
Monday, July 6, 2015


One Friday, the little lords fetched me from the office because we will be going to my friend Ann's house for dessert and play. My boys love going to the Virrey's place because they have such a fun time playing with their friends Johans and Jelo.

Of course before going there, we decided to just eat dinner somewhere because we didn't want to bother the Virreys with our big and hungry group. So where to eat? I suggested that we try out BRICK-FIRE (OVEN ROASTED STEAKS AND CHOPS) because it is so near my office and my co-workers strongly recommended the food there. In fact, one of my office mates one time even moaned "Ang sarap ng steak dooon!". Yep! It's true!!! When I mentioned this to my guys, they strongly agreed because they were craving for some meat. Plus, words "steak and chops" instantly made them drool.

So I guess there really is no question about it. When you've got MEN in the family, there should always be STEAK. So, BRICK-FIRE will be our destination for that Friday night!


BRICK-FIRE is located at the second floor of the Xavier Residence Building that also has a 7/11 branch in the first floor.

Sorry we were not able to take a picture of the exterior as it was raining heavily that night.

When we arrived in BRICK-FIRE, there were several tables available. As time went on, the place became jampacked with hungry diners that we were so thankful to get in there early.


The little lords!

The fat lords.


We did not have to wait long for a waiter to come and take our orders.


BRICK-FIRE menu 1!!!

BRICK-FIRE menu 2!

How do you take your steak?

I always take mine medium or medium rare but of course it depends on the restaurant we're eating in. If it's in a simple place like BRICK-FIRE, it would be safer to have it medium well.

Of course, one indicator if a restaurant REALLY knows their meats is when they DON'T give a hint that their steaks could be cooked well-done. QUE HORROR!!! That's a mortal sin when it comes to steaks!!!


He he he he he he! It's okay. BRICK-FIRE IS very affordable anyway. And if their steaks are as good as what I hear, then they could put whatever they want in their menu. He he he he he he!

Who takes their steaks well-done. Seriously???

The Chinese Adonis does.

BLECH! Such a pet peeve for me!!!!

We ordered this in the office before and it was mighty good!

BRICK-FIRE menu 3!!!

AND BRICK-FIRE menu 4!!!

While waiting for our orders, the little lords watched basketball at the flat screen mounted on the other side.

As for me, I read up some of the blogs that featured BRICK-FIRE in their site!

Before the food was served, BRICK-FIRE gave us small platter for the utensils.



Andrei has been very partial to carbonara these days that he ordered a plate of it (P130.00) in BRICK-FIRE!

My little lord loved anything cheesy and creamy so this was an instant winner for him.

As for me, I ordered the BRICK-FIRE Cowgirl Anne Steak in Wasabi flavor (P164.00). I got curious how my favorite Japanese condiment would fare up on my steak.

This was certainly a pretty good deal because just for P164.00 I already got some steak, rice, and one side. That's certainly bang for my buck!

Oh! Yub's buck to be specific.

I expected wasabi to be generously smeared all over my steak but all I got was a wee smidgen of it. Let's see how this will work out because one thing's for sure, it smelled glorious!

The Chinese Adonis wanted to indulge a bit so he ordered the BRICK-FIRE Duke Steak (P255.00) that he saw on the menu cover. Since it appeared so big, he planned to share it with the Matster!

As it turned out, he got 2 small pieces of the steak that was a little bigger than a deck of cards. We really didn't mind. We just hoped that it would be able to satisfy our big guy Mati!

ERICJAZ FOODIES with the little lords in BRICK-FIRE!!!!

My husband gave his plate to Mati and my first born was so excited to dig in.

I also gave him some of my steak since I was trying to diet (HA!) and he was very curious of the wasabi!

As for my bunsoy, he ordered an extra serving of cheese. Yep! That's how much he loved it. Normally he is a very shy guy but when I told him that if he wanted something, he should be the one to order it, he quietly called the waiter and asked for cheese. So there he is quite happy with his tub of grated parmesan!

Now I may know my meats when it comes to "doneness" BUT I have to admit that I have this tendency to pimp up the "simple" steaks that it's disgraceful. 

In BRICK-FIRE, I drowned my steak in gravy and (que horror) added some drops of hot sauce. Ha ha ha ha ha! IT WAS MIGHTY DELISHES that I don't care of the decision come judgement day!

Don't worry, I wouldn't do this to a piece of grade 8 meat. He he he he he he!

Halfway thru his pasta, Andrei got impatient of eating (like he always does) and started to bug his Kuya. As for my Master Mati, he was chewing, gulping, and savoring his steak with mucho gusto that it took him in a zone that Andrei could never EVER get to.

Hello! Is that the son of Mr. Pen Medina at the back? Hi hi hi!

Can't talk. Eating.

Gulp! Chew! Bite!

My BRICK-FIRE steak, though it was cooked medium well,it  was definitely tender and so tasty. The gravy was also a perfect complement to the grilled meat with its earthy and robust taste.

If you are worried about the wasabi spread, don't be. I hardly tasted it. There was a faint clue of the spice but it just added a small kick in the meat.

Me so happy!


Me so DEFINITELY dieting after this.

Andrei picked out the bacon from his carbonara as he only wanted to eat the pasta. 

At this point I'm not sure if he really IS my son.


Or am I?


And we're done!

Our BRICK-FIRE bill!

Afterwards, we proceeded to Casa Virrey for some dessert, coffee, and UNO!

The little lords always enjoy playing and jamming with their friends for Minecraft. 

The Chinese Adonis and pareng Jonahs had some ice cold beers!

While me and Aning chatted non-stop over cakes, coffee, and WINE!

Oh yeah! Jonahs served a very fruity chilled wine for us that night. Naks! Ispeysyal!

Later on they took out their UNO cards to kick-off the game!

Me and my godson Jelo doing our usual "I'm watching you!"



I told Jelo that if I win, he'll have to stay outside for 5 minutes. He shot back and said that if HE wins, I'll stay in their bathroom for 100 hours!

Hmmm. That's realistic. Ha ha ha ha ha!

YOHOOO! I won that first round of UNO! I own you now Jelo!

Later on, Jelo won and he gloated so much on his Tito Eric. I think he is still in pain over his loss to me!

He he he he he!

In the next round, us ladies will win AGAIN!

Yohoo! Everyone joined in!

HA! I could see your cards Johans!

HA! I could see it again.

Though this time, it's on purpose. Ha ha ha ha!

Are those secret messages Jelo and Andrei?

We had so much fun that night at the Virrey house!

I think we left past midnight already!!


Dinner at BRICK-FIRE was definitely something that THE YAPPY BUNCH really had a great time in. The food was delicious, the service was prompt, and the prices were definitely perfect for those who are watching their budget. We will definitely go back here to get more of those grilled steaks when THE YAPPY BUNCH is in the Xavierville QC area again!


2/F Xavier Residence Building, 
E. Abada corner R. Alvero Streets,
Loyola Heights, Quezon City.
 0917-777034/ 426-2254

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