
Tuesday, July 8, 2014


During our 2nd Las Vegas staycation at THE GOLDEN NUGGET (SEE HERE!!!!), the Chinese Adonis craved for something meaty. Now before your naughty minds get all riled up, I was referring to beef, beef, and MORE beef. But since he was on a diet, he wanted his MEAT inside a bun.

Wait a minute, now THAT doesn't seem right. Me and my mind! Ha ha ha ha!

Anywho, we were in Downtown Las Vegas and upon checking online, the most probable restaurant that was nearest to us was DENNY'S. My husband hasn't eaten there yet and agreed with mucho gusto. So after swimming with sharks in our hotel pool (yup check the link up there!), we proceeded to DENNY'S to satisfy my husband's need for some meat.


If you want to know where the DENNY'S branch is downtown, just look for the Stratosphere!

If you don't know what the Stratosphere is, THAT'S the Stratosphere hotel. :)

My little lords and I dressed up a bit because we want to do Las Vegas the way they did before --- with style. 

Of course, the Chinese Adonis just donned his usual get up as long as it was long-sleeved! Grrr! :)

DENNY'S has been serving up classic American food non stop since 1953 -- yup, it's open 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

 Perhaps one of the reasons why this restaurant was perfect for us tonight was because we were able to go out late for dinner after too much swimming.  

We saw the monthly special at DENNY'S was this big chunk of bourbon burger! Yub was thinking if he's going to order this. 

As for me, I set my eyes and forehead on this one. 

Yup. I'm watching YOU, DENNY'S Milkshake!

I know what Andrei's going to watch out for. He's very good at this!

It was pretty late so we almost got the restaurant to ourselves.

 Still, we wait for a DENNY'S staff to seat us. 

DENNY'S still follows that classic "family diner" look that we have come to love. 

However, the Las Vegas DENNY'S may not follow the usual 1950's diner style like in their other branches. 

Still, everything was familiar and heart warming that you will bring your family here for a casual getogether over a hot meal.

Oh well! Our not so casual attire is reserved for going around the strip anyway. He he he he!

Check out the Senior photo bomber at the back. 

While little Andrei and I were thinking what to order, our Senior Photo bomber struck a pose!

Noice one bro! Ha ha ha ha!

DENNY'S meynuh!

Sorry I was not able to take pictures of each page of the meynuh. Will do so when we return! :)

Ordering!!! Our DENNY'S server may seem grumpy at the picture but she was actually very nice and generous!

The Chinese Adonis and master Mati!

Me and my little munchkin Andrei!

While I was taking pictures, Andrei swiped a packet or two of white sugar. 

Oh wow. We're going to have a little Tasmanian tonight!

Mati ordered a DENNY'S burger. So with that I suggested that he get a glass of creamy root beer float ($2.89) to go with it. 

As for me, I ordered the DENNY'S Oreo Milkshake ($3.99) that caught my eye when we entered.

Oh wow! It was soooo scrumptious! It's like gulping an oozing ice cream with cookie chunks!

Our server was so nice that she gave us our extra shake from the blender which did not fit our glass. It was almost like we had 2 orders of this deeeeelicious DENNY'S Oreo Blast!

My joy was short lived however as Andrei zoinked my DENNY'S Oreo Blast AND the extra serving in the metal cannister.

Oh well...  I'm sure in time he'll appreciate his generous Mommy.  

For now, he showed his appreciation by wiping my "Mommy cooties" from the straw.

Why you little!!!!!!

Ha ha ha ha! It's okay. Anything for the love of my life! At least that's less pounds for me!

These days Mati is on the roll in assembling his own food so he ordered the DENNY'S Build Your Own Burger ($8.69).

Mati really gave directions to our DENNY'S server how he wanted his burger (no veggies, no catsup, barbecue sauce on the side, special bun). She didn't need to ask him anything. My little man was so sure of what he wanted that he also requested for extra egg ($1.00) on top. 

Mati and his DENNY'S creation!

Uh Yub... Please be well aware that you should NOT go between a little man and his burger...

My husband ordered the DENNY'S Philly Prime Melt ($9.79) that was loaded with meat and gooey cheese. 

Yup! He asked for it and now he got it. 

Awww.... Look at the Chinese Adonis' happy face!

My little lord wanted a cheese sandwich which was unfortunately not included in the kiddie menu. 

Our DENNY'S server suggested we get the one from the Senior's special menu (think, the opposite of a kiddie meal). She said it was okay even if nobody from our group was 60 years above. He he he he!

And so my little lord got his DENNY'S Senior Grilled Cheese Sandwich ($6.49). He's a finicky eater and I was so happy that he ate this crusty sandwich with gusto!

As for me, I was really planning to just share food from the kiddies since they usually cannot finish a whole order. And seeing that we had an abundance of fries, I just requested a veggie tub in place of Yub's fried potatoes. Our server made a booboo and forgot that we specified vegetables instead of fries for the Chinese Adonis' plate. With that she just gave me a complimentary DENNY'S veggie tub with bleu cheese dressing!

My favorite!

ERICJAZ FOODIES with the little lords at DENNY'S!!!

As I predicted, Mati felt like he wouldn't finish his DENNY'S thick burger and gave me 1/4 of the sandwich. 

Yep! There is such a thing as a 1/4 burger. Ha ha ha ha!

Yub also gave me some of his DENNY'S Philly Cheese steak sandwich. He said the meat was so packed that everything was so heavy in his tight tummy. 

And we're done.. with a lot of DENNY'S fries leftover. Ha ha ha ha!

Would you believe that Andrei was able to finish his whole plate of Grilled Cheese Sandwich all by himself? Yup! Miracles do happen!

Our DENNY'S bill!

Wow! That was good!



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