
Saturday, May 21, 2016


I was reviewing our Japan trip last year, oohing and aaahing at some of the pictures when I realized that I totally skipped the sushi restaurant we ate near Tsukiji Market.

SACRILEGE!!!!!!!!! That is like going to Universal Studios and forgetting to go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter!!!!!

And as they say in social media, "Pics or it didn't happen!"

Now I'm not really a pushover at proving myself (since nobody believes me anyway), but the foodie in me would be really sorry if I don't mark down this sushi lunch we had in the place where we should have it.

So here's our unforgettable meal at SUSHI SEN near TSUKIJI MARKET. Definitely a must-visit when you're in Japan!!!

The glorious sushi at SUSHI SEN!

When we were in TSUKIJI MARKET, JAPAN last year, we really planned to eat sushi there.

We eyed some restaurants but most of it had very long and merciless lines!


Where should we go??? We're hungry!

Finally my brothers were able to find a Sushi restaurant that had manageable lines for us. The lady manning the reception was so gracious and provided seats for those who are waiting.

Most of us preferred to stand though.

I think we're the second or third in line.

Yey! Finally we're inside!

SUSHI SEN had a Sushi Bar besides the tables so it was able to accommodate more diners.

If I wasn't with the boys, it will surely be a treat to sit at the bar.

After all, it's such a treat to watch the experts in action!

Egad... Sushiiii....

But we're hungry so we wanna eat!

Will these guys be our lunch? He he he he he!


He may not look like it but the Japanese waiter was very patient in taking our orders.


SUSHI SEN Sushi Plates!

I think the prices are not bad!

You could also order their sushi ala carte! I wish I did that too!

SUSHI SEN menu 1...

SUSHI SEN menu 2...

The drinks!

Sleeping Cio!

We were served with complimentary Green Tea in SUSHI SEN!

Finally! Our orders of SUSHI SEN Nigiri Sets arrived (Y1,480.00)!

The set had Tuna, Squid, Salmon, Tamago, Scallops, Prawn, Roe, and Mackerel Sushi!

It may be a very simple order but I personally found it such a beauty to look at!

The seafood looked so plump at SUSHI SEN!

ERICJAZ FOODIES with the family in SUSHI SEN!

Me and my boys are such Sushi eaters!

My primeval taste was so surprised that the Sushi served in Japan were at room temperature. To be honest, it was a bit warm. I did not expect this because I was so used to having the famous Japanese appetizer cold in the Philippines!!!

Yes. Probably because it's fresh out of the fridge! He he he he he he he he he!

Don't get me wrong. The Sushi in SUSHI SEN, Tsukiji, was really fresh, fatty, and so delicious compared to what we have. Each bite was like butter going down our hungry throats. I could eat this the whole month if allowed!!!!!!

BUT.... I just didn't expect the temperature it was served in. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! So THIS is how Sushi is authentically whipped up in Japan!

It was sooooo good though that I forgot about the slight difference and immediately stuffed my face with Sushi!

Washed it all down with an ice cold glass of Coke!

The Chinese Adonis fiinshed his plate in a jiffy....


He doesn't eat nor touch Sushi at all!

My Master Mati still loved it and chomped everything in sight!

He zoinked the Octopus so fast I felt a slight gust of wind.

Mati said the Octopus was tender but had the right firmness to it. He asked if he could have one more!


Our SUSHI SEN bill! I'm not sure why they separated it though.

Any foodie who has been to a Sushi restaurant in TSUKIJI MARKET would understand why having this much revered delicacy here is already an exhilarating experience.  I'm sure you have heard many mouth watering, jaw dropping, and tummy grumbling stories about how their Sushi is indeed one of kind and something that you will never EVER forget.

And like what Han Solo said about the Force...

"Yes it's true. ALL OF IT."

When you find yourself in Tsukiji Market in Japan, do make time (and tummy space) for some Sushi.

Also when you're there, make sure to look for SUSHI SEN.

Trust me. It's worth the ride.



 5-9-1 Ginza, Chuo, Tokyo Prefecture
+81 3-5537-2878

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