
Thursday, December 17, 2015


During APEC week, we finally booked our tickets to visit the newest hub that is rocking the worlds of children in the Metro....


To be perfectly hownest, I'm not that enthusiastic to go to KIDZANIA because I have seen and read how crowded the place could get. Plus, it was likely that on a weekend or a holiday, we will have to endure long lines that there would be like a 45 minute wait per activity. But then I saw how the little lords have been wanting to go to KIDZANIA and my promises to take them there have extended to about 4 months already.  So today was the day. The Chinese Adonis booked our tickets online and we're ready to face the crowds of people who would probably go to the famous kiddie place in the Fort. 

Most people claimed that when they went out during the APEC week, they experienced carmaggedon!!!! It's a great thing that we were not in the affected area so the road to KIDZANIA was clear and (almost) car free!


There are two schedules usually for KIDZANIA:

9:00am to 2:00pm
3:00pm to 8:00pm!

We decided to go for the 3:00pm to 8:00pm slot because we didn't want to wake up extra early and we just planned to have dinner afterwards. 

We got to KIDZANIA around 1:30pm and though there were many people in the waiting area, nobody was at the queue. I asked the guard if it was okay for us to line up already (since we didn't have anywhere to go to anyway) and she agreed. 

So with that, first in line!

The KIDZANIA attendants dressed in Cebu Pacific uniform were already at the counters and getting ready for the opening. 

They would patiently answer questions from the customers who are lined up.

The ticketing area of KIDZANIA is similar to what they have in airports.

Restrooms are on the left side and there is no ample space for the other waiting customers. There were only about 10 or 20 seats. We were all either lining up or loitering around. He he he he he! 

They even have the hours on display in other KIDZANIA's located around the globe.

KIDZANIA is also working together with CEBU PACIFIC and they have an actual ticketing office at the site. Don't mistake this for a kiddie activity or something KIDZANIA related. This is just in case you're lined up and thought of scheduling a trip to Japan or Hong Kong as well. He he he he he he!

We brought our tickets online to ensure a slot in KIDZANIA for that day. It would really be more advisable to do so since tickets are limited. You don't want to travel all the way to the Fort only to learn that you cannot be accommodated anymore right?

There was only one queue and no special counters for online and onsite purchasing tickets. So if you are still planning to purchase your KIDZANIA tickets on the day itself, you better be there before 1:30pm (the time they allow people to line up).

There were information pamphlets available at the counter for the customers. The little lords got some and just became more excited while reading it. 

At around 1:45pm, we were given these bracelets that they will use for registration later on. 

At about 1:50pm, THIS happened. He he he he!

It's a good thing that amidst the heavy people in the ticketing area of KIDZANIA, the airconditioning was working nonstop and it was still cool for everyone!


The friendly KIDZANIA attendant sensed our eagerness and asked if it was our first time to go there. 

I answered "HELL, YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!"

He encoded the bracelets of Mati and Andrei to ours so children cannot go out without the parent. That's a great security measure!

Our KIDZANIA boarding pass!

At 2:00pm we could enter the waiting area for KIDZANIA. The cutie pie attendant reminded that once we're in, we cannot go out. So it's best that we go use the restrooms before entering. 

KIDZANIA had this waiting area for everyone before the doors opened. If you're early, you could get seats pronto. However if they have a lot of guest that day (which is usually the case) the room gets really crowded that some resigned to just sit on the floor or the ledges. Space is not enough again!

When we got our boarding pass, we got this mini KIDZANIA kit! We studied it while waiting for our turn.

KIDZANIA has two main areas. Here's the floor level...

... and the mezzanine level!

I really recommend that while waiting, you plot your itinerary for KIDZANIA. I asked Andrei and Mati where they wanted to go. Afterwards, we listed it up and wrote the corresponding number for the location.

Here's Mati's agenda!

Here's Andrei's!!!

Just to clarify, that's MY handwriting. He he he he!

When you get in though you may not be able to follow your agenda to a T because of the activity availability. But it's still nice to have a guide to refer to so that you'll be able to stay focused on the places your kid wants to go!

And we play the waiting game!

Since Mati and Andrei want to do different activities in KIDZANIA, Yub and I thought of splitting up so that the little lords could maximize their time in the place. Good thing though that they shared one or two activities that we were able to do together as a family!

By the way, it may not be so cold inside KIDZANIA but it IS so in the waiting rooms. So it would advisable to bring light jackets for the kiddies. 

It was 2:30pm and it was time to go up!

WOHOOO! We're early???

While walking through the hallways, we saw the CCTV monitors for KIDZANIA!

It turns out the reason we were allowed to go up was because it was already so packed in the waiting room downstairs. So KIDZANIA decided to pack us here. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

A very kindly security guard let some of the children sit down on the benches. 

KIDZANIA is an indoor make believe city that enables children to act like grown-ups with various role play activities. 

I appreciate in KIDZANIA how they encourage independence that children are trained to line up and follow the rules without the interference of stage parents (aka over-caring mommies... he he he he!)

At the strike of 3:00pm, KIDZANIA staffmembers do a dance number to officially open the place.


When you go to KIDZANIA, the first thing to do is to go to the kiddie bank first to get your Kidzos.

Here are the little lords lining up. 

Remember that parents are not allowed inside to assist the child. But you could cram your face by the door to take pictures.

Here's Andrei and Mati getting their Kidzos!

Mati and Andrei got 50 Kidzos each that they could use to pay for some of the activities they like. You'll know on the map or on the sign by the door if your chosen play gives you money or takes it. He he he he he!

After the KIDZANIA bank, we went to the Pazzport Office for the little lords. 

You're not really required to get this but if you plan to return to KIDZANIA in the future, this would help you in earning Kidzos and getting discounts. 

It could just get pretty crowded so I suggest that if you have a cutie pie husband, ask him to line up for you guys while you're in the bank. That way you'll not waste any KIDZANIA minutes. He he he he!

Finally it's our turn!

I already filled up the fact sheet online so we saved a bit of time there. Too bad though that for that day, there was something wrong with their system and couldn't issue the actual pazzports. We could get it when we return to KIDZANIA!


Now what to do first?

We passed by the Fire Station but we learned that there was a one and a half hour wait! Que horror! We'll just go back to it later and hopefully we won't need to set up house there. He he he he he!

The little lords loved the movie CARS and were drawn to do the KIDZANIA pit crew training. 

Since this is something the little lords will learn from rather than work for, they will be paying 13 Kidzos each. Good thing they have Pazzports that they only needed to pay about 11 Kidzos!

I mentioned to the attendant though that they printed it differently in the pamphlet. She acknowledged it and said that they already working on having that part changed.

For the pit crew training, Mati and Andrei were asked to wear the standard uniform.

Afterwards, they were given a quick lesson in how to change the tires in a race car.

Go Mati and Andrei!

The two were actually working as a team but as usual, they tried to outdo each other.

Andrei did well in the first round but had a bit of difficulty in the second try.

The tire was almost his size for gosh sakes! Ha ha ha ha ha!

He still got the hang of it though. Of course Mati was happily gloating from the back.

After the pit crew, Mati and Andrei wanted to do their separate activities. So sadly, it was time to split up!

Andrei goes with Daddy...

While it's me and Master Mati!

Mati loves Conan and solving mysteries so his natural first choice was to go to the CSI training.

Thankfully the wait here is short and they get paid for participating!

Usually in every KIDZANIA activity, they have a maximum number of participants. At least the children will really be able to get a part into the "role playing". 

For the CSI, they had a teacher giving them pointers on how to be detectives!

Mati was in detective heaven!

Afterwards they were led outside in teams to promote safety in KIDZANIA. 

It would be nicer if the CSI participants get to solve even a very simple case rather than foresee pedestrian safety. He he he he he! Nevertheless, Mati had fun at this short stint!

While I was waiting for Mati, I was so giddy to see THIS!

MY ONLY RADIO station!!!

I had a stint in ABS CBN as a DJ and it was such a great experience! I got all sentimental after seeing this.

Too bad the little lords did not want to try the radio booth. (Grumble grumble!)

While Mati was in CSI, Andrei stumbled into the SUPREME COURT OF KIDZANIA!

This was another role play session of what happens in court. The children draw lots and will portray what's written in the stub.

Andrei became the defendant! Ha ha ha ha ha!

COURT is in session!

Go Andrei!

You would think that my usual chatterbox Mati would be the one to go here. The Chinese Adonis and I were surprised that it was Andrei who volunteered to go. 

In this court though they had a script to read out so there won't be any "Judge Judy" drama going on. He he he he he!

However, the Judge in KIDZANIA had other things in mind.

Tee hee! Kidding!

While Andrei was still in court, Mati and I found this Holiday Inn that would be able to accommodate him in the next batch. 

Mati wanted to try this out because he was rarin' to make MORE Kidzos!

All trainers at KIDZANIA are very fluent in both English and Tagalog. What impressed me most is that they all seem to know what they're doing when you ask them questions. They are also very authoritative without being mean. I'm sure they need that to impose discipline on the kids. 

Master Mati loved asking questions. Yep! He is my little curious chatterbox! He he he he he he!

Maybe he's asking pointers since he always makes the bed in our room. Tee hee!

They also taught them how to properly clean a pretend hotel restroom!

Now WORK dangnabbit!

Ahhh there's nothing more better than child labor.



We had a long but very fun day in KIDZANIA that it warrants a part two (He he he he he!). If like us, you're a first time parent to accompany your over excited kid to KIDZANIA, just follow some of my tips above (and more to come) so that you'll survive that five (5) hours! 

Oh and by the way, it's pronounced as KIDZAHNYA not Kidzeynyah or Leviosar!


Thanks also to dear Didi of CANDISHHH TALES for letting me bug her about her trip in KIDZANIA!

He he he! So. There.

KIDZANIA ticket prices!
Mondays to Thursdays = Children (4-14 years old -- P900.00)
Children (1-3 years old -- P500.00)
Guardians ( 15 years old and above -- P630.00)

Fridays to Sundays and Holidays = Children (4-14 years old -- P1,100.00)
Children (1-3 years old -- P600.00)
Guardians (15 years old and above -- P770.00)

Park Triangle Mall, North 11th Avenue,
 Bonifacio Global City
Taguig, Philippines
632 711-KIDZ (5439)

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