
Tuesday, March 22, 2016


THE YAPPY BUNCH were in TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS to attend the wedding of the daughter of my officemate, Tita Flory. At the same time, she treated my little family to a full weekend of fun (and cold weather) as her birthday gift to me!

Yey! Generosity and "galantry" rules!!!!! He he he he he he!

So it's our second day at TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS and we are still as excited as ever. If we spend Sunday even with just half the enjoyment that we had the day before, we would still be so happy.

And you know, at the rate that we're going and the hype that we're feeling, anything is possible! Yup! Especially that we're in a place where there are a gazillion and more things to do at somewhere called.... 


Here's our day two!


Wow! It's not everyday that we're greeted with the 8th Wonder of the World before brushing our teeth!

Mati chose to sleep in the living room because he wanted the big sofa and television set to himself.

Little Andrei had a VERY good night's sleep at his own mattress that he didn't want to get up at all.

After a few minutes, I finally got the boys up to have breakfast in the TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS Golf Country Club.

We wiped out that buffet breakfast in no time because we wanted to maximize our morning before we check out around TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS.

It was mighty cold but we definitely enjoyed the winds atop OUR mountain (he he he he he!)

Yep! The winds were too strong that operation forehead cover-up was VERY necessary! He he he he he he!

I loved walking around greens and more greens!

For that morning though, there was a slight drizzle in Tagaytay.

Good thing that we came equipped! Even if  the weather was cold and wet that morning, we were all bundled up and super dry!

BESIDES! We cannot just stay in the room and waste away being surrounded by this awesomeness!

Another selfie! But this time with my baby!

Super cuteness overload!

Me and my boys!

Grrr! Why didn't I put a ton of hairspray???

The view was breath taking!

The Chinese Adonis wanted to ride the funicular in TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS.

The funicular railways!

Ain't that a deep ride down???

Waiting for the funicular!

The funicular is like a tram which transports people to and from the lower part of TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS. It's free to use for the members and guests of the resort. 

And the funicular is coming!

Andrei was very worred and asked if I could hug him all through out the ride.

I love it when my bunsoy needs me this way. It's actually music to my mommy-clingy ears!

It's just too bad though that after much calculations and deliberations, we will not have enough time to pack, have lunch, and get ready for the wedding if we ride the funicular.

Oh well! Maybe next time!

We just decided to drive around and check out the other facilities of TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS!

Sports Center!

For sure this would be my boys' favorite place for the day!

We wanted to play basketball but they have a minimum time limit.

The same goes for the game room. Minimum time per guest is 3 hours!


The boys just agreed to go on another ATV ride!

There's an adult size for the huge motor. For the now the little lords will stick to the kiddie ATV!


The boys tried their best not to race.

Go Andrei!

The size of the obstacle course was just right for the kiddies.

Mati loved speeding up his ATV!


The ATV guy was ultra cool too in taking care of the little lords!

When we went back to BELLE VIEW hotel, guess what happened?



We were about 7 stories more going down and we got stuck! What's worse, there was no ventilation so it was getting hot and I REALLY NEED TO PEE.

Yep! This is one of my worst nightmares come to life. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

I called emergency and they said they would send someone to help us. To pass the time, we just sang songs and took selfies. Little did we know that we forgot to unlock the emergency button that the ladies at the emergency station heard everything that we sang. 


It was a good 15 minutes of heat and holding up my pee before we felt people push the elevator (probably to get us to floor level) and pry it open.

Yes. Maintenance was there with screwdrivers and other tools to force open the door!

And FINALLY!!!! Freedom!!!!! Yohoooo!!!!!!!! 

Now I could pee. Tee hee!

When we got back to the room, the boys and I packed all of our things immediately. When they were done with their bags, I heard the little lords laughing and wrestling with each other.

When you have two boys who are constantly at war, this will definitely be music to your ears. When they play with each other, I just leave them to it while I listen with a smile.

When we're done with packing we went to HIGHLANDS STEAKHOUSE for a quick lunch!

We were still actually full from breakfast but Tita Flory insisted that we try this. We just ordered one steak to share.  He he he he he he!

Check out our blogpost on HIGHLAND'S STEAKHOUSE! YUM!

After our quick lunch, we rushed back to the room to dress up for Marian and Ram's wedding!

Doesn't THE YAPPY BUNCH look go-ood???

Good bye room 101!!!

We DEFINITELY had fun! Thank you for having us!

The dapper boys pushing our cart! He he he he!

We went back to TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS SPA AND LODGE to check out.

The little lords asked to stay outside because they were having fun with the weather and with some worm they saw on the ground.

YEP! Boys will be boys!

Sorry if I'm posting too much pictures but I just love the formal looks of my boys in the beautiful setting!

Checking out!

My dearest Mati and Andrei!

THE YAPPY BUNCH truly had a wonderful stay in TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS! While we were there, we cannot stop exclaiming how beautiful it was and how we felt like we were in Baguio. It was such an awesome birthday family staycation! We will NEVER forget this for sure!

Thanks again so muchos Tita Flory!!! You are truly heaven sent! You just made turning 31 (ahem) bearable and FUN! He he he he he he!


 Tagaytay-Calamba Road, Tagaytay, Cavite
Phone:(046) 483 0888


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