
Thursday, July 31, 2014


While we were in Los Angeles for our US family vacation, I wanted to eat at some fast food restaurants but there was no time because of our very crazy theme park filled schedule. The reason for our craving was, in the few times that we were able to watch TV, we saw that CARL'S JR and TACO BELL had new mouth watering grub that is not available (yet?) in the Philippines!

So with that, my very hot niece woke up very early  and got a lot of fast food goodies for us!!!

Yohoo! Now this is what I may call the "best" unconventional breakfast there is!

While I was still snoozing, my niece Gayle went out early to buy these goodies for us!

If you're wondering who was taking the pictures, it's my dear Chinese Adonis who I kicked out of bed for this. Bwa ha ha ha ha ha!

"Eat Like You Mean It"

Oh yes we certainly plan to!

According to my husband, everything was still piping hot from the bag of fast food goodies that he was controlling his cutie pie self from reaching out and getting one. 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


I really hate the times when I could be so stupid.

Don't get me wrong, those "times" are really rare (ahem ahem) but yes it happens and when it does I want to kick my big behind for it.

Take the instance when we went to the US for Andrei's 7th birthday! When Yub and I were planning that we'll be going to Los Angeles to invade all of the theme parks there, I declared to him that by hook or by crook we will be eating at PINK'S. My obsession stems from my round the clock watching of the FOOD NETWORK. If you see some of their specials, they would always include the famed hotdog restaurant in their "best of something" countdowns. So after watching "Top 10" or "The Best Hotdog" show one after another, I was really excited and looked forward to get a taste of it. In fact, upon meeting my nieces in Los Angeles, I immediately said that "YES, we will be eating at PINK'S".

Even if my niece had promised to take us to PINK'S when we have an LA day, we got a chance to eat at the popular hotdog stand when we were in UNIVERSAL STUDIOS (SEE HERE).

So after years and years of obsessing over PINK'S hotdogs, what do I do while I was standing by the counter to give my orders?

I. Ordered. A. Burger.

Oh yes. I did. SO DUMB of me. I misread the menu and ordered a friggin burger.  I wanted to bonk my big forehead right then and there. I know that I should've just ordered one more but the sandwiches were too big even for us to finish so at that time, it felt impractical and wrong (see stupid again?).

It is really now that I am kicking and regretting everything that happened that day at PINK'S.

Haaay! Oh well. So there it is. Ha ha ha ha ha!


Monday, July 28, 2014


Besides DISNEYLAND, the one place that I will NEVER get tired of going to is UNIVERSAL STUDIOS. Yup! By some stroke of luck, I've been to this famous theme park more than the wonderful world of Disney because every time I'm in the US, fate would always find a way to bring us to where movie magic comes alive! And I don't really mind. Though I am no Siskel and Ebert, I love movies (be it the classics or razzies)  and everything behind it.

Again, this will be a pretty long post as I would like to record here all the extreme fun we had in UNIVERSAL STUDIOS HOLLYWOOD. Though the theme park may not be as "complete" as we wanted it to be (some of my old favorites were missing in preparation for this boy wizard), there were still a lot of cool sights and attractions that made our visit truly fit for a blog entry.

Take a look and see what awaits you when you go to UNIVERSAL STUDIOS HOLLYWOOD!


Thursday, July 24, 2014


On our 11th wedding anniversary, my husband and I celebrated with the little lords in 100 REVOLVING RESTAURANT by Chef Jessie (SEE HERE).  We had such a wonderful night that I cannot stop raving about it and giving out my heartfelt recommendation to anyone who will listen.

With that, when the very handsome Maru Sotto asked us where we want to eat on his birthday, 100 REVOLVING RESTAURANT naturally came up from my side. I was happy that my "Ladies Who Lunch" group agreed. The last time I was there with THE YAPPY BUNCH it was at night. Having a meal in 100 REVOLVING RESTAURANT in the daytime would surely put a different spin on things (pun sort of intended).

After our wonderful lunch and the candles blown, I was once again enamored with the "romance" of 100 REVOLVING RESTAURANT. At least I was able to see that having a meal there while the sun is out is something worth making a return for. I cannot wait to bring back my little family here so that they'll be able to see a breathtaking view of the Metro in the light of day.

And I got handsome Maru and my "Ladies Who Lunch" group to thank for that! 


100 REVOLVING RESTAURANT'S maitre d' was ready to welcome us! He he he he!

The restaurant was all about peace and quiet for that lunch time. There were only a few diners enjoying their meals in silence. Hmmmm... I hope we don't disturb them too much!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


DISNEYLAND was not hailed as the "Happiest Place On Earth" for nothing. And yes, I strongly agree. Even if there may be more exciting or technologically induced theme parks opening up here and there, DISNEYLAND will forever be the place where all my childhood dreams came true.

I remember when I was a kid growing up (yes a little "tiyanak" does too you know), I would always wish to go to DISNEYLAND with my family. I was such a fan of all their cartoons, characters, and songs! Every time I go into "DISNEY mode", I am suddenly enveloped with different feelings of love, warmth, and fun. I remember watching in awe as the DISNEY Princesses would meet their dashing Princes and get that lovely feeling knowing they will be living "happily ever after". Yes it was something that I used to wish for all the time -- that I will meet my own Prince soon and we will go to DISNEYLAND.

From all of my day dreaming, I have already been to DISNEYLAND (US and HK) many times where each trip was more memorable than the last. But for me, the best would have to be THE YAPPY BUNCH's DISNEYLAND invasion this 2014 because not only were the boys old enough to explore around by themselves but I saw the fun they had upon with the new sights and rides that were whipped up for the little Prince Charmings.

Thinking about it now, yes this 2014 trip for us was very memorable because I always daydreamed that I will be able to save up and have fun with my Prince where "dreams came true".

And yes it did! Only this time, I went to DISNEYLAND with not just one but 3 PRINCES! 

Now THAT is something I am surely to be HAPPY ever after for! :)

Yes... we L-O-V-E DISNEYLAND!!!!

Yub parked in the 5th level of DISNEYLAND LA carpark so it was a LOOOONG way down via escalator.

EGAD! I HATE high escalators!

Monday, July 21, 2014


After meeting up with some of my High School friends in Moon Korean Barbecue (SEE HERE!), dear Sheila took us back to my cousin's house right on the dot at 6:30pm because we were going out for dinner.

Me texting: "We're on our way home to eat again!!!
Yep. The eating never stopped for us in the US hence, my 12lb weight gain.... on each thigh... and forehead.

Why didn't it just go straight to my boobs instead????

Anyway, we were going out for dinner with my first cousin Ate Baby and her family at KULA REVOLVING SUSHI bar. They have been regular customers of this joint and would always post pictures of their meals there that we were all pretty excited.

And by WE, I meant Me, Mati, and Andrei. My husband detests sushi and swore to just have a burger afterwards. (Eeew so embarrassing... ha ha ha ha!). It's okay. He did try his best to be happy for us while we gobbled plates upon plates of fresh sushi.

In turn, the boys and I were MORE than happy too that we got what was supposed to be his share.

So everybody lived happy ever after in the end. La dee da! Ha ha ha ha!


Friday, July 18, 2014


Even if we were having a lot of fun in Las Vegas, it was time to pack up our bags and go to what I feel is the theme park capital of the US.... 


The long and winding road.... NOT!

It's going to be a 6 hour drive for THE YAPPY BUNCH!

Now as much as I love my relatives, there is a different kind of fun by going on this trip by our lonesome. We suddenly had this exciting feeling of independence knowing that we could talk about whatever we like, scream as loud as we wanted, and fart as much as we can.

YEAH! Dibs on the last one. He he he he he!

Everytime we drive to California, this is the most familiar sight for me as we exit Nevada -- the roads going up to the mountains. My husband never noticed it until he looked at the rear view mirror and shrieked like a girl realizing how high we were!

After arriving in Los Angeles, we dropped our things and chatted with my other cousin, Ate Baby. We promised to talk some more later on because we will be meeting my high school friends. 

My HS friend Shiela passed by to pick us up. Upon seeing each other there was a lot of laughter, screams, and gab gab gab! 

Here we are at MOON BARBECUE!

Thursday, July 17, 2014


Before going to Las Vegas, I promised myself that I will only eat a quarter of meat matched with a whole platter of vegetables so that I could still maintain my (ahem) wonderful figure. I have been pretty successful so far especially that I would just share entrees with the little lords then control my food intake by just having a side salad. Everything was going well until my Kuya Nap happily announced that he was going to take us to a seafood buffet in M resort.

Wow. Seafood and buffet. I don't need a picture to know that my diet will go downhill from there. 

We were driving to California on Sunday so we attended Saturday mass  in my cousin's parish. 

As their custom here in the Philippines, the little lords ran up to the priest to give respect (here we do it via "mano"). 

I'm sure the priest did not know this Filipino custom but he did give the kiddies blessings and a few words of wisdom.

After church, it was a long straight drive to M resort. Wow! You don't see this very often in Manila. This is what my husband definitely misses in the US!

And so we're here...


Tuesday, July 15, 2014


During our trip to the US, my husband and I made a fool proof itinerary of the things we will be doing as a family. We thought, we have scheduled everything that we wanted to do and that we've got all the important things covered for a true fun filled YAPPY bunch summer vacation.

While we were going around though, we encountered a lot more sights and activities that were not in our initial plans -- The Grand Canyon, Titanic and Car museum, Mamma Mia, Strip Shows... este... family oriented CULTURAL shows...

Whew! He he he!

Anyway, one insta-plan that we did was MADAME TUSSAUD'S wax museum while we were going around THE VENETIAN. It's a fun activity for the whole family and you will never get enough pictures. That's why I suggest that yes after some popular sights like Hoover Dam, Bellagio Fountain, Grand Canyon, Mamma Mia, Little Darling... (este) little boat ride in THE VENETIAN, you may want by the classic MADAME TUSSAUDS. It's your ticket to see your favorite American personalities all in one roof in Sin City!


Monday, July 14, 2014


After our Gondola ride at the VENETIAN HOTEL (SEE HERE) Yub and I spotted a familiar sight... 


My husband and I were instantly hooked by this gentleman in black, diligently working on what seems to be a masterpiece.

Friday, July 11, 2014


A couple of Fridays ago, the Chinese Adonis and I celebrated the start of a wonderful weekend by jamming up with some of the usual suspects: 

Great friends...

Delicious food. 

And the verdict for the day when I'm in love (thanks Cure) was in the stretch of Kapitolyo, Pasig City.


NINAK -- comfort food. 

Yes, because their dishes are so good you might go into a food coma.

Yes for me THAT'S comfortable. He he he he!

Thursday, July 10, 2014


Las Vegas may be famous for casinos, quickie wedding chapels, Elvis Presley impersonators, outrageous buffets and shows. But besides those "usuals", you should also remember that Las Vegas is a haven for many attractions that you may not see in other states when you visit the US.

Now I have previously done a blogpost featuring the free fun in Las Vegas in my 3 part humongously LONG series (SEE HEREHEREand HERE). With this, I recommend that you also try this popular ride in one of their most famous hotels that would transport you to the romantic waters of Venice.

Yep. I'm talking about THE VENETIAN's Gondola ride. It may be a cliche to some but it is definitely a cause for L'amore in Sin City! 

The VENETIAN HOTEL in Las Vegas!

One of the musts to do when you're in this popular hotel is to have a GONDOLA ride in VENETIAN HOTEL'S very own Venice canal. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


During our 2nd Las Vegas staycation at THE GOLDEN NUGGET (SEE HERE!!!!), the Chinese Adonis craved for something meaty. Now before your naughty minds get all riled up, I was referring to beef, beef, and MORE beef. But since he was on a diet, he wanted his MEAT inside a bun.

Wait a minute, now THAT doesn't seem right. Me and my mind! Ha ha ha ha!

Anywho, we were in Downtown Las Vegas and upon checking online, the most probable restaurant that was nearest to us was DENNY'S. My husband hasn't eaten there yet and agreed with mucho gusto. So after swimming with sharks in our hotel pool (yup check the link up there!), we proceeded to DENNY'S to satisfy my husband's need for some meat.


If you want to know where the DENNY'S branch is downtown, just look for the Stratosphere!

If you don't know what the Stratosphere is, THAT'S the Stratosphere hotel. :)

Monday, July 7, 2014


While in Las Vegas, we were only supposed to have one staycation in the strip which we had in NEW YORK HOTEL (SEE HERE). But then I got to talk to Ms. Eileen Macapagal (wife of my ever favorite EB host Mr. Joey de Leon) and she strongly recommended us to try THE GOLDEN NUGGET. Her family just came from Las Vegas and they got a room there not really for staying in but because the pool at GOLDEN NUGGET was truly one of a kind!

And when she told me what made THE GOLDEN NUGGET pool so special, we immediately booked a room before you could even say "You're gonna need a bigger boat".


And here we are...


Friday, July 4, 2014


It was the morning of my Daddy's birthday and it has been our usual tradition to hear mass and have breakfast no matter what day of the week it was. Before, we would usually have birthday dimsum and congee in GLORIA MARIS (SEE HERE) but for today the verdict was pancakes and so my Daddy suggested "FLAPJACKS".

"FLAPJACKS??" I confirmed excitedly. "I haven't eaten there yet!" To which my sister smirked "We eat there always kaya everytime you're not with us!"

My family ladies and gentlemen. The source of my strength and love as a human being!! 

Anywho, since I've had my fill of pancakes from other breakfast hubs such as Pancake House, IHOP, Italliannis, blah, blah, blah, I was wondering how FLAPJACKS would fare up. And since I love pancakes so much (yup enough that I want to MARRY IT and have 4 or 5 little baby pancakes ASAP :p) I was more than stoked that somebody suggested PANCAKES for Daddy's birthday breakfast....

I became ravenously hungry... And yes. You will not like me (more) when I'm hungry. :P


Yohoo! Free coffee! Time to parteeey!

FLAPJACKS is a member of the BISTRO GROUP and if memory serves me right from TGIF, ITALIANNIS, MODERN SHANGHAI, blah, blah, blah, they certainly know how to take care of their diners!

Thursday, July 3, 2014


In our recent US vacation, I did not expect that the kids would love LAS VEGAS so much even though they were... well kids! Of course I thought: this "adult playground" was not called "Sin City" for nothing so I already plotted where we will go to that will be safe for children. When we went around the strip and casinos, we were able to catch shows that were not only free for everyone to watch, but it was also entertaining even for our little lords. And with that, YES, I will be using these two popular cliches on my blogpost...

What happened in Vegas, STAYED in Vegas....
Because.. We left our heart there....

Didn't make sense? Yeah I thought so.

Here's part 3 of our FREE FUN IN LAS VEGAS!

For our previous LOOOONG posts check out PART 1, and PART 2!! 


When you have kiddies with you, you may want to bring them in CIRCUS CIRCUS!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Do you want to know how pathetic I am?

These photos were actually taken last year during my aunts' visit from the US and I'm doing it just now. The reason I'm posting it today? Well for one, I wanted to take a break from all that "YAPPY BUNCH does the US" blog posts (I'm sure you are getting nauseous from all the pictures too, but don't worry, MORE will come :P). The other REAL reason is that I remembered it was my older sis who treated us in GLORIA MARIS and I think it's high time for her to treat us (aka me) again via this blog post.

Yes that's me. I could be subtle and straightforward at the same time!

Before you judge me, come on! This treat has been over a year already. AND, not counting MY birthday, HER birthday, gifts for the boys, movie dates with Mati, Mother's day gifts for me, Father's Day gifts for Eric, AND Starbucks treats when I demand for it, my sister hasn't treated us (aka me) to anything this year! What gives???

So again. This is me SUBTLY reminding my sister that we had so much fun with the family with her dinner treat last year in GLORIA MARIS. It wouldn't hurt to dig into her generous heart once more and treat the family (or just me) again.

Told you I was pathetic. He he he he!


We had dinner at GLORIA MARIS Podium on a weekday so the place was not as crowded as I expected it to be. 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


With our US TRIP this summer, I was able to show THE YAPPY bunch that there is indeed a LOT to do and see in Las Vegas that won't charge us any sort of admission fee. I was already able to do the first part of our LAS VEGAS fun (SEE HERE) and here's the "sequel". He he he he!

By the way, just a warning -- since my blog is really my online diary (i.e. it's not an instructional guide nor an advertisement page) there will be a LOT of pictures (since it's also my online photo album). So check this out on your own risk.

Have fun! Tee hee!

The lovely Las Vegas strip at night!

 And here we are at one of Sin City's most popular hotels...