
Friday, September 19, 2014



After about 4 months of non-stop posting about our US trip last May, it has finally come to this.... 

Our last blog entry about our US vacation to celebrate Andrei's 7th birthday!!!!

I know you may already be sick and tired of this but sorry to say, the Chinese Adonis and I ARE NOT. He he he he! Besides, we did ERICJAZ FOODIES to serve as our online diary/photo album and since we enjoyed our family vacation in the US so much, we want to remember every single minute of it!

So with this, I bring to you our last day in Las Vegas.... hopefully, for now. Tee hee!

Anywho, the day of our flight, I woke up extra early for THIS.

OW EM.... to the highest maximum gulay! It's the day of our flight and I haven't even started with packing all our boxes and bags!! Even if the Chinese Adonis was willing to help, I have my own proven technique in doing it (taught by the great Ate Shiela) that saves space and cushions even the most fragile of objects. 

But since I was too hungry (AND lazy) to function, I went to the kitchen to have some breakfast first!

Garlic rice with lots of ham!

Crispy Bacon!

Lots of eggs!

All of this was enjoyed with a mug of freshly brewed coffee with hazelnut cream! Nummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After the late breakfast and while I was packing up (again), the kids went outside to play. Mati took out the Spiderman glove which he bought from the money he saved from gifts. 

They also played with the leftover poppers my Kuya Nap got for Memorial Day. He he he he!

It will give a soft "bang" once it hits the pavement!

I was wondering though why they played by the doorstep when there is a wide area for them to around in within my cousin's subdivision. H aha ha ha!

While they were playing, some steaks were getting ready for the griller. 

After I finally finished packing, THIS is what I looked like. 

I don't know how packing made me fat though....

FINALLY the steaks were ready for our late lunch!

We also whipped up some potato au gratin to go with it!


My beautiful plate of meat and potatoes! 

Me and Kuya Nap!

I think I must have had 2 serving of these!

After we cleaned up the dishes, locked our bags, and took our baths, we all went down to have our "going away" dessert and sing to Andrei his very belated birthday song!

We're ready to go!

Good bye Kuya Nap housie!

Good bye to the car we used for the whole time we were at Las Vegas! Thank you for not conking out on us and giving us long cool rides!

Good bye Las Vegas roads which the kids did not play in. Ha ha ha ha!

Good bye Las Vegas heat that gave me such a sun burn!

Good bye LAS VEGAS! We will definitely be back soon!

But for now though, we're excited to go home!!!!

Now BACK to regular programming! He he he he he!


  1. It made me a little bit sad that this will be your last post about your trip. I'm always looking to your posts and I had fun reading each of them. :) We're having a vacation in Orlando soon (with my 3 little boys.. yikes!) and I'm getting a lot of tips from your blog. Thanks for patiently documenting your adventure and I now look forward to your food adventures. :)

    1. Awww thank you so much Tara! I was getting kind of concerned that I might be posting too much about our trip but it's just that we had a lot of fun and I don't want to forget any of it. I'm so happy and touched that you enjoyed what I shared. Wow! Sarap! Trip to Orlando!!! Aren't vacations with the family the best? I cannot have enough of it!

      Take care and have fun on your trip!! BTW, just in case I have another baby, I want to have a boy again. Ang sarap mo 3 boys!! It might get crazy but we are so spoiled by their lambings!! Thanks again for dropping by :)
