
Friday, February 12, 2016


Would you guys believe that in my 8 years of working at TAPE INC., I haven't watched a live episode of EAT BULAGA?


Well, yes I have been to Broadway Centrum MILLIONS of times (tee hee) for work and errands (I am after all, a henchman). But when I'm there, I would usually just hang out in the staff lounge in my free time and watch EAT BULAGA via the TV set there.

I lead such a sorry life. I know.

So yes, I haven't watched the country's NUMBER ONE noontime show as a studio audience but all of that will change.

And today is definitely THAT day.

Well actually THAT day was during the recent holiday. But you've got to admit that you felt like giving me a standing ovation right?


The little lords are in Broadway Centrum to watch EAT BULAGA!!!!

It is also the first time for Mati and Andrei. They were not too keen on watching before but for some reason they suddenly want to see where Mommy works.

Something tells me it's really because of the ALDUB craze.

The Chinese Adonis would always watch in the audience area whenever I have my duty in Broadway Centrum. But he was still so excited to be with us again today.

Something tells me this is ALSO because of the ALDUB craze.

Settled in our seats!

The Chinese Adonis and the little lords were so excited that they got the best seats in the house.


We were stamped and sealed with a kiss (he he he he he). They cannot send us out now!

For our day in EAT BULAGA, we decided to be fanatics and show it in our wardrobe. 

I got my KALYESERYE jacket, the Chinese Adonis wore his ALDUB shirt, while the Mati proudly sported his favorite "BABALA, ASAWA NI BABALU" top.

As usual Andrei was a KJ and did not join our silliness.


In EAT BULAGA, they require the studio audience to be there as early as 10:00am.

Even if it was 2 hours till show time (BLECH... See what I did there?), the boys found ways to entertain themselves. 

Of course, we got primers to educate and energize the audience before the show.

The little lords really wanted to meet Alden, nobody else. So we took them backstage to say hi.

True enough, the Pambansang Bae was so nice, friendly, and accommodating to the little lords. They were so happy to meet the most popular cutie pie on Philippine TV today.

Don't worry Alden! You'll get serious competition from my boys in the future!

My husband saw the beautiful Patricia and introduced the lovely HBD girl to the boys.

When the Chinese Adonis and Patricia shook hands, I think my guy got so excited that he gripped extra tight resulting to poor Patricia joking that her hand can't "breathe". Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Oops! Yub talaga!!!!!! Control yourself!

When we got back to our seats, the staff and crew were giving directions on what to do during emergencies. 

Suddenly, we hear the familiar song... "Mula Batanes, Hanggang Jolo...!!!"

See Mati up there?


And the EAT BULAGA squad is out!

Like the little lords, Alden was very good with the hoverboard.

The tandem of Alden and Sam Yg made everyone hoot and laugh!

We ever learned how to dance the "What You Gonna Do With That Dessert?" song.

The little lords had fun watching the show. But they were also entertained with learning what happensedbehind the scenes of EAT BULAGA!

Like the floor directors and writers backstage.

The hosts on the satellite area and getting their cues from the boards.

But of course, they also did a lot of adlibs!

During the break, I took Mati up to the director's booth to see how this all goes together on-air.

I introduced Mati to the EAT BULAGA director for the day Direk Ding Bolanos and our Technical Director, Kuya Norman.

They were so kind in showing Mati how to call the shots (pun intended) in order to make an exciting show.

My boy was so interested and listened with his mouth open. H ah ah ah ah haa!

Thank you sooooo much Direk Ding and Kuya Norman!!! My son Mati became more interested in making videos because of you two!!!

When we returned to our chairs, we were just in time for JUAN FOR ALL! 

Before the very popular segment started, the show gave time to Lani Misalucha to promote her upcoming concert. 

While waiting for the commercial break, my favorite triumvirate waited patiently on their stations. 


Do you guys know that I am such a Tito, Vic, and Joey fan? Yep! I grew up watching them in EB and loving their movies such as "Super Wan Tu Tri", "Mam May We Go Out", "Naku Ha", "Working Boys", etc etc. That's why I swear that EAT BULAGA is such a dream job for me because I finally met my idols.

I don't know about you but I really feel this warmth and joy everytime I see them together. Even if they're just playing Iphone Apps (which they're addicted to... ha ha ha ha ha), I can't stop staring!!!

And yes, THAT'S AFTER 8 YEARS IN EAT BULAGA!!! Idol talaga!

Before finalizing our schedule to watch EAT BULAGA for this day, I learned that Bossing might not be able to join because he will be shooting his movie. I asked the boys if they still wanted to watch because something IS lacking when he's not there. Though they were very disappointed, they said we should still go because we don't know when we'll be available again.

Then Lo and behold! Bossing was there! Yohoooooooooooooooo!!!!! So glad we didn't cancel!

I think I was smiling and staring so hard that Tito Sen noticed me and gave a friendly wave. He even nudged Bossing telling him that the henchman of Malou (my boss) is there. Imagine my kilig when Bossing greeted me as well!


KALYESERYE finally started!

And somebody's dancing "DESSERT"!

The boys can't stop smiling and laughing!

More so when Kuya Wally farted! Yep! That was this episode!

TVJ was cued to start Sugod Bahay.

Tito Joey getting the name of the lucky winner.

While waiting, the Yub and I took selfies! He he he he he he!

Of course we all got giddy inside when Yaya and Alden did their dubsmash!


Whenever they placed something in front of us to shoot, we did our best to be "accidentally" seen by the cameras.

Because we're weird that way!

Besides the kilig of ALDUB, I just love watching TVJ in action.

It was great to finally watch EAT BULAGA as an audience member. It was so cool too that some of the EB talents recognized me and would say Hi. 

Of course, if they could, I asked to have a picture with them!

The ever sexy EB BABES!

Dear Sam YG!

Ate Pia came over to chat!

Ate Pia!

And the ever blooming Pauleen!

And just like that, the show was over.

It ended at about 2:30pm! Even though we only had a heavy breakfast, nobody felt hungry at all.

The little lords had a great holiday with EAT BULAGA!

Mati was craving for some noodles and asked if we could have our late lunch in Ramen Nagi in Robinson's Magnolia.

Mati and Andrei shared this Butao Ramen with vegetables on the side!

While Mati and I got the Red King level 3!

Yep! Like Mommy, Mati loves spicy food!

After our late lunch, Andrei asked if he could skateboard a bit in the Robinson's Magnolia park. 

Yeah, we never get tired. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Well, as they say, time flies when you're having fun. And for that EAT BULAGA experience (finally) with THE YAPPY BUNCH, it is something that sent us to the "time-space-warp-ngayon-din" of happiness!

We will NEVER forget this in a looooooooooooong time!

Now THAT'S EAT BULAGA for you!!!! No other "show" could match that for me!

So. There.


When we got home, we received messages how our friends saw us on TV!

Somebody from the US sent my friend a screen cap of us in the audience!

The Chinese Adonis was able to get this image of us photobombing Nescafe.

I love how Yub was staring at me here. Maybe he saw a booger up my nose.

Si Andrei hindi kita because he's a little bulinggit!

Master Mati also squeezed himself at the side of the screen to be seen! He he he he he he he he!

Our studio photographer Mang Rene even sent me our picture from the studio.

Yep! He even turned it into a calendar! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Next time again!

Now I know what to give my family and friends for their birthdays this year! He he he he he he he!

1 comment:

  1. Gusto ko talaga makapanood ng Live sa EB.. 2 more months bago mag 7 ang bunso ko T_T
