
Wednesday, November 12, 2014


I'll let you in on a secret.... 

As much as I appear to be the sociable and class clown kind of gal, I HATE going to parties. Really! Put me in a group and I will certainly be the one joking around and laughing the loudest. But when I'm in a big room full of people. UGH. It's hell for me. I really don't know why. I read somewhere it's the same syndrome as Johnny Carson's wherein the famous late night talk show host could make the whole world laugh but was an extremely shy person. Hard to believe but yes.

If you answer it's hard to believe that I make ANYONE laugh for that matter then I'm going to release the hounds on you. He he he he he!

Seriously though, I could be very anti-social at times because besides being shy, I get easily irritated. Yeah. I don't really want to dwell on it but when the moon is full, I have these moods that make me want to snap at anyone in my way. PMS? I doubt. I'm already menopausal. Tee Heee!!

Anywho, I'm glad that when we attended the FAMILY REUNION for Yub's Motherside relatives, none of my usual "endearing" attitudes showed up. I was also wondering why until THIS, presented itself:

YU-UH. And THIS was only for merienda. Ha ha ha ha!

Afterwards I sold my soul to gluttony. Yep. There was no turning back! I realized, I don't care if I had to "party on" with a full battalion of people, or contend with the most irritating person in the world (aka Kris Aquino): if I had just the premise of having the delicious spread that we ate during that FAMILY REUNION, then I'm going to invite myself to ALL parties. Ha ha ha ha ha!

And like I always say, yes, food does that to me.

The Chinese Adonis' FAMILY REUNION at Batis Aramin in Quezon Province. 

Batis Aramin is a popular resort in the area that are hectares upon hectares of pools, accommodations, and activities. 

Unfortunately, it was raining most of the time that weekend so we had to contend ourselves indoors. It's okay, we had food AND our mouths for entertainment. Ha!

When we arrived for the FAMILY REUNION, Tita Belle welcomed us with a bilao of sweet lanzones and rambutans.

Yep! These were mighty fat and juicy! I don't like fruits that much but I think I was able to help myself to a LOT of this for "dessert". Tee Heee!

Most of the planning was done by my uber kind (and pretty) sister in law, Ivy. She did most of the arrangements and we were all grateful for being able to sit back and enjoy the whole weekend.

Wow. It's nice to be on second gear and not be in charge of a vacation. He he he he he he he!

Anywho, the FAMILY REUNION actually came to be because they have several October birthday celebrants. Instead of having separate parties, they all merged into one FUN FAMILY EVENT!

October Birthday Peeps were...

Kuya Bubut (aka Derek Ramsey... I called him that. He he he he he).... 

Cutie Pie Hiley and my super hot sister in law Hennie!

My other cutie pie nephew Aaren!

Who ate tissue paper after this pic was taken. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! (I'm such a bad aunt because I didn't stop him. Ha ha ha ha ha!)

Other celebrants whom I forgot to take pictures of (BLAME THE SEAFOOD DANGNABBIT!) were:

Ken, Ate Irma, Atit, Bekbek, and Emmanuel
(Thanks chocolate cake for reminding me)

Apple (Ken's sweet Mom), Ate Vita, Kuya "Derek", and Ate Rhea !
So like I said, weather was not cooperating with us during that FAMILY REUNION. But when we went inside the unit that Ivy rented for the night, a ray of laughter and smiles greeted THE YAPPY BUNCH

Now I've got to say, our countrymen may be known for the "Bahala na si Batman" attitude and "Filipino time" (which gets me soooo riled up believe me). But two of the traits that I love about our co-Pinoys are their hospitality and this NEVERENDING question during parties: "Kumain na kayo?" ("Did you eat already?") which of course will be followed up by "Aba! Kain na!!!" ("Howmaygash! You eat now!").

I'm not sure if I was able to translate the last sentence accurately but you get the picture. Tee hee!

Ate Vita and Kuya "Derek" were busy seasoning up the meat for dinner later on.

DINNER??? But it's only merienda time!

Upon our arrival, I saw this spread and immediately thanked the food heavens that we did not get drive thru at Jollibee as I earlier suggested. 

And THIS was only for merienda, thank you very much.

By the way, the Chinese Adonis in the middle? Is just for MY plate. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

For that afternoon "snack" in the FAMILY REUNION, we had steamed prawns plus ones that were fried in butter and garlic

Steamed Crabs and Blue Crabs!

White sotanghon!

Plus Tito Dig's very moist butter cake!!!

The seafood at the FAMILY REUNION were so good (it was from the shores of Catanauan, Quezon) that I just HAD to eat some rice for merienda!

After eating that very heavy "merienda", I needed to burn a calorie or two by walking around. Good thing Andrei was raring to do some fishing that we went out with our umbrellas. Yep! He saved his allowance to buy a fishing gear and really planned to bring it with us the next time we're in Yub's hometown.

Unfortunately, there was still a slight drizzle while we were fishing so Andrei's other cousins had to go back inside.

The fishies may be thinking the same thing because nothing was coming up and taking Andrei's bait.

We would've stayed a little while longer but the drizzle was turning into rain and Mati called us to get inside. 

When we got back to the unit, everybody was chopping, slicing, mixing, and making all necessary preparations for the FAMILY REUNION birthday dinner. As much as I wanted to help, I believed in the saying "Too Much Chefs Will Spoil The Broth".

And so my laziness was justified. Ha ha ha ha ha!

It's okay. I'm sure whatever "damage" I'll inflict on the grub, it will be instantly "repaired" by the "chiefs" of that kitchen.

And I have justified myself again. BWA HA HA HA HA!

Seriously though, it was fun to meet up and chat with Yub's side of the family. The "new" peeps in the pic above are his cousins, Dang and Ate May, and his aunt Tita Ilya.

Before I was entirely consumed by my laziness (well I did eat seafood and rice for merienda so a nap SHOULD be in order) my health buff of a hubby invited me and Andrei to watch him and the guys play basketball. 

By "inviting" it meant "stay on the sidelines and take my picture" kind of thing. Good thing I was still high from all that seafood happiness that I agreed.

We all bid a temporary good bye to our favorite Master Baker Tito Dig as he was also getting the grill up to do some barbecues.

Too bad that dear Mati did not feel like going with us because he felt like staying behind and play with his baby cousins Aaren and Hiley.

Hmmmm... Somebody wants to have a baby brother or sister.

(Naughty wink with beautiful eyes)

So Yub and the boys played basketball while I took pictures and rested my big behind at the sidelines.

Of course my future NBA player (that's what he wanted to be when he grows up) shot some hoops with his cousins Ken and Isha.

Yeeehhhheeees... The Chinese Adonis was showing some skin.

Go! Go! Go! Andrei!!! Shoot some baskets for Mommy!

Yub's team lost ("You were framed!!!") but it's okay. From what I saw and heard, the boys all had fun in the mini, appetite-inducing game.

Left to Right Dang and Ken, Tito Eddie, Edward, Yub's bro Syoti, OHMAYGOSH IS THAT KENNETH PERALTA?? with "Andrei Jordan", Kuya "Derek", Yub's bro Allan, and Paul.

It's okay. I'm sure the Chinese Adonis don't mind practicing his game some more with little Andrei.

May I play "basketball" too?

Yub has a very dirty joke for that. I will only share it over a treat at SPIRAL. Ha ha ha ha ha!

When we got back to the unit, the FAMILY REUNION dinner was about to start!

Yub may be tired from the game but he was so psyched up to eat that mouth watering spread in our FAMILY REUNION!

Of course, every party SHOULD have a cake!


Spicy laing!

Grilled Hotdogs! 

This was such a hit with the kids especially that they brushed it with sweet sauce.

Too bad that nobody left us some barbecued isaw! BOO! He he he he he he!!! See? I knew I should've just stayed behind!

Rich and spicy Beef Caldereta! That sauce was SO AWESOME ON RICE!

Squid Adobo!

Barbecued Pork Chops! 

These were so juicy, tender, and finger lickin' good!!! SARAP!

Newly fried shrimps with butter and garlic.

Newly steamed Blue Crab in the dark. He he he he he!

Beef Papaitan!

Pork Nilaga!

Very sour green mango with bagoong.

Drinks for the night!

Ate Leidy and Maan!

Of course, food will taste much better if ladies from the FAMILY REUNION will have a picture with it! Ha ha ha ha ha!

Tired and hungry pogi boys Edwin, Syoti, and the Chinese Adonis!


The kids were eating in the TV room while watching some Hi5 (it was the program on at the time.)

My plate! My very full FAMILY REUNION plate!

With a side of pork nilaga soup.

My Master Mati was finished in no time.

Yes. I haven't even started yet.


(Ngasab ngasab)

After dinner, the guys got their vocal chords ready to do some FAMILY REUNION serious videoke.

While the girls all went inside and put on their ear plugs.


Just kidding!

While the grown ups were outside eating, drinking, and "singing" (take note of the quotation marks), the kiddies were playing inside one of the bedrooms headed by their Ate Angel! She was so sweet in thinking up games so that the little ones won't get bored. I love her!

Outside, the Chinese Adonis was thinking his brains out on what song to sing.

Once he has decided, the Chinese Adonis stood up and sang with all his might what he has been keeping all holed up inside.... 

98 degrees' ALL I HAVE TO GIVE!

Awwww..... My eyes are welling up with tears... embarassment! HA HA HA HA! Kidding! He did justice in this 90's boy band song. Not that there's really a challenge to it but still, he sounded cute!

Of course, I wouldn't be left behind. Me, who-always-belts-it-out-like-an-opera-singer-in-the-shower, will ALWAYS sing when there's a videoke machine around. However, since it's Yub's FAMILY REUNION, I got a bit shy and only sang one song.

Sharon Cuneta's "To Love Again". I love singing it because there's a bit of "birit" without coming off too "Regine Velasquez". If we stayed longer, I would've sang na my usual "PARTY IN THE USA". OH. YEAH.

While people were singing and drinking outside, guess what Edwin and Ivy are doing? 

They were whipping up plates and plates of nachos loaded with toppings!

And as if we were not yet full from dinner PLUS there was still a lot of food loitering around, Ate Rhea fried up some squid balls and siomai!

As I was chatting with the ladies, Mati came over saying he just finished playing with his new favorite cousins Baby Hiley and Aaren. My poor guy was so tired but he was very happy. 

It was time to call it a night. My husband missed his bed at home and said we will just go back the next day. 


Come morning, we were out and about to Batis Aramin for day 2 of the FAMILY REUNION.

The rains let up for a while so the boys were able to do a bit of swimming.

Pool in Batis Aramin was not deep but still it wouldn't hurt to watch over them while the boys took a dip. Better be ultra safe than sorry.

While the boys were swimming, Yub's relatives were busy preparing for the FAMILY REUNION lunch!

Kuya "Derek", Edwin, and Tito Eddie were grilling up the steaks.

Now THAT is what you call fresh off the grill!

Dear Ivy got this area for us for the FAMILY REUNION lunch.

AND it was time to eat!

Somebody volunteered me to lead the opening prayer and I was so fine with it. I love giving thanks to our Lord and recounting all the blessings that he has continuously graced us. If my look there seem so intense and funny well, that's how I get when remembering everything that we are in gratitude for. Of course, every time I give out my whole-hearted thanks, I end the prayer with a "Glory Be".

Let's dig in!

I love it when somebody takes a picture of me scratching my nose with my fist. 

Grilled fish!

Charcoal grilled steak!

Guinataang Suso from Palaisdaan!

EGAD! This is my favorite!

Fried Fish!

Mango salsa!

A specialty from Quezon Province for dessert... Pilipit!!!!

It's basically fried squash puree then drizzled with caramelized sugar. SOOO delicious!

I got the kiddies some food first!

The little lords eating up!

Ever since Mati choked while sucking on that shellfish, Yub and I would get the meat out for him.

My plate! My very messy FAMILY REUNION plate!

Hmmm... I think I scraped too deep for my rice. He he he he!

After eating, the weather cleared up a bit and gave us a little time to go around.

When it began pouring again, Andrei asked his Daddy to play basketball in the Batis Aramin court.

Afterwards, it's time to go home!

Before we left, I gave my uber thanks to these fine ladies (especially Ate Kata, Ate Vita, and Ate Rhea) who really took care of us. They made sure that we were ALWAYS eating and that our plates were heaping with food. They also gave me more than enough coffee fixes for the day because I forgot to bring my stash. Ha ha ha ha ha! It was actually my first time to meet them but we were already laughing and kidding around like we have already attended several FAMILY REUNIONS together. I am certainly looking forward to see them again. 


We ALL had a great time! I certainly hope there would be another one to be planned REAL SOON!

Ahem... ahem... especially for somebody who's turning 30 on February! 

TEE... to the HEE! 

Thanks dear Hennie for the picture!
Of course, all reunions are fun especially if you have THE BEST family to attend it with.


Even if it was raining most of the time, we had such an unforgettable bonding session during our FAMILY REUNION at Batis Aramin!

It's time to say good bye to Aaren and go na with us na Mati. Don't worry we'll see them again real soon!



  1. Great Job! I enjoyed reading it up to the end :) soo sarap nga naman the foods... lalo na ang ginataang suso at spicy laing.

    1. Yey! I'm so happy you and Kuya Derek had fun reading my family reunion entry!!! Pero wow, I got so hungry din while I was writing it! Ha ha ha ha! Truly an epic reunion!! Next time uli!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Yahooo! Buti naman may internet na kayo ulit!

    -alam mo, parehong-pareho tayo... di din ako mahilig sa parties; well, actually I don't like big groups, kasi kung intimate group naman lively ako (like 4-6 people, eksakto yang size na yan pag nag-treat ka na sa Spiral, nyahaha)
    -menopausal? akala ko 29 ka lang? hahaha
    -grabe! I love shrimps! Sayang lang nga si TP allergic kaya madalas hindi kami nag-o-order ng pagkaing may shrimps (except sa Tim Ho Wan, weird, pero hindi siya nagre-react sa mga shrimps dun, baka kasi imported? hahaha)
    -YIKEZ! No amount of food can make me be in the same room as KRIZ!!!
    -that's a very beautiful place! Seems so serene! Kami din dito punong abala sa mga reunion kasi dumating na yung sister ko and her family from the US for their daughter's debut sa Friday.
    -di ka pala talaga mahilig sa prots? Ako naman sobrang hilig ko diyan, any kind =)
    -I was wondering kung anong kinalaman ng chocolate cake sa pag-alala mo sa mga pangalan ng mga celebrators, yun pala nakasulat lahat ng pangalan nila dun, hahaha
    -ako din naiinis sa "filipino time" because I am notoriously punctual! hahaha
    -"Howmaygash! You eat now!" is as good a translation as any, hahaha
    -ay, madaya, di pala kasama si CA sa handa, shellfish ka (puro shellfish kasi nasa table)! hahaha...
    -crabs! sarap! basta ipag-himay lang ako =)
    -ang cute naman ni Andrei! Siya talaga nag-save ng pangbili ng fishing gear? awwwww... the best!!! Hope he wasn't heartbroken that he didn't catch anything
    -sayang, dapat pinakita mo ulit sa kanila ang iyong Top Chef skills sa kitchen!
    -pwede pa!!! sige, assemble na ng baby sibling para kay Mati! now na! hahaha
    -di ko naman gustong malaman dirty secret mo ano! hindi! no! never! nyet! nein! (sige na nga, spill!!!! di ko afford spiral, purlalu lang kami, hahaha)
    -that's one huuuuuge cake!
    -all that food... sobrang ginutom ako! I love Filipino food! (well, I love food in general, except mexican siguro... hehehe)
    -hahahaha... pareho talaga kayo ni TP, ang tagal bago magsimulang kumain
    -di ba Backstreet Boys ang "All I Have To Give?" =)
    -naks! I'd love to hear you sing one of these days. I'm sure you're awesome!
    -ganda mo naman sa morning portrait mo =)
    -grabe! non-stop kainan talaga! Luvett!!!
    -the pilipit looks good! hope I can get to try that soon
    -awww, nag-choke si Mati? Buti it wasn't life-threatening
    -sige na nga, 30 ka na sa February... at menopausal! hahaha... ano ba talaga ate? hahaha
    -ang saya naman ng reunion niyo!

    Have a great Thursday Jaz!

    1. Hiya Mr. Snuff!!! YEYYY! I'm so happy too! Parang a day is not complete unless I made an entry. Yun lang I have to wait until the kids go to bed. He he he he he he!!!!

      1) Di ba?? With a group of kahit 10 I'm good. Sometimes ako pa ang what you may call "bangka" but with a big event where there's like A LOT OF PEOPLE. I don't like it. That's why I don't even like having parties myself kasi naguguluhan ako. I'm not that kind of person who table hops and make chika chika. I just stay put and just chat away with the people beside me. Pero kahit 100 na tao sa SPIRAL, pwedeng pwede basta kaw na bahala ha ha ha ha ha! (segue!)

      2) Oy binawi ko yung menopausal. Ha ha ha ha ha! So the real deal is I'm... ahem... 29!

      3) Ha ha ha ha! Maybe nga imported si TIM HO WAN shrimps pero yes... I'm SOOOO addicted to shrimps! It's so delicious anywhere... pasta... stir fries... curries... sa lahat! pansit! Yummm!

      4) YEY! Pareho tayo! I am soooo irritated with her! Nasisira ang araw ko when I hear her screechy voice na naggagaling galingan.

      5) Uuuy where are you going this Friday? Have fun!!!!!

      6) I don't hate prots pero I'll eat it when there's nothing to munch on. Kaso ngayon I have to like prots kasi nagpapapyat ako. Ha ha ha ha ha!!! Medyo natuto na ako to reach for prots instead of a fudgy cookie for a midnight snack.

      7) YEHHHEEEESSSS... buti na lang may kodigo cake. Ha ha ha ha ha!

      8) Me too! The only time I get late is when I come from work and I cannot leave unless my boss does. Pero alam na yon ng kinikita ko. But if I am in control of my time, I'm so punctual. Kaya I'M SO IRRITATED with people who are always tardy and even make it as something fashionable. It is not. It just shows how inconsiderate and undisciplined they are. Ayan nagalit na naman ako. Ha ha ha ha ha!

      9) Bwa ha ha ha! If you treat me at SPIRAL, kasama na si CA sa handa. Ha ha ha ha ha!

      10) Yes! Andrei saved his allowance and the money that his grandparents give him over the weekend. Medyo heart broken siya but he did understand later on that the fishies won't come out because of the rain. Nahimasmasan siya when he played basketball with his daddy.

      11) Oo nga! Pwede sana ako magluto kaso ang sarap sarap na ng buhay ko na merong ibang top chefs na abalang abala sa pagpapataba sa amin. Kaya next time na lang... ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

      12) Bwa ha ha ah! Sige... lalasingin ko si Chinese Adonis mamaya para patulan ako... ha ha ha ha! Joke!

      13) Dirty joke yun! Bastus si Eric e! Will tell you when we meet up! Baka iblock ako ng Google ha ha ha ha ha!

      14) Pareho tayo! I love all food in general... kahit Mexican!!!!!

      15) Di ba? Maraming seremonyas! Ngayon nakadagdag pa ang pagprepare ng food ng mga bata and see that they eat well before I eat. E ang bagal ko pa kumain! So magsisimula pa lang ako, tapos na sila! Ha ha ha ha! Normally they can't leave the table though para chika chika muna kami... kasi it's FAMEALY! Naks!

      15) Oo nga no??? Sige I'll correct it. Backstreet pala siya. Nsync kasi ako e! Ha ha ha ha ha!

      16) Trying hard lang ako magsing ha ha ha ha! Pero I have a high voice.

      17) YES... YES.. YES. to all!!!

      18) Oo Mati choked on the "suso" once. Kasi you cannot toothpick the meat. You really have to suck it out (kasi maliit lang opening niya). While we were eating, he just stood up and starting coughing so bad. He was choking na pala! He accidentally sucked the shell in and it was lodged in his throat!!! Buti na lang he effectively coughed it out. Since then, we just suck the meat out for him. May be gross but parents naman niya kami and it's better than the probability of him choking again. He he he he he!

      16) BWA HA HA AH AH! 30 NGA sa Feb! Joke lang yung menopausal... TEEE HEE!

      17) Yes it was soo fun! Looking forward to the next one!

      YOU TOO DEAR MR. SNUFF! Have a great Thursday!!! Lapit na weekend! Yohoo!

  3. Cool! Always wondered what's a reunion outing like hehe. Try ko nga magorganize sa amin after ilan years siguro. But, I think it would be difficult cause over 150+ kami =/

    1. Hiya dear Stacy!!!! Sorry for the late reply as I usually zone out from blogging during weekends to spend time with my family. He he he he he he!!! But wow! We really had fun. I remember not liking reunions before because I get asked the same questions (when ka magaasawa... when ka magaasawa) So I married and armed myself with 2 boys to shut them up. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Just kidding! Anyway, for foodies like us, reunions are heavenly because of all the food that will certainly put all gluttons to shame!

      Wow! You have such a happy problem! 150+ in the family?? That would be one crazy but superkaduper fun reunion I'm sure!!!! Hope you do have it soon!!!!

      Thanks for dropping by dear Stacy!!!! :) Cheers!
