
Thursday, March 10, 2016


During the last holiday weekend, THE YAPPY BUNCH went to Sta. Rosa Laguna to meet up with the Chinese Adonis' childhood friends for a much overdue getogether!

The Chinese Adonis with his TOPMUD posse! Yup! That's what they called themselves!

TOPMUD female chapter! He he he he he he he!

Some are original members of the group (since they are a co-ed school) while some are the pesky ex-girlfriends... LIKE ME.

I love Yub's childhood barkada and always have the grandest time with them. Although we don't meet as much as we want to (because of busy family schedules and some live faraway) we are always in touch with them. Now when we DO have a getogether, it is always a certified blast!


Mareng Dey and Pareng Raul!

Rizza and Rommel!

Magoy and Lizbeth!

Magoy and Cong. Irvin!

Mareng Grace and Pareng Balbon... este... Pareng Lord!

Pareng Chid and Mareng Nina!

Our very generous hosts, Doc Jan and Doc Brenda!



Congrats Leo! We knew you'd win (feeling close!)

And of course, the President and his mistress of TOPMUD, the  power couple who haS been together since Kindergarten and have remained to be as HOT and as IN LOVE as ever...

Pareng Vincent and Mareng Chen!

Yep! Those are the TOPMUD guys...

AND the TOPMUD ladies!

For that night, we were meeting up in the lovely home of Mati's godfather and resident heart throb of the barkada, Doctor Jan! 


Of course, we didn't lose time in having a picture beside the pugi Doc Jan even if my hair was very "buhaghagin" to the ultimate level.

To be fair, we also had a picture with his pretty wife, Doc Brenda!

And to be superkaduperpamataytothehighestlevel fair, we had a picture with the cute couple!!!!

Don't worry! It's a running joke in TOPMUD how all the girls have a crush on pugi Doc Jan even if our own husbands are all pugi (but bitter) din! Ha ha ha ha ha!

Doc Jan graciously allowed us to invade his home that Sunday for the getogether. Of course, when there's a TOPMUD meet up, there would also be food!


Yellow Cab Pizza!

Buckets of KFC!

Besides the delicious KFC, there were also other mouth-watering servings of chicken! 

Crunchy Fried Chicken with Gravy!

Chicken Lollipops!

Besides the chicken, we also had many "versions" of sisig courtesy of Doc Jan and Doc Brenda! Here's some Lechon Sisig!

Crispy Skin with spices and mayonnaise!!! WINNER!

And there's also the chicken sisig!!!

Doc Brenda also treated us to some Pork Sisig!

But these were not minced. The pork were in big chunks!!!!

And if all that fatty goodness was not enough, we also got fresh-off-the-fryer Crispy Pata!!!

My heart!!! My fatty heart!

Cream Puffs! These were baked by dear Lizbeth and were SO good!

Lots of chips!

After the opening prayer, it's time to EAT!!!!!!!!


The way that the Chinese Adonis was eating that pizza was just plain nasty. You would think he was giving it a french kiss or something.


Of course before eating, we had some pictures first.

Naks! I see there pretty Mareng Dey! Like me, she's not an original TOPMUD lady. But more of an honorary ex-gf turned wife!! he he he he

It's great that all of us girls never run out of things to talk about.

Andrei with his ninong Chid! Hmmm... Somebody really takes after me when it comes to wackiness!

I love that Mati now has a big appetite that he will immediately line up in any buffet to get mounds of food! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Such a foodie like mommy!

He ate with his new bud Mat, son of mareng Dey and Pareng Raul. They instantly hit it off especially that they share the same birth month and first name!

What a very cool night to meet with TOPMUD!!!!

Our long table filled with food!

In between making out with the pizza, the Chinese Adonis also savored the Crispy Pata WITH Kitkat! 

Weird combo I know.

And the laughs galore started!

Of course, the head of the chatfest is dear pareng Vincent!

Here he is demonstrating something goodness knows what.

The girls would always be very happy to watch and just feel "tickly" inside. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Topics would usually range from reminiscing about their school days to the very naughty couple activities. The howls of laughter would get so wild even if the boys were not drunk yet.

To be clear though, TOPMUD boys wouldn't dare to be sloshed whenever they're with the kiddies and the boss ladies!

If you're wondering about the kiddies, they are having some of their own fun time!

I wonder if they knew that their parents are acting like lovebirds again!


In between pigging out and making chika, I also had some selfies just because I'm cute that way.

Either THAT or I was testing if my selfie partner could smell my new tawas deodorant. Har de har! 

The very pretty mareng Nina!

Me and the super kind mareng Chen!

Me and Mareng Day!

Me and Mareng Day with photobomber Raul!

Me and Mareng Day (again) with a whole lot more cutie photobombers! He he he he he he he!

Of course, I would never miss an opportunity for a selfie with THE CHINESE DIMPLE NG BAYAN.

I swear, it's like a face just grew around that dimple. 

Later on, we sang a song to dear Doc Jan who celebrated his birthday in February!

And since there were also February celebrants among the ladies, we got a special TOPMUD song as well!

I should've brought extra candles to put up 3 and 1 (for 31 years old) because the age 39 DEFINITELY does not apply to me. DEFINITELY NOT!

He he he he he he!

Dear Mareng Chen even gave away Kung Hei Fat Choi good luck charms!

Later on, dear President Vincent announced that there would be games for each couple.


Every wrong answer warrants a long sip of PATRON!

I assisted pareng Vincent in the hosting of the mini-program. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

By the way, you know pareng Vincent that I love you so I am doing this with all the concern and care in the world. PLEASE. Lose the mustache and goatee. You look like a Filipino Zorro without the mask!!! You are just pugi the way you are! Spencer Reyes (of Streetboys) right??? 

Anyway.... He he he he he he!

We were so good with our questions that almost all of the couples got their answers wrong.

Some of the questions were respectful...

 ...while the others were became too violating! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Of course, the Chinese Adonis and I got the "tame" one and got it wrong pa!!!! GRRRR!!!!

Question: What is your favorite food to eat as a couple?

Me: PANCIT LUCBAN (since we always ate at Buddies and it was somehow the foundation of our "tipidationship"!!!!).

Yub: STEAK (Para daw pag may nakarinig, sosyal daw kami)


And so we lost that round.

By the way, we were all so noisy that the subdivision security called and asked us to keep it down. He he he he he he he he! Yep! That's how much we were loudly laughing that night!

And it was time to say adieu!

The boys didn't feel like leaving yet!

Thank you to Ninong Jan for hosting this super fun TOPMUD night!!!!

Truly another great night with TOPMUD and the kiddies!!!!

Would you guys believe that there are more members of their TOPMUD group who were not able to make it because they live in other countries? Hopefully there would come a time when they are all complete again. I'm so sure, that will be a blast!

But for now...
"To the wounds that never heal..."
"To the road that never ends..."
"To the eggs that never crack...?


"The more you push the more you feel(??????)"


Did that make sense? I'm sure it didn't. You would have to join us to find out. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!


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