
Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Most recently, THE YAPPY BUNCH was blessed to receive 4 VIP tickets to the geek event of the year, ASIA POP COMICON! Though I don't read comics too much, I was familiar with COMICON because of the numerous panel interviews that would get posted on Youtube. Now the reason why I'm not that enthusiastic at first to attend this event was because I thought the personalities were not the level of AVENGERS, XMEN, SHERLOCK, etc etc people. But lo and behold, my family and I still had a LOT of fun with the many awesome and surprising encounters that came our way!

To be honest, I had little too much that it became embarrassing if I may say. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!  But yes, we WILL be back next year! :)

If you don't want to be too weirded out by me, just go back to PART ONE of our COMICON ADVENTURE.

Otherwise proceed! He he he he he he he he!

If PART ONE gave us a tour around the ASIAPOP COMICON in World Trade Center, PART TWO will start off with the panel interviews!

And yes, we are armed with our VIP ids courtesy of my High School friend, Sandra!!!

I have always dreamed of attending COMICON panels and though I was not familiar with many of the artists featured today, we still had fun watching the enthusiasm of the crowd!

In ASIAPOP COMICON, Hall D will lead you to all the magic! 

It was so cool too that our VIP ids get us front seat access to all panel interviews! Wohoo!

Like the interview with JEREMY SHADA, the voice of FINN in Adventure Time!

Mati loves watching ADVENTURE TIME so it was a bit of surreal experience for him to finally see the guy behind that squeaky voice.

So happy for him!

Awww! Check out his smile! We actually scheduled our trip to go to COMICON earlier so that Mati could see Finn!

If I may say, Finn is mighty cute too!

ERICJAZ FOODIES with the little lords in the COMICON PANEL!

Later on JEREMY SHADA and the host hammed it up for the fans! He he he he he he!

In COMICON panels there are schedules to watch out for. The one that we wanted to see was after about 2 hours!

Good thing that with our VIP ids, we were able to get seats pronto!

For this interview, we got COLTON HAYNES! He he he he he!

We're not really familiar with him but all we know is that he starred in Arrow.

He looks SOOOO CUTE though....

My boys quietly disagreed with me!

The crowd went wild with him at his every word though.

I don't blame them. He IS cute!

Up next would be MY favorite among the comic con interviewees that we got seats even before the show started.

Thanks to our VIP ids!

It is there we saw my friend Albert and his cutie pie daughter Ashley! The boys ran up to him to say hi!



She was just lovely!

She has a sexy British accent too!!!

And what a smile!

Since we were in front with our VIP ids, I was able to get first dibs during the question and answer portion. 

Check out how much I embarrassed myself. Ha ha ha ha ha!

My boys were still so proud of me and really cheered me on!


Go Mrs. Greyworm!

Her sister was also watching!

Even if the little lords do not know who she is, they enjoyed the very lively interview.

Andrei became so curious of her that he insisted on watching THE FAST AND THE FURIOUS 7! He he he he!


For fans, this is a dream come true because they'll get to meet their idols up close and with a picture!

We wanted to make usyoso but the rooms were covered! Ha ha ha ha!

Ooh Paul Bettany is up!

No wonder there was such a crowd!

The little lords were curious to see ULTRON in the flesh!

While waiting, we had a selfie!

Later on we saw him!

Wohooo Paul!!!!

Could you see me and my fat biceps????


We met a LOT!

X-MEN First Class!

Darth Vader trying to force stop us from taking a selfie!!!

The Queen of Hearts and a friend! He he he he!]


Sailor Moon!

A SMART Bride?

Sand People!

Is this Wonderwoman?

Yup! That's HELL BOY!

Anime ladies!

I often see this guy on TV!

He really loves Superman like me! He he he he he!

I don't know who they are but they their costumes were still cool!

Kick Ass!

Red and Green Arrow!


Bruce Lee!

A Samurai!

Band of Storm Troopers!

Iron Man and... Iron Girl???

The Winter Soldier!!!

The girl(??) from Tangled, cosplayer, and Captain Jack Sparrow!

Agent Carter and Nicky Fury!

Hmmmm... This may be a good costume for me next year!

A very sad IRON MAN!

We only planned to stay for like 2 hours, but we ended up leaving near closing time at 7pm!

We were all sad to leave! For some reason even if we have explored every space possible in COMICON, it was still not enough!

To console Mati, he asked for a picture by the Civil War sign by the entrance. He he he!

Before going I brought the kids some T-shirts to remember this awesome day!

The ASIAPOP COMICON MANILA was indeed an unexpected plan that gave us MANY surprises and fun!!!! I heard that next year they will be back. And yes, we will DEFINITELY get tickets and dress up to join this comical party!!!


Now what shall I go as?

The awesome ERICJAZ FOODIES? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!


Check this out:

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