
Tuesday, May 24, 2016


The Chinese Dimpol and I always love to try out new things with the little lords that when new attractions come up, we would certainly go for it. One of the popular activities that caught our eyes lately was  the TRAMPOLINE PARK -- an establishment which tires out its guests from jumping all their might on their, you guessed it, trampolines.

After we brought discount vouchers online did we realize that TRAMPOLINE PARK was different from JUMPYARD (he he he he he). It's okay. At least we got ours at a cheaper price. PLUS, we would have another excuse to try out ANOTHER trampoline establishment.

So for now we're set for a hopping good time at TRAMPOLINE PARK and we're all excited!

Jeez... I hope I don't jump a hole on one of the trampolines! He he he he he he! 


Whether you bought discount vouchers or not, you need to call TRAMPOLINE PARK to reserve a slot. Since they want everyone to have a comfortable jumping experience, they have a limited number of guests inside for a specific time period.

This is SO fine with us! The last thing we want is banging heads on some strangers!

TRAMPOLINE price list!

We arrived 30 minutes early but the kindly TRAMPOLINE PARK attendants let us wait upstairs. 

Our wristbands were color coded for our time period. We were advised that later on, we will be called if we could go inside the TRAMPOLINE PARK!

My boys at the waiting area.

This would give you a good view of the TRAMPOLINE PARK.

It was not as big as I expected but this will still give us a jumping jolly good time!

Here are the measurements of the trampolines to give you a picture (pun not intended) of what you can do in the park. 

ERICJAZ FOODIES with the little lords at TRAMPOLINE PARK!

Finally we were called and asked to go down to this area.

While waiting for the other people to settle on their seats, we took some pictures!

And MORE pictures!

We saw this short video on how to be safe and properly enjoy our time at the TRAMPOLINE PARK. I tell you, the way the guy was acting on what NOT to do was so funny!

It certainly got everyone watching.

Hi cute photobomber!!!!

And finally we're inside!!!!

We were supposed to buy the special TRAMPOLINE PARK socks that had a special rubber grip on the soles. But unfortunately, they ran out. Since they couldn't sell us a pair, the cashier said we could use our own socks.

Normally I would get really grossed out with barefoot kids in play areas but in TRAMPOLINE PARK that day, we didn't have a choice. If you wore socks, you might slip and hurt yourself.


BAHO feet galore!

The Chinese Dimpol went first for the trampoline with the basketball hoops. He played varsity and wanted to see how a trampoline could help in doing his dunk shots.


Apparently it did not.


I think the little lords did better than him!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Like I said, they only allow a limited number of people inside the TRAMPOLINE PARK for our time slot. This was a good thing because it also meant a lot of space for the little lords to jump around.

Andrei asked me to stay with him and was so cute hopping like a bunny!

When he fell, he would let out this super adorable innocent laugh that's full of enjoyment.

Haaaaay!!!! Please don't grow up too fast (sniff sniff!)

He was also so cute showing his jumping moves to his Kuya!

Mati was big already and would usually go off on his own. 

He went off to jump on this pit of foam!


My super handsome little man!

My cutie pie Andrei went for this too!

As for me, I was actually hesitant to join the boys in jumping because I had a bad back.

Add to that, I seem to get these pains in my knee if I don't stand properly. 

But my husband was insistent and pleaded that I should join them. 

So I went and did some mild jumps.

Yes it WAS fun and certainly worth a try but I think I'm going to pass on it next time.

It was okay the first, second, and third jump but after a while I felt a slight ache on my back and my knees started to wobble.

I don't know if it's because I'm too fat or what but I know I should stop ASAP. Don't want to be on bed rest again.

THAT is, after a few more tries on other trampolines.


Sorry. I'm a glutton for fun too!

But I DID rest and stretch before moving on to the next jump!

I just took pictures of the boys!!!

They loved bouncing from the wall to the floor!

The Chinese Dimpol and Andrei are so into sports that it's no wonder they tried out the volleyball "court".

Finally, they got a ball!


Mati joined in for some Dodgeball!

Before we knew it, our hour was done! 

If you guys think it's not enough, believe me it is. An hour's worth of jumping around would certainly work up a sweat on any normal being and get your kids huffing and puffing!

Don't forget to bring extra shirts and towels because believe me, you'll really need it. 

Also, it might be a good idea NOT to wear sleeveless shirts (or sandos) because seeing others dripping and splattering their perspiration around was so.... unhygienic.... and ewwwy. He he he he he!

Bring gallons of water! Though there's a cafe in TRAMPOLINE PARK that serves ice cold drinks and hot snacks, it's nice to save some bucks and pack your own H20. 

Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Portal, Mayflower Street, 
Greenfield District, Mandaluyong City 1552, 
Metro Manila
+63 (0) 9054533879

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