
Wednesday, July 15, 2015


While my brothers and sisters were plotting our itinerary for our Japan trip, they were also focusing on the hotel that we will be staying on. We know that we shouldn't really go for the fancy rooms since we'll just be staying there just to sleep for 2 nights. But still, we all wanted someplace that would be convenient for us in terms of commute, food, and security. Of course if the rates are affordable then it would just be perfectly dandy for us.

My sister then found HOTEL RELIEF NAMBA DAIKOKUCHO that may be a bit far from the airport but it was just a 5 minute walk from the Daikokucho Train Station. Without further adieu we clicked on it and booked it. So bam! We got that out of the way.

For our first night in Japan, we were actually quite happy with my sister's choice for all of us. HOTEL RELIEF NAMBA DAIKOKUCHO was clean, affordable, and was very near at whatever we need for an enjoyable stay.

Our stay in Japan is definitely at a great start!

Now that's a relief!

Sorry for the corny ending. He he he he he!


Whew that's a mouthful! Let me just call it HOTEL RELIEF okay?

For our Japan trip, we decided to rough it out and not join any tour groups nor ride taxi cabs. Besides being the more practical choice, we also wanted to do how the locals would and go around via trains and buses. 

It's great that HOTEL RELIEF was only a 5 minute walk from the train station. It would certainly be very convenient when we go around the next day.

Everybody helped in carrying our bags. Yep even little Andrei!


He he he he he!

And here we are!


Going in! Finally! After a whole day traveling, it would be such a RELIEF to settle down. 

Tee hee! Sorry. I wouldn't get tired of that.

You may judge so by the logo but HOTEL RELIEF is in no way associated with our Robinsons Corporation.

We came in late and was welcomed by this suave front desk officer who knew a bit of English.

Though we specified in our booking that we wanted a hotel with English speaking reps, the gentleman who assisted us would still have trouble with certain words. He even took out a notepad with various English phrases so that he could communicate with us better. It's no problem for us since he was still very nice and respectful. But that really confirmed the importance of booking a hotel with attendants who could speak words you'd understand.

Checking in!

We were a big group so I hope we didn't harassed the guy too much! He he he he he!

While we were checking in, Kuya Jay and Mati found this illuminated nook that seemed perfect for dramatic shots. He he he he he he!

Trying out two expressions for the little lords!

And finally we got our keys!

The HOTEL RELIEF front desk officer gave us this piece of paper for everything we may need to ask about our stay.

Did you notice how every sentence started off with the word "Please?" So polite!

HOTEL RELIEF provided free coffee and tea plus spa services to guests! Now we didn't see that coming.

They were very particular about the schedule and would really take this out after 10:00pm. So within the specified time, we could have free coffee, tea, and hand sanitizer all we want.

Now what is that contraption at the left side? Ate Jojit and I may be acting so confused about it that the front desk officer came by and showed it to us.

A wet towel dispenser!

Toingk! Didn't we look stupid there. He he he he he he!

There are a lot of restaurants near HOTEL RELIEF and one of the more popular ones was COCO ICHIBAN. But we wanted to try something that was more hole-in-the-wall so we had our late dinner at the nearby MATSUYA DAIKOKUCHO!

What's great about HOTEL RELIEF is that there is a FAMILY MART located at the hotel ground floor.

FAMILY MART is Japan's 7-ELEVEN but had more food in it. The store is open 24 hours and almost had EVERYTHING you may need when you're in vacation.

I'll make a separate blogpost about the beauty of their FAMILY MART. It was certainly very convenient to have this so nearby especially when we needed water, snacks, and extra toiletries.

After our dinner, I helped myself to some coffee before going to bed.

Just in case you're in the mood for cold drinks, vendor machines are EVERYWHERE in Japan. HOTEL RELIEF also has vendor machines every floor but it's not free like the welcome coffee and tea. He he he he he!


Hmmm... Now what should Andrei choose?

Every floor of HOTEL RELIEF has a common area with tables and chairs for guests who would like to hang out before retiring for the night. 

You could have your snacks and drinks here as long as you clean up your mess afterwards and keep your voices down.

HOTEL RELIEF also has a restaurant that garnered great reviews in the net. We wanted to try it but it was already closed for the evening. My sister in law Karen said they tried the breakfast meals and it was deeeelicious!

Our HOTEL RELIEF room is at 315!!!!

We got the HOTEL RELIEF room with twin beds. The room may be quite small compared to the other hotels that we stayed in for the same price but it was clean and cozy.

Besides, it seems to have all that we need to have a worry free stay in Osaka Japan!

There's a study table with pads and sockets for our chargers.

There's a television with HD viewing quality!

The remote control was in Japanese but HOTEL RELIEF provided instructions in English!

Now what channel is EAT BULAGA?

Tee hee!

We also got air-conditioning and a humidifier!

Of course, it also came with instructions!

HOTEL relief also had a mini-kitchen for those who want to cook or take home food for reheating!

There's an electric kettle too for hot water!

Of course, it included instructions as well.

HOTEL RELIEF also provided leather slippers for their guests. 

UY! 1 piece for each of us!


There was also a sign that says we may use the slippers but within HOTEL RELIEF premises only.

The HOTEL RELIEF bathrooms may be small but they got all that we needed!

There's a bathtub, shower, and small cabinet.

HOTEL RELIEF Bathgel, shampoo, and conditioner.

Of course, any Japanese tourist would agree that one of the best things in Japan is their toilets!!!!!

It is SO pimped up!

There's a special panel on the side that controls temperature of the toilet seat and water to wash... your... stuff.

Tee hee!

I really don't get what's the faucet for on top of the toilet. Maybe it's for you to wash your hair while you're doing number 2?


Oh well! You'll never know. Like I said, the Japanese really thinks of everything that you may need in a room!

AND they also have a mirror to show ME! I'm all you'll ever need!


We didn't have any space for our bags so some of it was just shut in the cabinets or left by the door.

Call it our extra security for the nights!

The HOTEL RELIEF beds are not as soft as we were used to in our other staycations but I guess the Japanese focused more on their back supports.

By the way, each room also has free wifi! Wohoo!

 We all had a good night's sleep after we have scrubbed the day's grime off us and changed in our jammies!


The next day THE YAPPY BUNCH with Rocio were off to UNIVERSAL STUDIOS to say Hi to JAWS and HARRY POTTER!

When we got home, Andrei was still in a Harry Potter high and kept on casting spells with his new wand.

I guess the little lords got so tired with our UNIVERSAL STUDIOS trip that they were still snoozing even after the Chinese Adonis and I dressed up after our baths..... separately. Ew!


Poor Andrei! Mati hogged the blankets!

We will be checking out early since we'll be going to KYOTO. We bought some instant noodles to get something warm in our tummies before our real breakfast later on. He he he he he!

Good morning!

I saw my Ate Jit and Kuya Jon also having their morning snacks outside. I sat for a bit to get a free bite. He he he he he he!

And we're checking out!!!

The little lords were so sad to go!


And we're off to KYOTO!

We really had a good 2-night stay in HOTEL RELIEF NAMBA DAIKOKUCHO! The room may be not spacious but we were also provided with amenities that would make us not worry of anything else. Besides, we appreciated that we were also within reach of everything that we needed (restaurants, train stations, FAMILY MART) that we don't need to walk miles for. PLUS, for only P6,000.00 a night (without breakfast), I think that's a very reasonable deal for a Japan hotel!

Should we plan to go back Osaka, we are definitely booking ourselves again in HOTEL RELIEF NAMBA DAIKOKUCHO!


3-17-15, Nambanaka, Naniwaku, 
Namba, Osaka, Japan 556-0011

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