love....


I remember last year how THE YAPPY BUNCH were still in Powerplant Mall doing some last minute shopping on December 24, 2015!

I vowed that time, NEVER AGAIN!!! I promised that next year I'll shop early and finish all my Christmas shopping early.

Well guess what? It's December 24, 2016 and we are STILL in Powerplant Mall doing last minute shopping. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

It's a good thing though that we didn't need to shop for a lot of gifts for Christmas celebration that night. It's just that after Noche Buena, we'll be driving to Quezon Province to spend December 25 with the Chinese Dimpol's family. With that, we needed to bring with us some givaways and goodies!

Master Mati this time didn't join us for shopping. Since Andrei was our dutiful little soldier, I made him choose where we'll have our lunch. As expected, he went for his favorite Cheese Spaghetti in Cibo!

Come night time, we were back at Powerplant Mall for our night time mass.

We usually had mass at Rockwell Center but since there was a construction going on, they transferred the "Simbang Gabi" here. I was so fine with it because the warm lights and the colorful decorations just made everything more magical.

The place was packed but we were still able to get good seats at a well spaced area. He he he he he he!

My family was in a few rows ahead of us.

They did not save seats for THE YAPPY BUNCH!!!!


Me and selfie boy Andrei!

The lookalikes!

There were projector screens for those who are seated in the far back. Andrei was so engrossed with the mass and kept on looking. 

Even if it was a looooong stretch of people and chairs, the POWERPLANT MALL staff were very efficient in the set-up. They were so alert in giving extra chairs and in making the night mass comfortable for everyone. 


Afterwards it's time to go home!

Little Andrei heard there was going to be fireworks and wanted to go home PRONTO. When I told him we'll have a few pictures first, I'm glad that he was game for it.

He seems to be in a pretty good mood!!!!

My cutie poo boys!

And we're home!!!

Little Andrei is still allergic to fireworks.

(However, come New Year's eve, he overcame his fear and was so excited for the pops and flares!!!)

Before heading for the kitchen, we proceeded to have some pictures first!

THE YAPPY BUNCH doing the wacky!

We also did our customary picture by the tree and chair!

Yup!!! We never fail to do so every Christmas. Here's US in 2010! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

The guys!!!

The gals!

Mom and daughters... with a photobomber at the back!

The apos!!! He he he he he!

The apos with Lolo Pogi!

My Gatdula family!

Kuya Jon picked the wrong time to go to the bathroom. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! 



After the "photo sessions". It was time to start cooking!

Besides setting up the table, Ate Jojit bought these Gingerbread houses and decorated it with the boys.

Hmmm... Interesting...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Karen did the veggies!

My brother Kuya Jon was actually sick that night but he still prepared the Roasted Beef!

The others though played PS3!!!!



He he he he he he!

Ate Jojit did a simple setting this time. But we loved it!

And finally, our Noche Buena spread is ready!

One Pot Creamy Chicken Spaghetti with Spinach!

This was so yum the first time I did it. But I somehow overcooked it tonight. 


Fried Prawns in Garlic!

Roasted Beef with Fried Shitake Mushrooms and Gravy!

My Kuya Jon cooked it up perfectly!

Sweet Glazed Ham!

Asparagus and Brocooli in Garlic!!!

(I forgot to remove the hard ends of the asparagus! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!)

My creamy and cheesy mashed potatoes!

As usual, Master Mati can't wait to start eating!!!

Yup! He does it EVERY YEAR! He he he he he he he!

Before our meal we had a prayer and a Christmas song.

The kiddie table!!!!

Good thing Ate Cio was very patient with the boys!


Kuya Jay and Karen!

Ate Jojit, Anthony, and Kuya Jon!

Me and the Chinese D!

MY PLATE!!! My fully-loaded-with-carbs-plate!!!!

My second plate!

Drinks for the night!

After dinner, we had our usual mini-program.

Rocio played the violin...

Andrei recited a declamation piece...


And Karen recited verses from "A Visit From St. Nicholas"!


Time to open gifts!!!

Santa's gift to Andrei!

Mati got a lot of Deadpool stuff!


Mati was particularly happy to receive a shirt from his Ate Rocio's business!

I got a lot of gifts that night but the most memorable one was this box of Anais Anais from my sister. EGAD!!! Perfume throwback galore!!!!!!!!! I'm almost scared to use it because it would remind me of HS days where NOBODY liked me. 


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

YEAH. I'm confident to admit that now because I have a hottie hubby.



To end the "program" we sang Christmas songs!!!!

The messy aftermath! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

After the opening of gifts, my siblings and I watched a very appropriate movie for Christmas!

Could you guess it?

"Hello Danny..."

While we were watching that "Christmas appropriate" movie, Andrei made some Kracie Sushi Candy!

Yup! That's how he ended his Christmas night!!!!

As for the other members of THE YAPPY BUNCH, we packed up and got ready to leave. Since we'll not be in the Chinese D's home province on New Year's, we decided to make the trip after our Christmas eve celebration. It may be a late travel but I'm sure it'll be a smooth one. 


I'm thankful at how my Mom and Dad always put in a lot of effort when my siblings and I were kids to make each Christmas celebration memorable. As a result, we also strive to give our children the same wonderful memories so that they too would have something in their hearts while growing up.

And guess what? My Dad did not spend extravagantly to give us these memorable Christmas celebrations. He just stressed on the value of being together as a family and having simple traditions. It is after all the observance of the true meaning of the season that's important.

Oh and lots of food too. Now THAT is courtesy of my Mom. He he he he he he he he!!!! 




Watch out for PART TWO about our Christmas day in Lucena!!!!!!!!!!! 

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