
Thursday, January 7, 2016


Like they say, it's the most wonderful time of the year and yes I strongly agree to that. Because even if we do the same thing every single time (parties, shopping, eating, gift giving, blah blah blah) I find that CHRISTMAS present would ALWAYS top the CHRISTMAS past. No matter how much we got stuck in traffic or how we made mad dashes for last minute shopping, the latest CHRISTMAS would still by far be the best. You would never hear "Aaaah Christmas two years ago was more fun" because you will always be so consumed by the happiness and joy you're feeling right now!

Take this year for instance: Egad, I made getogethers and family dates my priorities every available night that the next thing I know, it was already CHRISTMAS EVE! Yup! That's cramming at its finest! Aaaaaak!! I was so tense at rushing everything I needed to buy that I failed to stop and take in all the twinkly beauty of season. Oh boo effin hoo.

In the end when all was given and done, I gave out a long sigh and a huge thanks at how everything was still oh so lovely this CHRISTMAS.


We were still so thankful for the experience!
We're so thankful for my weird family!
We're thankful for the overflowing food and overdone beef!
We're just so thankful for EVERYTHING.



It was already the day before CHRISTMAS (December 24, 2015) and we still had A LOT to do. For one, "Santa" doesn't have gifts yet for the little lords, while me and the Chinese Adonis still had many things to buy. With that, we went to Powerplant Mall to do our last minute shopping.

Yup! We went there using Andrei's new black Porsche! 


Besides the shopping, THE YAPPY BUNCH doesn't have our annual CHRISTMAS picture yet with our favorite tree in Power Plant Mall. We have been doing this for 5 years and we wouldn't certainly miss it now.

That's why even if we're going to do some gift buying and grocery shopping, we still dressed ourselves up to look good in the picture! Ha ha ha ha!

It's too bad though that the little lords were not able to have a picture with Santa Claus.

Before running around from one store to the next, we energized ourselves first with our favorite HEALTHY SHABU SHABU!

After about 4 hours of wild shopping, we rested our arses off with donuts and coffee at KRISPY KREME. 

When we got home, the Chinese Adonis immediately started wrapping the Christmas gifts, the little lords went to their rooms for a short nap, while I started on the Spaghetti Carbonara for our Noche Buena. 

Later on, we all got dressed up for CHRISTMAS MASS!

We met up with my family at the Rockwell Tent!

We used to attend mass in Santuario de San Jose in Greenhills but it is more convenient here because we could park our cars in Powerplant Mall.

Somebody is feeling crazy this CHRISTMAS eve.

Mati and the newly weds!

Me and the... Yep! Up to now, the DIMPLE is haunting us. 

We were seated outside but there was a tent and the weather was cool. Good thing too that the Rockwell tent had a very good sound system so we were able to hear everything clearly.

Later on, Andrei lined up for communion! This was his second time to receive the sacrament after his first communion. :)

It's cool that he had it on Christmas eve mass right?

At the end of the mass, the Priest declared that 2016 will be the year of the family. And who are the heads of the family? The Mommies and Daddies. With that, they made all couples stand up to repeat marriage blows (este vows) and receive a blessing. 

I really accidentally typed BLOWS. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

And the mass is done!

We went inside to kiss baby Jesus.

Afterwards, the Rockwell Fireworks for Christmas started!

Wow! So beautiful!

At first I was worried for Andrei but then he just stood there while covering his ears.

I asked him if he wanted to go home but he said he still wanted to watch.

YEY ANDREI! He has overcome his fear of fireworks!

Before going home we went to do our mirror shot in front of Zara. We have also been doing this "picture tradition" for many years. However, we discovered that they have put down that specific wall mirror that we had to look for someplace else.

Nah. This was crappy. 

And our lovely CHRISTMAS TREE was waiting for us!

Wacky shot!

Our CHRISTMAS cuties! The little lords insist on wearing long sleeved polos every Christmas. It already became a tradition for them. As for Andrei, he really loves pairing his top with a tie.

And it's time to prepare for NOCHE BUENA!

Ate Jojit was in charge of the table.

Simple but elegant!

While Kuya Jon, Mommy, and Me were in charge of the cooking!

Mati came by to help me also.

Awww! Thanks Master Mati!

When I was done with the Shrimp Gambas Pasta, Mati immediately wanted to taste it.


He's been doing that since he was 4 years old. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

And now it's time to eat!

My spicy Shrimp Gambas Pasta!

My creamy Carbonara!

And the piece de resistance....

Herbed Roast Beef!!!!

We would've liked it to have a bit of pink in the center but it was more on the well-done side. It still had all the right flavors though!

Stuffed Chicken with Brown Gravy!

Pathetic looking chicken wings but believe me, they're mighty good!

For sidings, we had creamy mashed potatoes!


At the back it's chicharon. He he he he he!

And so yum wanton soup!

Dessert is cake and my Mom's oh-so-damn-deeelicious leche flan!

Our hearty but carb-ful spread!


Same wishes from the kiddie table!

It's a buffet set-up here.

The kiddies focused more on the carbonara.

Of course, our roast beef will be the highlight in everyone's plate. 

Believe me, this spicy pasta is good! Ha ha ha ha ha!

Kuya Jay and Karen!

Kuya Jon, Daddy, and Mommy!

Ate Jit and Anthony!

The kulit kids!

The still very full table.

The hag and the dimple!

My plate!!

My brother set up this new thing for two Christmases already where we have a simple program and everybody performs. 

Mati sang "Jingle Bells" while my niece Rocio accompanied him with some violin music.

He ended it with the "Batman Smells" version.

Here's the audience who will head-bang soon!

My brother then recited an excerpt from  "Charge of the Light Brigade".

After that poem, he recited some lines from "Ulysses"!

Ate Jojit and Anthony then danced to the tune of "Jingle Bell Rock".


Rocio then became Lady Macbeth as she gave a stirring declamation of Macbeth. She's such a great orator!

Andrei can't stop smiling though.

Yub and I sang "Christmas In Our Hearts".

Did you like it boys???

For me the most hilarious part of the program was Andrei's "Joke Time". 

My bunsoy decided on the spot that he will participate in the program and asked his Daddy to print some from the internet. Since they were in a hurry, the Chinese Adonis just copy pasted a bunch of jokes without bothering to read it.

Imagine our surprise when little innocent Andrei read out some naughty jokes like:

"Why is it Santa doesn't have children?


Because he only comes once a year".


He didn't understand it and wondered why we were all laughing.

Especially the culprit who didn't bother to read the jokes for his son!


Thus ends our short program. Ate Jojit was the host for the night and she did it with  a crappy british accent. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

And it's gift giving time!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At the start of December, I posted a Christmas Wishlist for reference if we needed help in choosing what to give our family.

The boys got games!

Sibs opening their gifts!

From us!

I gave my sister a blouse. He he he he he!

A new dress for Rocio from Ate Jit!

Mati wished for a KALYESERYE jacket while Andrei wanted a new Jersey!

What is that pretty thing inside?

Wohoo! I got earphones and a lipstick!

I gave Cio 3 sets of Harry Potter shirts!

Somebody didn't get the Twilight DVD special 5 box set that she wished for.

KIDDING Rocio! H ah aha ha ha!

Wohoo! I got a Diamond Hotel GC Staycation from Ate Jit!!!!!

My other gifts! He he he he he he!

Here's US the next morning.

After wishing my family a MERRY CHRISTMAS, it's time to go to Lucena to spend time with the YAPS!

Dinner with baby Isha in Buddys...

No gadgets allowed so the cousins played "Nanay, Tatay, Gusto ko Tinapay..."

Then they went on the hoverboards in the town plaza!

Next day we ate at our favorite PALAISDAAN!

Mass at night!

Then a Yap family dinner.

Ended our second night with late night bowling.

There was crazy traffic going back to Manila and we had a very late dinner in Aristocrat.

And that's how our CHRISTMAS went!!! Sorry if my entry is a bit long but I didn't want to forget some of the highlights.

Like I said, CHRISTMAS 2015 may be filled with deadlines, traffic, commercialism, and endless shopping. But still, after it all, you'll realize that the season is really more about the birth of Jesus and sharing what you have. With that, when you instill the true meaning of CHRISTMAS, you'll be filled with so much gratitude, love, and blessings. 

And THAT'S why it'll ALWAYS be the best one yet.


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