
Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Last Halloween weekend, THE YAPPY BUNCH went to Yub's hometown in Lucena City. As expected the boys had a blast with their little cousins while me and the hub were more than satisfied just lounging around making ourselves fat...ter. He he he he he he!

So one of the "usual" factors in the addition of lard in our bodies was our default destination in Lucena City -- HACIENDA INN. Again, we have already eaten here MILLIONS of times plus it was one of the Chinese Adonis' childhood favorites, but I haven't gotten around to blogging about it yet. Oh well... Call me lazy or what but me guess is that I get so engrossed with their live band's music that I cannot pry myself out of my hypnotic trance to take pictures. OR, since I am already SO familiar with this old time restaurant, pictures were unnecessary because we don't really have "kodak" moments just by lounging at "home" right?

Tee Hee... Oh yeah. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

So again, on that Halloween weekend when most of the establishments are closed and we didn't feel like travelling far to PALAISDAAN, we all decided to head over to HACIENDA INN since the food there is approved by the little lords. Also, even if it was a popular restaurant, the place would usually have a lot of tables and space available for the kiddies to run around.  Of course, let us not forget, my insatiable craving to hear the HACIENDA INN live music again! He he he he he!

Seriously though, when you're in Lucena City, do drop by HACIENDA INN for a taste of their saucy chami and pretty darn good barbecues. It has been a favorite of my husband then and it already is a favorite of the little lords now. You will never go wrong with a restaurant that had already etched itself in the memories of people who consider HACIENDA INN's chami as a special part of their "home".

And yup, they don't really need live music to remind themselves that.


HACIENDA INN entrance!

Check out the very still security guard doing it like the British. He he he he he!

In HACIENDA INN, you could choose to eat in the first floor where coolness depends on their wall fans.

Or you could choose to stay in their air conditioned second floor.

We were always more comfortable at the second floor of HACIENDA INN because besides the air conditioning, they also have a live band.

Uh... not! Sorry HACIENDA INN but your live band makes it seem like we're in a beer house or something. Since most of your diners are families who would like to eat AND talk to each other maybe we could limit your bands' appearance? If it is possible, perhaps tone down the music and volume?

Good thing that when we arrived, the set was almost done. Whew!

In HACIENDA INN, they have this 3 year old Arowana which kept the kiddies entertained while waiting for the food.

The waiter gives us a HACIENDA INN menu even if we already know what to order.

Sorry but since lighting was low in HACIENDA INN, pictures of their menu was not possible.

Master Mati, little lord Andrei, and their cousin Isha.

Check out the boys' wearing their new favorite Michael Jordan or Chicago shirts. Yup! They love wearing it all the time!

Yub's sister Maan and Doc Arnold.

They're the parents of my newest nephew Aaren. Here he is with Yub's brother Allan and his pretty wife Ivy.

Yub's other brother Syoti, hottie wife Hennie, and loving daughter Hiley. 

Yub, the forever Mother's boy.

That's fine with me since I wish the little lords to be the same. He he he he he he!


Wow. It's been a while since I did that Mr. Pogi finger pose.

Our very fast waiter in HACIENDA INN. If he only stopped for a picture, I would've given him a tip (TEE HEE) He claims that he's shy.

HOWEVER. I did notice him confirming our order many times. Hmmm... Was that his way of allowing me to steal a picture?

Of course, I tried to do so but HACIENDA INN's lighting was so dim that the picture came out blurred.

Drats. Sorry Mr. Waiter. We'll get a better picture of you next time.

While waiting for the grub, Andrei and cousin Isha made the most of the live music. Oh well at least two kiddies appreciated it.

As for Mati, he stayed close with his favorite Ninong Syoti and played some 4 pics 1 word.

Kiddies playing at HACIENDA INN!!!

I asked Andrei to sit beside me so that he will properly eat. He didn't mind being with his Ninong Allan since he's going to ask for an XBox from him this Christmas.

BWA HA HA HA HA! I taught him that by the way (sneaky sneaky....).

The first to arrive on our table was an order of HACIENA INN Hototay Soup!

Vegetables were still crunchy while the soup was simple yet slurp worthy.

Nothing like hot soup to warm up Master Mati's tummy!

We ordered our HACIENDA INN favorite -- pork barbecue. Each other comes with 2 pieces of their tasty pork skewers, papaya salsa, and java rice.

We love the sweet and tangy sauce of the HACIENDA INN pork barbecue and it was so yum to eat with the hot flavored rice!

Not to be outdone of course is the HACIENDA INN Chicken Barbecue -- the meat is always tender juicy from the grill and is doused with their lip smacking sauce!

When in HACIENDA INN, do not forget to have a platter of their very saucy and savory Chami!! It is a DEFINITE must try!

The Chinese Adonis remembered that every time he had chami from HACIENDA INN, he would always pair it with a cold bottle of Mountain Dew. He claims it was Lucena's "national drink". He he he he he he!

When we're in HACIENDA INN, we always order the usual Chami and Barbecues. I thought it may be high time to have something new. 

The HACIENDA INN sizzling gambas was good and served the Filipino way. The Spanish version would have the shrimps in butter, olive oil, seasonings, and lots of garlic. What we had were shrimps cooking in tomato sauce, onions, and egg. It was a good dish yes, but could use a bit more seasoning.


ERICJAZ FOODIES with the Yap family in HACIENDA INN!

Our HACIENDA INN Chami was served on a big platter that we all just went to it to get some. 

Yes. We're slaves to food I know! Either that or we're just lazy to use our biceps to pass it around. He he he he he!

My very lovely sisters in law.

Yup! The Yap boys have VERY good taste. Especially the eldest. He he he he he he he!

My plate! My very yellow and saucy HACIENDA INN plate!

As always, I requested for some extra red chili to mix with my Chami!

 I always love my saucy noodles hot and spicy!

While reviewing my pictures, I saw these 2 shots which I did not take (Try figuring out why).

I put my Sherlock skills into use and deducted that the "culprit" was dear old angelic Ivy!!!

She borrowed my camera to "look" at the pictures. Of course, that really meant "I'm going to take Ate Jaz's picture while she's scratching her nose."

Oh well... At least she took some pictures and did not erase anything like what some people I know would do. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Next time I'm REALLY going to strap that camera on my neck!!! OR forehead for that matter! Ha ha ha ha ha!


Wait... I think one more serving of HACIENDA INN barbecue, shrimp, and rice are in order.

REALLY done.

Mama's HACIENDA INN bill.

Ha ha ha ha! When I'm with family, I'm an "order-er" not a payer. Tee Hee!!!

Good bye Anna the Arowana from HACIENDA INN! Most likely we'll see you next month!

Hacienda Inn
Lucena City
Quezon Ave.
Lucena City, Quezon
(042) 710-3523


Ever since we set foot in Lucena, Andrei had been bugging me to ask his Ninong Syoti to watch with him the documentary "Come Fly With Me" starring Michael Jordan. ( By the way, Allan is his real godfather. He calls Yub's younger brother Ninong because it's what he often hears from Mati... He he he he he!)

Yub's very cool brother agreed to watch it even if it was late already. Andrei was also very happy to discover that Ninong Syoti loved Michael Jordan too. Check out my bunso's very sweet smile! 

I'm sure though that even if he was not a fan of Mr. 23, Syoti would still watch the video with Andrei. Yub's sibs are very nice that way.




  1. -sarap naman dyan!
    -ang mahal ng bill! can't afford! =)
    -penge din ako xbox =)
    one handed ako temporarily so I can't type much.

    1. Awww Mr. Snuff! I'm touched you still found time to comment... Huy magpagaling ka muna no! Kaw talaga even when you're not well you still find time to cheer up a lot of people... starting with ME!

      1) Yes! Sarap dito in HACIENDA INN kaya it's a local favorite!!! Tagal tagal na niya sa Lucena.

      2) HELLLER kayang kaya mo! Ano ba P2,000 for about 14 pax?? Murang mura kayang kaya mo!

      3) Ha ha ha ha ha! Ako muna magkaka X BOX!!! Tee heee!!!

      Please get well Mr. Snuff!!! Ingat ka!! Mmmwaaaah!
