
Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Every summer, us parents would scramble on to check what sort of workshops, sports camp, or extra tutorials would best suit our kiddies in order to have a more worthy and meaningful vacation. I don't know about you but I have fallen guilty with the challenging times that I would always plot these "summer burdens" on my kids because I don't want them to just stay at home and watch television.  I have realized that I have failed to prioritize too what is the most important experience for my little lords at this stage in their lives...

The element of FUN. Yep! Mary Poppins certainly got that right!

This vacation, the Chinese Adonis and I forgot about making them work at a fast food chain or taking up lessons for a future Broadway career. I'm sure that these extra summer activities are still learning and fun for some other vacation. But not this time. For this year, we want to do something different for summer: we will be raking up MORE unforgettable experiences as a family.

We have already scheduled getaways and trips for summer when we received an invite from one of KTG's coolest couple EN ROUTE, to have a weekend in Batangas' newest go-to place: THE BAUAN PLAZA HOTEL. Staycations are always a welcome treat for THE YAPPY BUNCH but to have it all the way in Batangas, will definitely be something. To be honest, I was expecting first that it will be the usual staycation where we are billeted in this ultra clean room and enjoying hotel food. But when I saw BAUAN PLAZA HOTEL's SOMBRERO ISLAND LEISURE PACKAGE, I was psyched! Never did I imagine to schedule island hopping and snorkeling for us during our family summer itinerary. But here it is, staring at our face the opportunity to explore isolated beaches, eat by the white sand shores, and see colorful fishes up close that was offered in this one of a kind summer deal in the most grandest hotel in Bauan, Batangas.

Summer lovin' at it's finest! Only by THE BAUAN PLAZA HOTEL!

We left Manila at about 4:00am and arrived in BAUAN PLAZA HOTEL an hour and a half later. The little lords were awake the whole ride since they go so excited after I told them what the day's itinerary was. 

Hotel entrance!

The BAUAN PLAZA HOTEL was situated in front of a church and was very convenient to those who would like to hear mass during the weekend. The hotel was also perfect for a reception as the bride and groom could literally just walk towards the hotel after the wedding!!

Don't worry, parking is not a problem as they have basement parking slots that was complimentary for check-in guests.

Going up the escalator, I was surprised with the sudden contrast of the hotel's exteriors to the chic, urban vibe going on at the lobby. Of course, there was still the romance of Filipino ingenuity leering about with the vast colorful paintings depicting local customs on the hotel walls.  

Check in was a breeze and no hassle! In fact when I got in and saw that there were only 3 bags by the front desk, I was panicked at the Chinese Adonis saying "WHERE ARE THE BAGS????" (I thought I left at home what I packed the night before).

The bags were all safe and sound and waiting inside our room. I think this is the first time that our bags got into the room before hotel checked us in!


We were immediately invited to have our buffet breakfast in Cafe Londres and Bar. 

I told the little lords to fuel up since it's going to be an exciting day ahead.

Mati and Daddy!

Our breakfast grub! This is included in the overnight stay but should you wish to just have breakfast to enjoy their offerings on any day, it is priced at P300 per person.

Poor JAWS wanted to join in on the "fun" but sharks were not allowed on the table. 

Mommy and Herobrine Andrei! 

Helping myself to a second serving of all things nummy!

Breakfast with a church view! Not too shabby!

We were served by the very jolly and sweet Jannica! Little did I know that she will be our constant companion all throughout the day!

Our room for our staycation at BAUAN PLAZA HOTEL was at 207!

When we entered, the little lords were so surprised that we will not be getting an ordinary studio type of room. 

Yowza! We got a loft!

There were 2 comfortable and soft queen sized beds that were just perfect for us. 

Each floor has a flat screen TV and air conditioning unit!

Egad! Pet peeve! I don't like it when people lie down on the bed using ordinary outside clothes. I feel it's more sanitary if they change first into pajamas or siyesta clothes! (OC!)

The view down below.

Going to the door!

Complimentary coffee and tea good for four!

Restroom was very clean and had a bathtub much to the kid's delight!

MY toiletries! He he he he he!

MY cutie pie face! HA!

Our cool room!

The kids were all hyper about the SOMBRERO ISLAND TOURS by BAUAN PLAZA HOTEL and didn't need to be reminded of our schedule for the day:

9:00am -  Leave BAUAN PLAZA HOTEL for Anilao Mabini.
9:30am - Arrive at Anilao, Mabini then head to Sombrero Island.
10:00am - SNACKS  will be served!!!!!!!!
10:00am - 11:30am - Snorkling at various sites around Sombrero Island.
11:30am - Arrive at Sombrero Island.
12:00nn to 2:00pm - LUNCH at Sombrero Island plus more snorkeling and swimming. 
2:00pm -- Return to Anilao.
2:30pm -- Return to BAUAN PLAZA HOTEL.
3:00pm -- MORE SNACKS.

We went to the lobby to wait for our ride going to Anilao, Batangas, and said hi to Ray and Love of EN ROUTE who saw us off. With them is baby Ethan who is JUST SO DARN CUTE that I want to have one too pronto!

Tee hee!

While waiting for our ride to pack up what is needed for the trip, I admired the Filipiniana lamps that had a modern twist to it. 

JAWS however was already hungry and ate some of it.


The same goes for these happy hotel guests who were waiting for their doom.

Sorry that I packed a carnivore with no manners. He he he he!

Yohooo! And we're going to our island hopping!

Going to Anilao, Batangas!

Land and boat transfers are provided by the hotel!

Plus manong cute driver! Naks! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Our ride to the island! The little lords were quite nervous going on a boat since it was their first time and all. But I assured them that they will be wearing life vests and that everything will be safe.

Another manong cute boat driver! Naks!

We sat at the back as we were the first in the group to go in.

All suited up and ready! 

Let's roll!

We were two groups for the SOMBRERO ISLAND TOUR and we're so glad to be joined by the Esguerras who we chatted a lot with for the whole trip!

When we were moving, JAWS got ecstatic and swam deliriously in his favorite kind of water. 

He's used to Evian y'know.

Stupid fish.


We were two boats all in the all. The second one carried the stuff needed for our lunch on the island.

The boys were still uneasy with the boat ride but for me and the Yubskers, we were having fun with the sights of waters and mountains!

And finally we see it!


Yup! It does look like a hat (english for sombrero!). A fedora even!

At this point JAWS got tired of swimming for his meal and just latched onto Mati's fat and juicy leg. 

Ha ha ha ha!

I initially thought that the island was going to be very big and would be like a resort in another area. To my delight, it was more like a small, secluded, and private island that not a barrage of people could go to. According to BAUAN PLAZA HOTEL, guests in the island are limited in order to have that uninhabited feel to it.

Wow! It's not everyday that you could say you got an island to yourself right?


When we got out of the boats we were immediately excited at what we'll be doing!

Sand was fine and soft to the step!

However there are some areas that could be very stony. Best not to walk barefoot!

I bet they were supposed to write "BABE, BAWAL KUMUHA NG BUHANGIN DITO  ("Getting sand is not allowed!") but suddenly became shy. Hence, the B!

HA! Nothing could get past this Sherlock gal!

Hmmmm... I wonder if taking home rocks are allowed.

The next island is ye far!

Waters were very clear that you'd think you're still looking over shallow areas.

Jannica went on the trip with us and right on schedule, she offered our first snacks for the day.

I would've loved to eat some if I wasn't full yet from today's breakfast!

Besides, you can't get the little lords to eat too since they have a lot to explore about!

Our lunch for today.....


In the island there was this very friendly dog who would let you pet him and pose for pictures (He can't do peace signs though). Do watch out for him when you go there.

WOHOO! ERICJAZ FOODIES with the little lords in Sombrero Island!

For the SOMBRERO ISLAND tours they provide the free use of snorkeling equipment AND wifi.

Their snorkeling equipment were all brand new and...


How crazy is that??? I bet you didn't see that coming! Yep! They really know how to take good care of adventurers and social media geeks (like me!)

It was my first time to go snorkeling EVER and I was a bit concerned that while swimming a shark would just surprise me out of nowhere. (You've seen that scene before right?) Of course, I can't blame it for wanting a taste from the Jazzle Dazzle!

See my hips? The camera adds 10lbs that's why! I'm thinner than that!

My master Mati tried it and immediately got the hang of snorkeling. I insisted though that he wear a life vest just in case he accidentally drifts away. 

Go Mati! 

I tried it later on and got instantly hooked! It was my first time to go snorkeling and seeing the tranquility underwater gave a totally different high for me. 

I urged my husband to join me on the fun (wait... that sounded dirty) and he too was instantly converted to be a snorkle lover!

I cannot express how I now love snorkling with a passion! I never expected it to be so much fun! Of course, since I still have this fear of the beach (blame JAWS for that), I wouldn't go in the deep water. I was very much content (for now) to float on shallow areas and just looking out into the under the sea wonders. Oh please do try it when you have the chance!!! It's like you suddenly stepped into a different magical dimension! That Sebastian the crab really knows what he's talking about. 

My very happy boys!

While we were swimming and snorkeling, a table for 6 was set up!

Waitaminute... that's 8 table settings pala! Sorry!

(Still on WALKING DEAD confusion. How could Rick be so dumb?)

A meal with mountains on sight and calming splashes for background "music" -- what could be more romantic?

Of course, if you have it with somebody you love!


Even Ms. Esquerra was seriously enjoying the view AND her front row seats to Mother Nature's beauty!

And it's time to eat the bountiful feast! Most of us were hungry from swimming and snorkeling while one of us (aka Andrei) didn't want to eat just because!

Our delicious food for the lunch!

Everything was so good and we were all hungrily wolfing down our hot food with the steamed rice. It would be nice though if there were some steamed or grilled vegetables on the side to contrast the rich food. Anyway, I was still satisfied by munching on the onions from the Pork Steak as my veggie condiment. Cannot say that the Chinese Adonis loved the idea especially that I got onion breath well through the day... and night. HA!


Can't talk. Eating.

ERICJAZ FOODIES with the little lords and the Esguerras happily devouring our lunch at Sombrero Island!

After eating, the boys immediately ran back to the shore! 

There is nothing more calming than watching your child playing by himself and letting his imagination run wild. 

By 2:00pm, it was time to go. We have to really adhere to the time as the winds get stronger when it gets late.

I asked for a pic with the Esguerras before going. My family really had fun with them! Hope we could see more of each other when we get back to the hotel!

It WAS a good idea to leave early because the waves were more livelier compared to the tranquil ones we passed by earlier. 


No waves were too strong for JAWS though as it even gave him extra push in jumping up and devouring staring boatmen. He he he he he!

Back at the hotel, we were all so hot, tired, but happy when somebody rang at the door! We got our snacks and ice cold glasses of mango juice!

WOW such a treat!!!! It's like there's this invisible camera at THE BAUAN PLAZA hotel that's on-watch to see what you need and they give it to you pronto! Talk about super service!

As we were awake since 4:00am and been on the move since then, these soft, fluffy beds seem like what nirvana is made of.

And from there, we took a long, peaceful, and uber relaxing nap, dreaming of the day's momentous (yes momentous I'll use that word) activities!

I'm sure that others will judge me as over acting at how much I'm raving over an island tour with my family. Well I'm sorry but not really sorry. Nothing gets the Chinese Adonis and me happier than experiencing new things with the little lords. We may not give them expensive gifts or gadgets but we always vowed to give them happy memories in the simplest or grandest but over-all happiest form possible. And let me just say that based on my little lords eagerness and excited expressions, the SOMBRERO ISLAND TOUR by THE BAUAN PLAZA HOTEL just maxed out their unforgettable quota for the year. 

If you're still planning what to do this summer  with your family and friends, do check out The SOMBRERO ISLAND TOURS by THE BAUAN PLAZA HOTEL! We're SO sure that it's going to be the highlight of your vacation!

Check out their hotel and island packages!

- Back and Forth Land and Boat transfers from BAUAN PLAZA HOTEL to Sombrero Island.
- Complimentary Use of Snorkeling Equipment
- Wifi Access

Package for 2pax: P5,000.00

Package for 4pax: P5,600.00

Package for 6pax: P6,100.00

Package for 2 at P17,000.00
- 2 night's stay in Standard Deluxe Room
- Breakfast for 2 for 2 mornings at BAUAN PLAZA HOTEL.
- Body Massage
- Back and Forth Land and Boat transfers.
-Complimentary use of snorkeling equipment
- AM snack
- Lunch
-PM Snack
- Dinner
- Wifi Access 

Package for 4pax at P26,800.00
- 2 night's stay in Loft Room
- Breakfast for 4 pax for 2 mornings at BAUAN PLAZA HOTEL.
- Body Massage
- Back and Forth Land and Boat transfers.
-Complimentary use of snorkeling equipment
- AM snack
- Lunch
-PM Snack
- Dinner
- Wifi Access 

Package for 6pax at P36,000.00
- 2 night's stay in 2 Loft Rooms
- Breakfast for 6 pax for 2 mornings at BAUAN PLAZA HOTEL.
- Body Massage
- Back and Forth Land and Boat transfers.
-Complimentary use of snorkeling equipment
- AM snack
- Lunch
-PM Snack
- Dinner
- Wifi Access 

If you think that's the end of our fun staycation in BAUAN PLAZA HOTEL, you are so wrong! Watch out part 2 of our fun family summer bonding in Batangas!!!


Check it out

JP Rizal Cor. Kapitan Ponso st., Poblacion 2, Bauan Batangas
(043) 702 8414 / (043) 702 8710 / 0925 722 7004 to 06


  1. Good morning my uber shala and sosy friend! hehehe...

    -nung lumalaki kami, di pa masyadong uso ang mga summer workshops (or baka mahirap lang kasi kami, kaya never heard siya when we were growing up, hahaha...). It's either mag-summer ka sa school (kse bagsak ka) or mag-swimming kayo (madalas sa los banos), or mag-bakasyon talaga kayo (madalas sa baguio)... or buong summer kayong walang ginawa kundi magbasa (in my case) or maglaro kasama ang ibang bata sa barrio
    -ang bilis ng travel time! 1.5 hours lang... though I suppose leaving the house at 4am had something to do with that
    -Teka, I'm assuming iniba nila ang check in time niyo? 2pm pa din ba normal check in at 12nn ang check out?
    -tatawid lang simbahan na! nice! in the old days, those places nearest the church are the most coveted and most expensive pieces of real estate. You're considered "poor" if you can't hear the church bells when you're at home, hahaha...
    -the hotel looks so new and so clean!!! nice!
    -kung kilala kita, muntik ka na siguro magwala at himatayin nung tatlong bag lang nakita mo, hahaha... #girlscoutkakasi #laginghanda
    -I like those woven chairs!
    -grabe ang breakfast! uber shala to the EJF LEVELZ!!! hehehe
    -P800? Di ba medyo mahal? hehehe...
    -mukhang mataba si Andrei dun sa herobrine pic niya! sana he packs the pounds this summer vacation =)
    -ang ganda naman ng loft niyo!
    -hahaha... para ka talagang si The Partner... pareho kayong ayaw magpa-upo or magpa-higa sa kama kung naka-panlabas pa, hahaha
    -ang saya siguro ng Little Lords mo sa loft niyo
    -may sprinkler ba yung toilet nila? hehehe... Sprinkler lang tawag dun ha, hindi bidet! The bidet is a whole piece of furniture, not just an attachment to the water closet, hahaha
    -you used the toiletries they gave? I'm surprised you didn't bring your own.
    -hindi ka cute! Beautiful ka! (sipsip!!! hahaha)
    -you want to have another one? Bilis! Assemble na! 30 years old (ahem!) ka na, di na bumabata, hahaha
    -those lamps are gorgeous!
    -Evian! Sabi na nga ba uber shala ang EJF!!! hahaha... ako nga hindi pa nakatikim niyan e =)
    -awwww... hope the little lords got over their fear of boats eventually
    -oooohhhh... Sombrero Island is lovely!
    -"HA! Nothing could get past this Sherlock gal!" ===>>> IKAW NA! hahahaha
    -ano ang laman nung "farm" sandwich?
    -grabe! ang linaw ng tubig!
    -WIFI ON THE ISLAND!!! They are so considerate!!! I am sooo going there! hahaha
    -JAZZLE DAZZLE!!! Love it! Dapat may isa ka pang blog na ito ang title, hahaha
    -eating by the beach! that must've been awesome... ganda ng table setup niyo.
    -the prices! hindi ko kinaya! pang EJF LEVELZ talaga! hahaha... seriously, the prices aren't bad at all!!!

    Can't wait for your next Bauan entry! Have a great Tuesday Jaz! Mwah!

    1. Hiya Mr. Snuff!

      ASUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUS! At kamusta naman ang pupunta sa Subic? When are we meeting for I AM KIM?! He he he he he!

      1) I know right? That's goes the same for us too! As in the whole 2 months of just sleeping and watching tv and vacation sa relatives. Ngayon lang nauso yung mga sangkaterbang summer lesson offerings. It's good naman I'm sure but for now I want to the boys to take a break from it and just enjoy summer as a family.

      2) The package talaga is for 2 nights and 3 days and we were supposed to go there on a Friday. Ha ha ha ha! Sayang kasi we have work that's why we begged off and just proceeded for a late check in on a Saturday morning.

      3) I didn't know that talaga? About the "poor" thing if you're so far that you don't hear the church bell anymore. Okay ah. Yes the hotel is right in front of the churck kaya it's a great place for weddings and baptisms kasi it's so near for the reception. BTW, you would know kasi alta ka.

      4) Yes it's new! I forgot to mention that they opened just last August!

      5) P800? Hindi ah! I wrote P300! HE HE HE HE HE!

      6) Thanks for thinking so pero no e. He just has food in his mouth ata kaya mukhang mataba. Hoping his appetite improves.

      7) Yes we loved it!!! The kiddies got so excited na WOAH... a loft! They haven't stayed at a loft before!!! A new and happy experience for them!

      8) It's really my OC thing. Kasi it's gross di ba?? It's where you're going to sleep tapos you're going to soil it with clothes that has been exposed outside. YUK! I only let the kids lie on my bed as is pero for me and the hub, we should always change into sleeping clothes. No pambahay clothes too!

      9) May sprinkler!!! Yes I don't have to buy mineral water bottle for our tabo. Ha ha ha ha ha!

      10) No I just meant MY as in MINE to take home. I'm weird I take it all home and stock it lang. Sometimes I use the empty containers. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! (hoarder).

      11) SIP SIP NGA! CHE!!!!


      14) Si JAWS lang ang nageevian. Sosy kunwari fake naman. Ha ha ha ha ha! Kidding.

      15) I know. Pero they did not whine nor cry. Silent lang sila and just looked at the sea. When you ask them lang how they are, that's how they say that takot na pala sila.

      16) DI BA??? MS. SHERLOCK! I KNEW talagang BABE DON'T GET THE SAND yun.

      17) He he he he! I put that in my old friendster or multiply account ata yung JAZZLE DAZZLE.

      18) It's a kind of cheese daw yung farm... I forgot to ask again kasi I made Jannica say it twice or thrice di ko pa din madinig. Ha ha ha! So I said AAAAH na lang kunwari naintindihan ko. Ha ha ha ha ha!

      19) di ba??? I was so surprised too that they would even think of wifi sa island.

      20) Yes it was! TOTALLY UNFORGETTABLE DAY!!!

      21) Yes if you look at it, 2 nights and food all in? It's very reasonable for a summer getaway!!!


  2. My uber sosy and shala friend...

    -sadly, tuloy pa din ang papuntang subic... sigh...
    -ah so yung 2 nights, 3 days package pala kinuha niyo (yung for 4 na loft)... sayang nga yung extra night! pero work is work
    -yup, that "poor" thing is real, pero that was decades ago pa! Siguro bago pa mag world war 2
    -Aba! nagbago ang presyo! sige na nga, namalik-mata lang ako kaya P800 nakita ko, hahaha...
    -grabe! sosy talaga! mineral water ang panghugas sa nether regions!!! hahaha


      - Grabe malas mo naman tutuloy kayo sa Subic... Sigh... Pwedeng magpabili? HA HA HA!
      - Yes sayang kaso we cannot get out of work that day e. Pero sulit pa din our stay!
      - Aaaah... That's something new I learned today ah. Real Estate Tips!
      - Oy hindi ah! Ano yan? Black and blue or Gold and White dress? P300 na yan last year pa!!!! He he he he he he he!
      - Ha ha ha ha ha! Actually wala lang akong brand na alam ng mineral water na pang asar. Ha ha ha ha ha! MWAH!!!!

  3. The hotel looks so palatial and the beach meal setup looks so elegant!

    1. Yes TURISTA TRAILS! They took the Manila hotel designs to the province of Batangas. You'd feel you're back home. The beach set up for lunch was truly elegant and further enhanced by the view. We really had a great and unforgettable time!!!!

      Thanks for dropping by! Cheers!

  4. ang kulit ni jaws... evian talaga ang peg ..

    siya na :D :D :D Glad you guys had an awesome time :D :D :D

    hmmmm I can't wait for more adventures :D wait.... may part 2 na pala hehehehe

  5. Kulit mo din Mr. Jeng! Ha ha ha ha ha! Miss you and the SO!! See you guys soon!

    Thanks for checking my blog out. Cheers!
