
Sunday, September 25, 2016


My TAPE Inc friends and I were in DAKAK PARK AND BEACH RESORT and we all know that we'll have an awesome and unforgettable weekend! However, our flight going to Dipolog via Cebu Pacific was delayed for several hours so needless to say, we were tired AND hungry. When we finally got to the resort, it was very reassuring AND exciting that hot seafood were waiting for us...

... in LE BAMBOO CAFE!!!

LE BAMBOO CAFE is the restaurant in DAKAK PARK AND BEACH RESORT that specializes in seafoods plus more!

The place is vibrant and festive with the bright colors from the banderitas and decors.

All tables were made up with simple place settings, flowers, and candle tea lights added to the overall romantic feel of the place. 

There were a lot of available tables that night (because we did come in late) but being the finicky girls that we are, we still had trouble picking where to settle ourselves down. 

FINALLY after a lot of discussion complete with tears, shouting, hair grabbing, and evil curses (he he he he he he), we were able to pick a table! 


Tita Josie and Tita Florie!

Abbie and Kris!

MEEEEH, Larlene, and Ate Dalden!

Time to order!


LE BAMBOO CAFE menu 1...

LE BAMBOO CAFE menu 2...

LE BAMBOO CAFE menu 3...


While waiting for our food, we were entertained by the DAKAK Cultural Dancers!

The group performed Filipino classics like the Tinikling!

It was great watching this live again because I think the last time I did so was in BARBARA'S about 2 years ago!

They also performed many native dances afterwards. 


I have to apologize for the graininess of my pictures because I was only using my digicam. The Chinese Dimpol owns the Iphone and even if he was letting me borrow it for the weekend, I was feeling saintly that night and said (with matching feelings), "No it's okay Yub.... Ibang network yung isa mong phone. I don't have load."

Tee hee!

LE BAMBOO CAFE Golden Pumpkin Bisque (P100.00)!

LE BAMBOO CAFE Shrimp Bisque (P170.00)!!

The Shrimp Bisque was very creamy and had the appetizing fatty flavors we love in the seafood. It was so perfect with crusty bread!

For our next dishes, we had 2 orders each of the entrees. Yup! That's how hungry we were!

LE BAMBOO CAFE Chopsuey (P200.00).

Vegetables were crunchy and the sauce was so tasty that it was perfect with rice.

LE BAMBOO CAFE Jumbo Prawns (P475.00).

Yup. They were big!

LE BAMBOO CAFE Crabs in Chili Sauce (P600.00)!

I think it's time for me to wash my hands. He he he he he he he!

Steamed Garoupa (P600.00)!

So fresh and moist!

And LE BAMBOO CAFE Sizzling Sisig na Bangus (P220.00)!

Of course, we ordered a lot of plain and garlic rice to go with our sumptuous food!

I apologize for the blurry pic but I found their moldings extra cute. Throughout of stay in Dipolog all the extra orders of rice were shaped like small hills (or bewbs???). So adorable. 

Not that I find bewbs adorable but you get the drift.


Picture! Picture first!

My plate!!! My trying-hard-to-diet plate!

I'm so excited to eat! Egad was I hungry!

I'm controlling my salt intake now but soy sauce with calamansi and sili was DEFINITELY required tonight!

Digging in!

Tita Josie was giving somebody THE STARE.

Tee hee! Love you tita Josie!

My second serving of food! Yup! I focused on the crab heads!

And soon....

Yup. We were THAT hungry.

Ate Dalden and I were the last ones eating!!!!


For dessert, I had coffee (P65.00)...

And two servings of leche flan (P130.00)!

These were so rich and creamy. Just the way I like my Leche Flan! We ordered another plate of it after the first one was wiped out in minutes.

Tita Flory invited us all to drink that night. Here she is with her Pina Colada!

I ordered my favorite Margarita!

I always get this in Resorts World. But this one has too much tequila for me that I gave it to Tita Josie. He he he he he he!

Peektyur, peektyur na lang. Tee hee!

So I guess I'm back to coffee!

It was an unforgettable meal for our tired and hungry group at LE BAMBOO CAFE in DAKAK BEACH RESORT! Though our bodies ached from the travel, we were all suddenly energized from finishing everything that we ordered. Aaaah! Nothing like feasting like queens AND princesses on vacation!



Barangay Taguilon, 
Dapitan City, 7101 Zamboanga del Norte
Phone:(065) 213 6813

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