
Thursday, September 4, 2014


If there's one thing I should ALWAYS get a bite of when I'm in the US (and I mean ALWAYS okay? Let us not ease up on the importance of it) that would be a heaping forkful of MARIE CALLENDER'S famous pies.

If you haven't had a taste of this heavenly dessert that must've been baked by singing angels (named Marie?) then you are missing a chunk of something so sweet and true that could make your life oh so loverly.

Believe me when I say, that there are some pies and there are other pies, but when you are faced with a plate of MARIE CALLENDER'S, you would definitely know that it is THE ONLY pie that matters.  My preference would be similar to THE WOMAN of Sherlock Holmes but I will not dwell on that any further. I shall not let my reignited love affair with Benedict Cumberbatch get in the way of declaring my love for this pie (which I'm always seem to have a habit of doing).

Yeniway, while my cousin was busy preparing our WELCOME SHABU SHABU dinner in Las Vegas, I made myself useful not by helping out in the slicing and dicing. No way! Ha ha ha! Instead, I dragged my husband to MARIE CALLENDER'S nearest branch to get a box of their awesome pies.

Don't worry. A plateful of MARIE CALLENDER'S pies is more than enough contribution to any dinner. He he he he! That counts washing the dishes too!!!!


If you THINK that I'm already hiding a pie under that shirt, I might bonk you if I could reach you. That's just flab.... pure Jazzie flab. 


I still checked out the MARIE CALLENDER'S menu when really I know what I came for.

While paying, I looked around at the other MARIE CALLENDER'S sweets that I COULD be getting.


Fancy some MARIE CALLENDER'S muffins?

How about some MARIE CALLENDER'S frosted lemon cupcake?

These carrot cakes look tempting too.

Mouth watering MARIE CALLENDER'S choco fudge muffins!

MARIE CALLENDER'S bran cupcakes with cream cheese and strawberry drizzle...


But enough of that. I only came here for one thing and one thing only...


The very kind MARIE CALLENDER'S store manager knew instantly what I wanted maybe because my big eyes almost popped out when I saw it in their fridge.

MARIE CALLENDER'S Strawberry pie!!!

Oh wow.... Ain't that a THING of beauty???

This gem of a dessert is baked within the restaurant and had no preservatives. It will also spoil after a a day or two that's why I cannot bring some home to the Philippines :(

Jason Biggs may go for apple in his movie but I would rather crush my "beingness" with this sweet and glistening strawberry pie!

And now we're home!

Wait... where's Yub? Tee hee!

Hello there my PRECIOUS!

This MARIE CALLENDER'S pie is best served with sweetened whipped cream. It may give you loads of calories but you'll be shrouded in delicious ecstasy after a first bite that frankly, you wouldn't be giving a damn!

No puny fruit here. 

Each piece is a big, fat, and juicy strawberry!

Time to eat!

I was already drooling when my knife touched the fluffy cream. 


What I loved about MARIE CALLENDER'S strawberries was that it was always sweet and fresh. Nothing was frozen to prolong shelf life here.

After biting into that fat and juicy strawberry, help yourself to the light crust and luscious cream. Getting all key ingredients in one mouthful will make you all "Julie-Andrews-singing-on-the-hills" inside.

Hmmm... Something tells me we need more pie. 

It may be intuition but it may also be the law of deduction especially after I helped myself  to 2 servings even before my husband got a hold of a plate.

Eep! I forgot about the kids!

Tee hee!!

Oh wow... This was so delicious....

Sweet dreams are made of  THESE.

It's a good thing nobody took a picture of me licking off cream and strawberry morsels by the side of my mouth. Tee hee!!!



On our last day in the US, we surprised Andrei with a very belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY song since the reason why we're here was to celebrate his 7th birthday.

Besides the family, guess who else was invited to Andrei's mini birthday?

Don't mind the candles. I forgot to put the PLUS 5. Tee hee!

Happy Birthday dear Andrei!

Check out that happy smile!

After the song, my naughty Kuya Nap gave Andrei a wooden box with a moving fake spider inside to scare him. Ha ha ha ha!

Yes. Crazy runs in the family!

Beside my awesome cousins, the day was made more special with my favorite...

MARIE CALLENDER'S strawberry pie!

Bye MARIE CALLENDER'S strawberry pie!!! I will miss you the "mostest" in the US!!!

Oops... Besides my family of course.... 

Whew! He he he!

Let's EAT!

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