
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

DADDY'S BIRTHDAY (2015)!!!!!

My Daddyowzers recently celebrated his birthday and once again, it was an enjoyable weekend for all of us.

At the strike of 12:00am the day of his birthday, the Chinese Adonis and I got ready to be my Dad's first greeters.

DON'T criticize my little "cake". Since we've been doing this for many celebrants for many years now, we know that what is important is the candle. Believe me, since most of us are watching our sugar intake these days, most of the cakes just go to waste. Tee hee! So we just get donuts!


Yep! We are all insomniacs. Check out my Dad still watching his movies. He he he he he!

Happy Birthday Daddy!!!!

Turns out my family was still awake and so they joined us in our birthday "salubong". He he he he he he!

Even if we're all there (minus my kuya Jay since his family lives in Antipolo), my Dad still looked for the little lords. Too bad that since his birthday fell on a weekday, my boys were already sound asleep for school.

That morning, I was late for work because we heard mass as a family and had our usual birthday breakfast in GLORIA MARIS. It was just too bad that I wasn't able to take pictures then because our usual camera is low in battery.

OR maybe, we were hiding that day from work! Tee hee!

Nobody will EVER know. 

That night, Daddy treated us for his birthday dinner. Normally it would be in our favorite KIMPURA but when he asked the little lords what they wanted that night, guess what they answered?

Yup. PEPPER LUNCH, their favorite! 

Not mine though. >:(

For that weekend my Dad had a simple birthday thanksgiving party for some of our close relatives and his office staff.


The design for the streamer was drawn by my older brother Kuya Jon, the animator of the family.

Nice right?


RUB-A-DUB-DUB what's our GRUB?


Sweet and Sour Fish!

Fried Chicken!

Beef Tenderloin with Gravy!


And here's the head of THAT table!

Home made fruit salad for dessert!

I also gave out some sticky buns to some of the guests courtesy of PASTRY ARMOIRE!

These were mighty good!

My cousin, Avie Querol, makes awesome pastries and she gave us boxes of her luscious cupcakes tonight. 

As Christmas is coming, place your orders to her NOW!

AND last but not the least is a birthday cake from his grandchildren, Rocio, Mati, and Andrei!

Later on, Daddy's guests started arriving.

Here's my Mom's youngest brother with his family!

Father's side cousins!

Another father's side cousin!

My cousin Avie who baked those delicious cupcakes!

Mareng Gail and the Campos!

Our office staff!

Our very happy office and household staff!

More household staff!

AND, my GATDULA family!

As usual whenever there's a special picture, my Mom would blink. 

We started off dinner with an opening prayer courtesy of Atty. Anthony, ate Jojit's new hubby!

Everybody, please stand up!

Pasado ba prayer sa yo Daddy?

Afterwards my Dad took the mike and did what he loved doing on his birthday and Christmas parties... SERMON! Ha ha ha ha ha!

It's all good of course with our close relatives and staff.

AND it's time to eat. My hungry Mati raced to line up! There's no reminding my little foodie boy to get his food. Ha ha ha ha!

Whenever we have a buffet spread, I'm always tempted to say the usual movie line when it comes to Filipino parties "O wag kayo mahihiya! Kain lang kayo!"


Chew! Chew!

I was surprised that Andrei got a LOT of food for himself. Something tells me I'm going to eat some of his leftovers later.

Or maybe he found the food really good!

My little lords!

Mati feels like crying because he doesn't like pictures while he's eating.

Before I got to eat, I was tasked to take pictures per table.

Mother's side relatives!

Father's side relatives!

MORE father's side relatives!

My cousins!

Mommy's best friend, Tita Flor and her husband!

Mommy and Tita Neneng!

Our office staff!

Some more office staff!

Our ever loyal household staff!

Andrei finished eating fast so that he could play with LJ, my sister's flower girl during her wedding.

While Andrei was playing with LJ, the Chinese Adonis immediately carried his god daughter Sky!

Afterwards, she joined her future kumares, Tiana and Dani!

Later on, we brought out the cakes for Daddy's birthday song!

Oh yes. I have LOADS of those sparkling candles. I always have some ready whenever it's birthday season for the family!


Trust Yub to get a very beautiful picture of me.

My Dad seemed to like it as I detected a wee smile from his usually grumpy face. Ha ha ha ha ha!

AWWW... Wala na.

That's the usual reaction with sparkly candles.

As the sparkly candles were not really meant for blowing, we just put a small candle for Daddy. Yep! For us, we should ALWAYS blow the candle to show how strong our lungs are.

He he he!

My friends with their families also came to celebrate Daddy's birthday!

Oh my hair is so buhaghag!

As my Daddy's BIRTHDAY PARTY went on, we also had some videoke. 

While my brother was belting out his favorite "emo" songs, my friends and I were playing TABOO!

We were divided by by girls vs boys and we will have to go against our spouses. He he he he he he!

TABOO is like "PINOY HENYO" except that you could mention many words to describe the object to be guessed. However, there are certain words that are TABOO or cannot be mentioned. 

It was definitely a fun activity for couples. He he he he he!

Even if, they are supposed to go against each other. He he he!

Go BGP!!!

When is it OUR turn?

BFF's Tiana and Dani would often help out the losing side (aka the boys) in describing a word.

While we were getting TABOOED, the little boys were inside our tv room playing gadgets and doing the PS3. 


Thank you BP girls for coming!

Same goes to our BP hubbies!

AND BP kiddies! He he he he he!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY dearest Daddy!!! We love you and God bless you always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you to everyone who shared our joy in this special event! 

PS... Did you notice that Andrei changed shirts for this picture? Hmmmm...

He he he he! Kidding! I did a slight edit because I don't like that his face is blurred in the original pic.

So. There.


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