
Tuesday, August 25, 2015


When my friends and I recently had a MANILA DAY with our families, we decided to go all the way and have Filipino food for lunch.

And that's how THE YAPPY BUNCH came again to ARISTOCRAT.


THE YAPPY BUNCH had our INDEPENDENCE DAY lunch in this ARISTOCRAT branch 2 years ago and it was great to be back with our friends in celebration of the holiday.

ARISTOCRAT in Malate was packed that day but it was a good thing that they opened their function rooms for us hungry customers!

Monday, August 24, 2015


While we were in Japan last summer vacation, my family went to a number of cities to explore the various tourist spots and historical sites that the country had to offer. Along with the city hopping though, we faced the solid truth that we also needed to book different hotels per city. Wow! Such work for lazy sloths like us (and yes, I became redundant there). Woah! I could just imagine how fun it would be to pack and unpack each time we go someplace new. Nevertheless, THE YAPPY BUNCH still got excited. It was not everyday that we get to stay at multiple hotels in only a matter of days.

And perhaps the one that stood out as the best for us is our second stop.... 


We arrived in Tokyo late at night after our whole day in Kyoto.  After walking u a marathon, we are so looking forward to tuck ourselves in a soft and comfy bed.

Thursday, August 20, 2015


When you go to Japan, it's normal that you'll be saving tummy and fat space for authentic Sushi, Sashimi, Ramen, Kobe beef, etc. etc. But if I may make a recommendation, make room for Japan's famous EKIBEN or BENTO BOXES. These delicious Japanese grub on the go is neither expensive nor fancy. But it DOES pack a wallop on the convenience and enjoyment factor.


In our 3rd day in Japan, we were in KYOTO STATION to wait for our Shinkansen (or bullet train) going to Tokyo.

While waiting, my brother suggested that we get some EKIBEN for our long trip going to Tokyo. I really didn't know about this but we were all willing to try it. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


When THE YAPPY BUNCH joined my siblings in our last Japan trip, we let my brother Kuya Jon plan for our whole itinerary. We were grateful that he scheduled many sites that had a lot of historical or cultural meaning into it that the little lords learned something instead of just going walking around.

One of which is our visit to KIYOMIZU TEMPLE in KYOTO!


Tuesday, August 18, 2015


In our recent trip to FORT SANTIAGO with the BP GROUP to celebrate the INDEPENDENCE DAY 2015, the kiddies had so much fun exploring around while us oldies reminisced till our big heads hurt.


While going around, we discovered that FORT SANTIAGO recently renovated the museum of Dr. Jose Rizal.

Monday, August 17, 2015


As parents, we would always like to give what is best for our children. Unfortunately, some folks think that "best" would always coincide with the word "expensive".  This would usually happen for some families where they spoil their kids with high-priced gadgets or during weekends they would give them a "buy-all-you-can" blow-out in the popular malls. This would be great as a reward or for special occasions, but to do it always? I'm not a fan of it. Personally, I find that there are other more practical options that would still give the most priceless memories and at the same time, learn from it.

One great example of that is the historic site of FORT SANTIAGO.

This popular tourist spot always had a special place in my heart because my parents would regularly take us there on family day Sundays. Even during my school years, I always had the best time when we had our field trips or special projects in FORT SANTIAGO. There's something about surrounding myself with structures that are rich in Philippine history that have been there when our country was so young that gets me all sentimental and dreamy. I never get tired of going there and I'm thankful that the Chinese Adonis feels the same and is enthusiastic about it as well.

So it's no question that during the Independence Day Holiday we included FORT SANTIAGO for our yearly tradition with the little lords. Yes we could always check-in for a hotel staycation or go to the latest kiddie playworld but sometimes the simplest of activities are more meaningful and relevant.

So go the extra mile (literally) and take your kiddies to FORT SANTIAGO on your next weekend. Trust me, not only are you immersing your children to our Philippine history and teaching them about our culture, but you are also showing them the strong values of simplicity and effort.

Now THAT, may be one of your BEST ideas yet!


Saturday, August 15, 2015


The Chinese Adonis and I promised ourselves that we could do all that we want for the whole week but come Sunday, THE YAPPY BUNCH should ALWAYS be together. Of course, we are in each others company already for 7 days but we will stress on it more on Sundays with mass, breakfast, and lunch.  You could say the reason why we are doing this is to program the little lords that Sunday is their day with Mommy and Daddy. So that when they grow up and get all cool to be the "folks", they would still go with us on family day Sundays.

I don't care if they got home late the previous night...
I don't care if they have a hot date that morning...
I don't care if they have a barkada getaway....

Sunday is OUR day. So they better get used to it.

With that, I'm so glad that there are restaurants like MUSEUM CAFE that is perfect for our after-mass meal. The place is chic and located nearby in Greenbelt. Plus, they are serving brunch that is fitting for our special family day Sunday. We all enjoyed our time there!

Moments like these make me cherish every second with my little lords. I know time goes by so fast (like EAT BULAGA hammering SHOWTIME with #ALDUB (HA!)) that before we know it, they'll be out with their girls or their friends more than us. That's why hopefully, the neverending time we spend with them will make a strong mark so that they'll keep our Family Sundays sacred. 

Of course, given the choice, we'd still like to be with them every single day.

But should the time comes where they could only spare one day for us, we know that it would always be on Sundays.

And yes it would DEFINITELY still be more than enough for us! :)


MUSEUM CAFE is located right across AYALA MUSEUM. 

Isn't that the perfect place to go after pigging yourselves out with delicious food?

Thursday, August 13, 2015


One supposed to be busy Tuesday, ERICJAZ FOODIES were invited to try out the hottest Spanish dishes in the metro in ALQUERIA (TAPAS, PAELLAS Y BISTECAS). I was psyched because I've been seeing the mouth-watering dishes of ALQUERIA in the net and I was so raring to sink my teeth on all those rich food.

Never mind that I was dieting....
Never mind that I MIGHT be coming out late from work...
Never mind that traffic was horrendous...
Never mind that it was the little lords' exam week...

(What the...????)

But yes, we are going to have dinner at ALQUERIA that night! There's no looking back.

And yes, I even wore my latest slimming corset to get ready for it!





ALQUERIA is located at the SM  Mega Fashion Hall where some of the hottest restaurants are settling in.


Come in and get ready to indulge in scrumptious Spanish cuisine here in Metro Manila!

Monday, August 10, 2015


These days, the Chinese Adonis and I are watching our food intake because not only have we ballooned to the size of beluga whales but we are also concerned about our health. 

To be honest, and I'm sure it may come as a shock to some. I am already 40 years old. Yes. Yes. I know I don't look like it but that is the truth. I hope I didn't break any hearts out there who think of me as their high school buddy or college mate, but I have to declare that yes, THIS IS 40. And even if I don't look a little over 20 years old, I still have to be careful about my weight and watch my cholesterol consumption. 

Don't worry. I doubt you'll also have my hallucinations when you get my age. Nyuk nyuk!!!

Seriously speaking (or writing), yes the Chinese Adonis and I have been dieting for many weeks now but after seeing the many posts of our KTG mates about FAT RESTAURANT, we were caught in a diddle widdle. Is it time to abandon the grueling days of diet for a night of "nutritional sin?"

Our answer to that?


Because the food at FAT RESTAURANT is just so effin delicious that it IS indeed worth getting fat for.

And I'm still not sorry about the extra pounds up to now!!!!


This new restaurant is located at the Fort and very near MIND MUSEUM!

Are you ready to get some FAT into your daily lives?

We certainly are!!!!

Friday, August 7, 2015


When THE YAPPY BUNCH went to Japan with my brothers and sisters, we let them plan the itinerary for us. Although it would be nice to plot where we will be going at OUR own schedule (that's why we never go with travel agencies), I trusted my siblings and their taste. It's great that we all share the same love for going to places that matter (museums, historical sites, etc) in order to learn something and have a different kind of experience. Personally I find it more worthwhile than going to another country just to shop especially when you can buy the same items in our giant malls. Even though the tags may be cheaper, it would never EVER replace seeing, let's say, Mt. Fuji, which would still be as breath-taking for the second or one-hundredth time!

Anywho, one of the places that we were glad to discover the existence of is the FUSHIMI INARI-TAISHA, or to make it shorter, THE INARI SHRINE IN KYOTO. I was never aware how they valued the sacredness of the INARI -- the Japanese kami of foxes, of fertility, rice, tea and Sake, of agriculture and industry, of general prosperity and worldly success, and one of the principal KAMI of Shinto. The INARI is part of SHINTO, the indigenous religion of the people of Japan. These days, the SHINTO is a term for Japan's public shrines in respect for their devotion of KAMI or the spirits they worship representing nature, animals, forces in the universe, and even the deceased.

Japan has wonderfully preserved the sanctity, holiness, and beauty of these ancient shrines. And we are so thankful that our first stop gave us a glimpse of the country's rich culture and beliefs leaving us at loss for words (yes it is possible). The experience truly blessed us with something that would never be replaced by any picture, souvenir, or autograph by
Hiroyuki Sanada (ahahaaaay....).

ERICJAZ FOODIES and family at the FUSHIMI INARI-TAISHA --  the first of many temples that we all fell in love with.


Wednesday, August 5, 2015


On the day that we went to Kyoto during our Japan Trip, we woke up extra early and had an itty bitty bite from our hotel because we were really planning to have our breakfast at Kyoto Station.  There are actually many restaurants that served authentic Japanese food in the popular train station that we were all raring to try it to get properly energized for the (undoubtedly) exciting day ahead.

After depositing our bags in the KYOTO TRAIN STATION LOCKER, we all walked around and looked forward to where our hungry tummies would take us. 

And so we came upon KYOTO RAMEN KOJI!!!

KYOTO RAMEN KOJI is this small restaurant near the JR Kyoto on the Isetan side.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


When we started plotting our itinerary for our Japan trip 2015, I promised the little lords that by hook or by crook, we will eat at a revolving sushi restaurant. The last time we went to a restaurant of the same theme was in KULA in LA but that was so long ago. In the Philippines, there are not many popular revolving sushi restaurants around (pun not intended) that's why the little lords were so excited at the prospect of having it again, this time in its "mothership" in Japan. However, since my brothers and sisters were leading the pack and had a complete list on where we will be going, I was not so sure anymore if we will be able to indulge in that "revolving" wish.

Lo and behold! The food gods were with us in Japan during our trip that after our tiring day at UNIVERSAL STUDIOS we came upon this revolving sushi restaurant at the Universal Citywalk named DAIKISUISAN REVOLVING SUSHI. At first, I was hesitant because I got this idea that restaurants located at the Citywalk were expensive. But upon checking the menu, the dishes were quite affordable that it was like we were meant to have our dinner there.

And so, we happily did!!!!!!


We just finished our day in UNIVERSAL STUDIOS and were all deciding where to eat. 

Our initial plans were to go back to our hotel and look for a restaurant there. Looking around at Universal Citywalk, we had this preconceived notion that the restaurants there were not for the dedicated economist (read: stingy) that we just walked straight ahead.

While walking, we came upon DAIKISUISAN REVOLVING SUSHI!

Oh! Oh! A revolving sushi restaurant! FINALLY!

Monday, August 3, 2015


These days, the Chinese Adonis and I are able to go out more during weeknights since the little lords are old enough to sleep by themselves in their room. Before, we cannot really make plans on a weekday because they would really wait up for us until we get home, something we don't want happening because they needed to be up early for school the next day. These days, they just get short tutorial from the Chinese Adonis, eat dinner with us, then it's off to bed at 8:30pm. It is during that time where the Chinese Adonis and I say our goodbyes to them if we have made any plans.

Don't get me wrong. Even if we are able to go out now on school nights, we don't do it everyday. We still limit ourselves to just about once a week and we always go home before midnight since we will be waking up early to get the boys ready for school anyway. So yes, we COULD go out but it would have to be for something SPECIAL.

And of course for us, one of the SPECIAL "somethings" would be meeting out with my BGP (Best Gal Pal) Marian and her husband Manong (ew) Fred to try out this new restaurant in the Makati Area -- DEAN & DELUCA.

Our best friends going out on a food trip with us -- what could be more fun that THAT?

Well... a date with BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH comes to mind but not for this night. He he he he he he!


DEAN & DELUCA is located in front of POWER PLANT MALL at the side near the Mango exit.

DEAN & DELUCA opened its doors on September 1977 in Soho, New York and since then they have already served in several branches located in New York City, Washington DC, Charlotte, North Carolina; Leawood, Kansas; and St. Helena, California. They have also took spot in international store locations such as in Japan, Thailand, South Korea and The Middle East.