
Sunday, September 27, 2015


One thing I could say about me and the Chinese Adonis is that we may not have a gazillion of friends but we do have the ones that matter. Of course, don't get me wrong, we are friendly and welcoming to everyone since we do believe there is goodness in all people. HOWEVER, we are glad that the circle that we keep close to us are those who we share the same values and traditions especially when it comes to family and friendship.

And one of those couples is Gem and Jojie!

Gem and Jojie are part of our BP Group and we have been good friends for almost two years now. The Chinese Adonis and I feel like they are our kindred spirits because we love their views about life and they always inspire us to do what we can. Not to mention, when we get together we always chat up a storm! I'm even surprised that we have time to breathe because we always have an exchange of tales and views non-stop!

One of the great things we love about Gem and Jojie is their generous spirit. They always give and share their blessings to people who are their friends and yes, even their enemies. Yup! It's true!!!! That's why I always tell them, the reason why they are so abundant in love from everyone is because of their selfless and giving attitude. Good things ALWAYS come their way and they would still find it in their hearts to share whatever that is.

Maybe that's why WE arrived into their lives and WE are sharing about it!


When Gem and I chat in Facebook, conversation would always direct us to eating a platter of delicious steak. So much so that during one of our usual cravings for steak, one of us mentioned "Let's eat at MAMOU!"

And then we did. IMMEDIATELY.

I guess that's one more thing we appreciate about dear Gem and Jojie. There's no dilly dally and we get a definite action in a New York minute. When they say it, they really mean it! No flakers!!!! Ora mismo ang mga Navarros! He he he he he!!!!

Combine THAT attitude with food, ahhhh dream come true for ERICJAZ FOODIES!

Ika nga ni pareng Alden in KALYESERYE... "God gave me you..... To show me what's real..."



We went to MAMOU TOO in Powerplant Mall on a weekday after we put the kiddies to sleep. Good thing that we made reservations because even at this late hour, the restaurant was still packed!

Mareng Gem and Pareng Jojie!


Bwa ha ha ha ha ha!

Sorry I am still in KALYESERYE mode!

We love the complimentary bread basket that MAMOU TOO serves. It's always warm, crusty, chewy, and perfect to chew on while waiting for our orders.

First on the table is MAMOU TOO's Healdsburg Harvest (P335.00). Refreshing and light with an addicting fruity dressing!

When you're in MAMOU TOO, never, ever, for the love of all things beautiful like Alden, EVER forget to order their Lorenzo's Truffle Cream (P395.00). It is just glorious, creamy, addicting, and so super kaduper PERFECT.

So far for me it is still the best Truffle pasta there is. I could actually finish a whole platter by myself but I would have to consider the sanity of my thighs and biceps.

"Nasisiraan na sila ng bait sa bilis ng paglaki nila!!!!"  

For variety, we also ordered a platter of MAMOU TOO Linguine Vongole (P365.00)!

The clams were fresh and sweet while the oil was abundant with garlic and seasoning. So perfect at every slurp!

We each ordered a platter of MAMOU TOO Angus Rib Eye USDA Prime Grade Steak (Single P1950 at 14oz). 

ERICJAZ FOODIES had it at medium!

While Team Navarro requested for Medium Well!

We LOVE MAMOU TOO steaks because they are always juicy, tender, UBER FATTY, and so so flavorful!

MAMOU TOO serve their steak platters tilted so that all the oils and juices go to one side. You could choose to ignore it, OR mop it up with your crusty bread, OR scoop it over your rice.

Guess what door we chose?

Oh MAMOU TOO steak... Why can't we quit you??

And why would we want to? That would just be istupido!

When you order MAMOU TOO steaks, you are given 2 side dishes for free. We got the creamed spinach...

The mashed potatoes...

The steak rice...

And, baked corn!


A table full of delicious MAMOU TOO food! All ours!!! 

My favorite pasta....

And this is how I carbo-load!

Mareng Gem and I agreed that steak is ALWAYS best paired with red wine. In a second she said she'll treat us to a bottle of it!


Thanks again mareng Gem!

My husband asked MAMOU TOO to have the fat grilled some more. We loved the extra charred taste that came with it.

And of course, it was so perfect with the sweet red wine!

After a lot of talking, drinking, and eating, we are finally done!



Next time na siguro. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! I'm so full I could almost hear myself burst!

Looks like I'm not the only one who's about to explode from all the food!


Friends Selfie. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Augh! We could barely stand up afterwards though!

Our MAMOU TOO bill!

For dessert, we had coffee and waffles from ishtarbaks!

As usual we had a great and super fun night with this amazing couple! Once again, we are inspired to do more and be more than what is expected of us. I always value people who generate loving and happy vibes. And with Gem and Jojie, we ALWAYS get THAT plus red wine.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

We love you Gem and Jojie! Looking forward to have MORE dinners and couple nights with you!!!! As you have always shown that you got our back, we will ALWAYS be here for you guys too! 

Okay na okay lang kung sa MAMOU TOO ulit!


Ground Floor, Power Plant Mall, 
Rockwell, Makati City
02 8226218 /+63 9178062668

Check these out:


  1. Binasa ko to habang nasa bed na. Nagutom tuloy ako hahaha!! Ang sarap! Fave ko din pasta! Tagal ko na gusto kumain sa Mamou kaso ang layo sa Bundok!

    1. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! You're so cute Erika! Naku ako din minsan nagugutom while I do my blog! And yes, you should try the pasta AND the steaks! Winner sa Mamou! I'm sure you'll love it!!!!
