
Monday, June 27, 2016


ERICJAZ FOODIES are going to Antipolo for swimming, eatin', and MORE with my foodie friends, THE KAIN TULOG GANG (KTG)! And we're so excited!!!!!

Even if it was set up a month away, THE YAPPY BUNCH are surely going. Because what I love about KTG is that not only do we have a lot of love for eating and sleeping (tee hee) but we also focus on family togetherness as well!

Food, friends, fun, and family --- that already spells a PERFECT Saturday for us!

And it definitely was!!!!

Tara na sa Antipolo!!!!

When we arrived, the pool and the trampoline were waiting in THE PICKIEST EATER'S home!

I'm thinking of diving in right now!

How many getogethers have we attended with a trampoline in the backyard? 


I spy a videoke machine. 

Hmmm... I know where I'll station myself later!

RINA'S RAINBOW was there to welcome the early birds like us along with EN ROUTE and ABS CBN!!!

We proceeded to play some cards that had the theme of Philippine politics. He he he he he he!

As for the little lords, they played with pogi Ethan several games of Foosball!

After Foosball, they tried it out in the trampoline!!!!


Life is good!

After a LOT of bouncing, Mati asked if  he could jump over Andrei using the "powers" of the trampoline.

Hmmm.... Why not?

I'm a model mom anyway. Tee hee!!!!


Ah... Eh! I told you not to do it Mati! Kaw talaga!!!!


Of course, along with the FUN, there's FOOD!!!!!

Hot off the grill pork barbecue! These were SO good!

Boxes of PIZZA!

Joko and Jeeves brought these delicious and addicting turon with creamy dip!

We certainly munched on a LOT of this with THE HUNGRY KAT!

Boxes of Krispy Kreme Donuts!!!

There was a lot of J.CO donuts too!

Sodas (not in picture), Coffee (not in picture), Juices (sort of not in picture), liquids for cocktails (in picture), cocktails (picture later)!!!!

I just discovered that the Chinese Dimpol did not take pictures of the BEST FRIEND'S PANCIT that we brought and the FRIED CHICKEN from THE FOOD ALPHABET!

GRRR!! Somebody was enjoying himself too much!!!

Like me! He he he he he he he!


After our card game (where I lost) THE PICKIEST EATER brought out his PIE FACE game!!!!

Woah! Mati and Andrei have been wanting to play this for a loooong time!!!!!

Mati went first....


Andrei was next....

Still nada!

The Chinese Dimpol was next....


I think he just screamed like a girl that's why were all laughing. H aha ha ha ha ha!


Of course, lucky me when it was my turn I got hit in the face with the whipped cream!


Yummm! The whipped cream was quite good!

I immediately got a turon and got the splattered whipped cream on my face.

Kidding! He he he he he he!

Go Jako!


Wow! Ray was serious and ready to fight!


And he got it!!!!!!!!!!


I'm sure the whipped cream wouldn't want to mar your very perfect and smooth face!

Oops! I was wrong!

Go Jeeves!


Go Illac!!!!


THE PICKIEST EATER said (and we all agree) that he's still good looking even with the whipped cream! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Like Ray, Love got KAPOWED as well!!!!

Mati went for a second time but still NADA!

As for Andrei, he got his wish and finally got "PIE FACED"!!!!

Since we're all sticky from the whipped cream, it's time to jump in the pool!!!!!

Kidding! Don't worry we licked ourselves first before jumping in!



Now I'm drooling!!!!!!


The water was so perfect and not cold at all!

I guess we could swim here all night long!

While the boys were swimming, I was trying my luck with the videoke!

I only stopped singing when mareng Joan, baby Sky, and THE FOOD ALPHABET arrived!

Finally I dove in!!!!

Ha ha ha ha ha! Love and pogi Ethan were splashing water at us!


In between swimming, the Chinese Dimpol and I were chomping on juicy pork barbecue from THE PICKIEST EATER!

Like how I strategically placed Mati's goggles?

Swimming till sundown!

Splashing with Andrei!

While we were swimming, dear Spanky and the other KTG were whipping up some ice cold cocktails!

After swimming, it was time for MORE eating!


Later on, the mommies of KTG were called outside!!!!

Turns out THE PICKIEST EATER made a special video for the KTG Mommies for Mother's Day!!!!!!


The Chinese Dimpol and the little lords have a message for me pala!!! They recorded this with dear Richie while I was having turon I think!!!

Wohoooo!!! Mareng Joan and I were so kilig while watching it! Why? Because it was her first Mother's Day with Sky, and it was my FIRST ever surprise from anyone!!!! I swear!!!!! 

After the tear jerker of a video for us Moms, dear Spanky (the KTG godfather) took the floor!

There, he formally introduced Illac Diaz!

Illac was there to talk about A LITER OF LIGHT -- a project to spread sustainable lighting using the power of water and sun!!!

To learn more, visit the Facebook Page of A LITER OF LIGHT!!!!

Afterwards, it's time to grub and gab again!

I totally had a fan girl moment with Anton, author of my favorite blog OUR AWESOME PLANET!!! Of course, I was also so thrilled to share the pic with him with the Chinese Dimpol, MRS. AWESOME PLANET, dear Spanky, and my BEST FRIEND'S PANCIT! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!  

I really had a lot of fun chatting with MRS. AWESOME PLANET! She has 4 boys and it was great exchanging stories and tips!

It was cool too that the little lords played with the OUR AWESOME PLANET'S boys!

They did a lot of foosball and pie face as well!

As usual, the Chinese Dimpol and I were one of the last to leave! We had a lot of fun chatting up with NINES VS. FOOD, RINA'S RAINBOW, and THE PICKIEST EATER!!!!

The chika was made more sweeter with tubs of MERRY MOO ICE CREAM!


THE YAPPY BUNCH definitely had an awesome Saturday with THE KTG and families!!!!! We are so looking forward to the next getogether!!!!!

Could this be a weekly thing???


Thank you so much THE PICKIEST EATER and RINA'S RAINBOW for welcoming us to your home and taking care of us!!!! It was great seeing you!!!! Mwaaaah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kitakits again!!!!

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