
Tuesday, April 19, 2016


For many years now I have this tradition with my Mom that if there's a popular Broadway musical that will be shown in the Philippines, we will DEFINITELY watch it!

We have seen "Mamma Mia", "Wicked", "Rock of Ages", "Saturday Night Live", and "Phantom of the Opera" among others. And we still want MORE.

So you could just imagine MY eagerness when I got word that LES MISERABLES will be showing in Solaire!


To say that I love LES MISERABLES is an understatement. I am actually VERY OBSESSED with it! At work, I would listen to the 10th Anniversary concert (with Colm Wilkinson) while typing reports and I would sometimes choke up and cry at the touching lyrics. YES! IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY!!!! AT WORK!

I told my Mom that I will be treating her for LES MISERABLES and bought tickets (with the help of my friend Albert using his Visa card) as early as last year. I really rushed to get ahead and buy at the first week of ticket selling because I wanted to get the best possible seats for the section that is financially manageable for me (he he he he he).

And we were successful!  Wohoo!

I loved EVERY MINUTE of LES MISERABLES! Even if some of the songs were not done as the original, I was still floored by the whole show. It was indeed worth every peso and I would watch it again if given the chance.

Of course, the best part of watching LES MISERABLES is having my Mommy as my date. I really cherish the times when we have one-on-one night-outs but since there is a lot going on in our lives right now, we cannot do so as much as we wanted to. In fact, our LES MISERABLES date was in danger of being cancelled because my Mom is not used to be apart from my Dad's side! Good thing I pulled the "Nobody wants to buy your ticket!" spiel to my Mom so she had no choice but to go. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Oh well!

Bottom line is, we all had a great night and we had a much needed "Mommy-bunsoy" alone time.

And there is no other person I'd go "On My Own" with.

So. There.

Solaire Hotel!

We were early to watch LES MISERABLES!!!!!

LES MISERABLES is a book by Victor Hugo which was adapted to a Broadway Musical in 1985 (the year I was born... hi hi hi). It follows the story of ex-convict Jean Valjean and how he has paid forward from the kindness and forgiveness that a priest has bestowed upon him. Add to that, exciting subplots of the French Revolution and a love story. It has something for everyone really!

Personally, I find that LES MISERABLES is a story that depicts the many types of love. It shows how this strong emotion makes us very happy OR miserable.

Lest, the title "LES MISERABLES"! He he he he!

But for me, even if it makes us happy or miserable, LOVE is something to be treasured. As it says so in the end "To Love Another Person, is to See The Face of God".


There were a lot of posters around SOLAIRE that the Mommy and I took pictures in. Too bad my Mommy easily laughed at my "kenkoy" pics that she got all of it blurred. This is my most clear picture that she took of me that night. He he he he he he he he!

To avoid traffic, my Mom and I were early in SOLAIRE.

This may be empty now but after the show, believe me, this room was jam packed with singing (and sniffing) theatre goers!

Since we were early, my Mommy and I decided to have a snack at THE THEATRE.

The cafe was elegant, cool, and was very comfortable to stay in. It was also right next to the SOLAIRE Theatre (hence the name) so it was the perfect place to wait till show started.

You could order at the counter but the warm and friendly servers could go to your tables.



THE THEATRE menu 3!!!


Just a reminder that drinks and food are not allowed in the Theatre so finish everything in the cafe before heading there.

Yup! Even water!

My very lovely Mom who don't like having her pictures taken. He he he he he he he!

She's actually very much like Boots Anson-Roa and Gloria Diaz in looks and attitude! Yup! She's once, twice, and millions times a lady!!

Like I said above, my Mommy ALMOST did not join me for tonight because she didn't want to leave my Dad. Worst comes to worst, I thought I would just take Andrei with me because he loved Musical theatre even if he initially opted out of this one.

Take the Chinese Adonis you say? Jeez! I don't want to waste P4,000++ on somebody who will just snooze throughout the show. Imagine my horror too if he snored!!!! Nope! Andrei will be my date for tonight just in case my Mommy really can't make it.

But it was a good thing that she did! YEYYYY! We were meant to watch!


Since we will be eating after the show, my Mom and I just shared a cheeseburger (P350.00)!

And a very creamy Caesar's Salad (P240.00)!

The Cheeseburger and Caesar's Salad were so good and yummily filled us up even until after the show!

Me and my Mommy!

After the Cheeseburger and Salad, I had some coffee for dessert!

Dessert??? I should've gotten a cake!!!!

The cast!


Door 4 is downstairs and we needed to go down via escalator for it.

When we got inside, I saw the haunting yet familiar backdrop with the signature of Victor Hugo.

I loved the SOLAIRE Theatre because the size was just right.

Even if you bought tickets at the Balcony section, I'm sure you will still have a good view of the stage.

For my Mom though, we got the aisle seats in the Orchestra section!

Like I said, my Mommy finds me so funny that whenever she takes a picture of me, she laughs and shakes the camera. 

I should've brought my selfie stick!

Kidding! He he he he he he he!

It's good that they allowed taking pictures in the Theatre while waiting for the show to start. In Meralco Theatre they did not allow taking pictures of anything!

My Mom and I were so excited!

WOHOOO! Show is about to start!


It's the end of the first act and the cast already sung ONE DAY MORE.

My Mom and I rushed to the restroom and look what greeted me in the mirror???

YEP! My eyes were so puffy from crying! I was singing (in my mind) and got so into the words that I just choked and (almost) sobbed!!!!!

At the end of the show, my Mommy and I were so riveted with the overall production of LES MISERABLES!

I guess my Mommy enjoyed the show so much that she agreed to have another picture taken by the poster. I was wondering though why she was giving such a chuckle.

When I looked at the mirror to retouch my make up, THIS WAS WHY!

NGIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!! I looked like the melting Bride of Frankenstein!

This serves me a lesson to ONLY use waterproof make up when I plan to cry! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

You may scoff or make fun but I was so really into the songs, message, and the beauty of LES MISERABLES that I was crying so much. Don't worry Ms. Salonga, I was quiet and did not bother my seat mates. I was just crying in silence but my heart was overflowing with the emotion of the show.

Truly loved it!!! I was definitely happy that I was able to take my Mom here!

After I wiped my face up, my Mom and I proceeded to our usual go to place after watching a musical play -- NORTH PARK NOODLE HOUSE!

We slurped on some hot noodles!

Plus munched on some crunchy wantons!

I may look like a monster but you see here two ladies who had a really great and unforgettable night!

When I got home, I took out my newest "baby"!

Something to add my collection of show mugs! He he he he he!

(WICKED, SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE, ROCK OF AGES, did not sell cups. Too bad!)

You know how sometimes even if you are looking forward to an event, there would be minutes of inaction and MEH? In the night of LES MISERABLES with my Mommy, EVERY MINUTE was pure joy and we were both wishing it to be far from over. Truly the many months of waiting was worth it. 

I really recommend watching LES MISERABLES with somebody that you love!

So happy that I was able to spend this wonderful night with a very special lady in my life. Here's to more shows (for us) in the future!!!!!!

 Aseana Ave, ParaƱaque, Metro Manila
(02) 888 8888


  1. It's so nice to see you spending time with your mom I mean even if you have your own family na po.. hmmm :) ... Now that I think about it, its been a long time since I went out with my mom.. I think I should do it more often. :) :)

    1. Thanks dear Mr. Jeng! I'm happy too that finally I was able to have a date with my Mommy for LES MISERABLES. I mean, we are together everyday and we do go out but it is really different to have a bonding time alone with her for a special night. Yes you should have a date with your Mom I'm sure you guys will have a grand time!

      Miss you!!!!!
