
Wednesday, September 14, 2016


My friends and I raided MAKATI SHANGRI-LA HOTEL once again to have dinner in CIRCLES BUFFET. But this time, besides Mike and Donna, I had a very special guest joining us tonight --- my eldest son, Master MATI!!!!!!

ERICJAZ FOODIES with Team Mina, Team Sales, and my dearest Master MATI!!!!

And THIS is where we're heading out for tonight.

I made reservations for 7:30pm that Saturday night in Makati Shangri-la. As usual, we were there early not only because we're punctual but because we want to start eating before my friends arrive. Of course, we didn't want them to see us pigging out!



Best Gal Pal Marian and Manong Fred!

Check out photobomber Mike who seem to be very happy with himself. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

The very happy and in love Mike and Donna!





BRIENNE, TORMUND, and........ I want to say Bran but I'm really more for Lyanna. So here's the boy version of Lyanna Mormont! He he he he he he!

Our server that night was a very helpful and courteous guy. He was fast and really made sure that we were doing okay.


CIRCLES BUFFET Cold Appetizers station!

I would always start off with this section!



CIRCLES BUFFET Carving Station!

Spending a LOT of time here makes everything sulit!

CIRCLES BUFFET Western Cuisine Section!

CIRCLES BUFFET Italian Station!

The Chinese Dimpol said their thin crust pizzas were so good!

If you're craving for pasta, the buffet also had a station where you could whip up your type of sauce with toppings over your choice of spaghetti, linguine, penne, etc.

They even offer wheat based pasta for those on a diet.

CIRCLES BUFFET also had a Grill Station for their fresh seafood!

Soooo tempting! Hopefully I still have room for some of this!

CIRCLES BUFFET Eastern Section!

I love Indian food and Indian food loves me!

More of the Eastern Station!


Peking Duck! Woah!

Of course, thou shalt not forget the CIRCLES BUFFET Dessert station!

Chocolate fondue galore!

Now what should I get to get "fondued"???

Bites of popular and luscious sweets!

In CIRCLES BUFFET, they also serve popular Filipino sweets as part of their dessert station.

There's also a "make your own halo halo" section!

CIRCLES BUFFET Drinks Station (which you have to pay an additional P125.00 for).

Wines and hard drinks galore!

Now let's start eating!

When I said we could go to the buffet to get food, Mati immediately went for the sushi station -- his favorite!

And nope. It's not just the usual raw tuna or crabsticks that he gets. It's usually the "complicated" stuff like Octopus, Squid, Uni, etc that he likes. For this plate he got the Octopus, Spicy Tuna, and this fish that I can't identify. He he he he he he!

Our dinner in CIRCLES BUFFET was supposed to be just with friends. But then I thought of bringing my foodie son Mati since his diverse appetite makes him very "sulit" for buffets! At first the Chinese Dimpol thought adding him to our "line-up" would be expensive. But I said I would just pay for me and Mati so he shouldn't worry about anything. 

I really want my guy to experience this!

My first plate!!!!

Yep! It's always sushi for me too!

Like Mother, like son!

My next plate consisted of a small salad, hummus, pita bread and a small cut of brioche.

I know that getting salads is a no-no if I want to get my money's worth in buffets. But I really can't have a meal without veggies!

After polishing off 2 plates of sushis, Mati went for the roast beef, spare ribs with tausi, and dimsum!

If you're wondering about the Chinese Dimpol, he didn't waste time and headed right for the carving station too!

Because the Chinese Dimpol likes his food the same way he likes his women -- full and fat!!! He he he he he!

Mati felt like slurping on something spicy so he ordered up some hot Laksa!

Yep! Told you he really eats!

He also ordered up some grilled squid!

My guy was a bit disappointed though because he piled a lot of squid to be cooked on his plate but he only got 2 pieces when they delivered it. I guess CIRCLES BUFFET is mixing up orders!

He just consoled himself with some garlic shrimps! He he he he he he he!

Manong Fred started off with the Chinese section!

Noodles and dimsum! Yum!

I'm already starting to get full but I really went for the Roast Beef (medium rare) since it looked so juicy from the carving station. I also ordered a creamy spicy shrimp pasta but had the mistake of having it with wheat penne. Going healthy really isn't for me! He he he he he he!

When I got back to our table I saw this big plate of grilled seafoods in the middle. Presuming it was Mike's, I asked if I could get some.

I was surprised when they said that they thought it was my order all along that's why they were not touching it. Nge!

With that, we just concluded that CIRCLES BUFFET made another mistake in the deliver again. It's okay. I think it's just a DELICIOUS mistake!

Yahooo! Crabs galore!

BGP Marian was not much of an entree person but she really loves her desserts. So after her usual sushi plate, she went right for her cakes and pudding!

This plate looks MIGHTY good!

The Chinese Dimpol is really watching his diet nowadays and instead of indulging in some sweets for dessert, he got some fresh fruits and.... VEGETABLES.


Who are you??? Where is my husband and what have you done with him?!

Nom... nom... nom!

For my last "main" plate, I decided to forego arranging my food into cuisines and just went for it!

Here you see Eastern, Asian, and Italian foods combined!

I wiped out the spicy curry in no time and even used the pizza to mop out the gravy. So good!

For dessert plate 1, I got some bread pudding and cookie with chocolate sauce!

My second plate had a small slice of chocolate cake and that cookie with sauce again!

BURP! So full AND happy!

Don't worry, diet starts on Monday.

Yep! CHANGE is coming! He he he he he he!


As usual, with a lot of chattin' and grubbin', we were once again the last people in CIRCLES BUFFET!

Happy wives mean happy lives...

Yup! That's for the Chinese Dimpol, Manong Fred, and Mike!

Of course before leaving, we had a mini-pictorial at the lobby!

I also asked Manong Fred to take our picture!

Of course, like what I would also do, he took pictures of himself! GRRRR!

What a super fun night with my very in-love couple friends! Of course, our Saturdate pig out session became more awesome with the addition of my favorite foodie, Master Mati!!!!

Till the next glutton session!!!

Makati Shangri-la Hotel
Ayala Avenue 
corner Makati Avenue, Lobby Level, Makati, 1200
(02) 813 8888

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