
Saturday, June 14, 2014


When we arrived in Las Vegas, we were met by my cousin Kuya Nap and his wife Ate Sheila. Oh it was so great to see them after 5 years!!! I missed them so much! After the usual "HELLOS", "HI'S", and "WE MISSED YOUs", we realized that it was time for dinner. And yes, I was so excited! Will finally start my OTHER mission in the US... TO EAT.

You would think that just because we were in the US, we would be stuffing ourselves immediately with  burgers, ribs, or any American food that you could think of. But NOOOH. My cousin knows me too well being our baby sitter before that I always have to have noodles and soup especially when I was tired (yes, too lazy to chew... tee hee). Oh yes. Some people need to sleep or lie down in order to relax and feel at home with their new place. But for me it's different. It should be FOOD.

With that, he hied us off to his favorite restaurant for piping hot bowls of Vietnamese Pho. And yes, with just one slurp of the flavorful broth I smiled and thought to my weird self "Welcome to America!" :) 

PHO SO 1!!

Now isn't that a beautiful moon? It somehow looks like the same one back home... :P

PHO SO 1 is Kuya Nap's new discovery and he assured me that I would do a Linda Blair head turnaround once I take a slurp from their noodles!

Hello 3 ladies!

PHO SO 1 is a must try when you are in Las Vegas and craving for Vietnamese Pho.

PHO SO 1 was spacious and had a lot of customers at a very late hour! 

I guess a lot of people in Las Vegas are craving for Vietnamese Pho as well!

In PHO SO 1!!! Roll call!

Kuya Nap and his very pretty wife Ate Sheila!

Me and my Dad's sister, Tita Carol (Kuya Nap's mom).... 

ERICJAZ FOODIES with little Andrei!

Ate Shiela with a very hungry master Mati! He he he he!

Kuya Nap was a regular customer in PHO SO 1 and ordered from his usual guy.

PHO SO 1 meynuh!

When you order Vietnamese Pho, you would always be served with a small platter of condiments such as basil leaves, lemon wedges, and chili. PHO SO 1 also gave us some bright green Jalapenos!

I love bean sprouts and yes, we got a full serving of it as well!

The children were very anxious at the sight of chili sauce in the table fearing it might get into their food. But I assured them that this would be for adults only!

Mati and Yub ordered PHO SO 1's Meat Ball Pho ($6.95)!

I originally wanted to order ordinary noodles with tendon. But Kuya Nap wouldn't have it. He said I should try their big bowl of special PHO SO 1 goodness ($7.95)! So here is what I got!

This heavy bowl was filled with beef tenderloin, shanks, another type of meat, and tendon!

AND he ordered me another serving of Tendon to add to it. 

I cannot really say no to him now can I? He he he he!

So like the obedient cousin that I am, I just loaded up my PHO SO 1 noodles with EVERYTHING and prepared to eat.

Of course, we do not just wolf down our meal, we kinda talk too... HA HA HA HA!


Tita Carol's PHO SO 1 Crunchy Seafood Noodles ($11.95) finally arrived. 

The seafood gravy just smelled heavenly. I really wanted to get a GOOD taste of this.

But I'll wait AFTER she mixes this first. Tee hee!

Sorry for the blurry pictures but we are just all jet lagged.

And by WE I meant YUB. 

I think by this time I was already putting out some noodle sweat. It may not look like much but once I poked my PHO SO 1 bowl with a chop stick, HELLO! Out sprouted tons of rice noodles!

But these noodles were so tempting.... 

And Tita Carol, being the loving Aunt that she is, gave me A LOT to finish by me lonesome. 

And so I did.


Kuya Nap asked if we wanted to around Las Vegas strip after dinner. 

I asked (almost pleaded) that we could do it the next day because THE TONS of noodles were still up to my neck. Ngiii... I was really full that if a feather landed on my tummy, it's PITCH PERFECT opening for everyone! Yohoo!

If you don't know what I mean, check it out on You Tube. Sorry, I don 't really want to post it here. Ha ha ha ha ha!

We promised to rest after unpacking. But man, this is Vegas! It may be 2:00am already but it is NEVER too late for some chat with coffee and cheesecake. 

Hmmm... I seem to have forgotten that I was whining like a baby earlier about my "fullness".

Oh well. Great food and loving people does that to us!


4745 Spring Mountain Rd, 
Las Vegas, NV 89102, United States
:+1 702-252-3934

Check this out!

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