
Thursday, June 19, 2014


It's June 12, 2014, a national holiday for all Pinoys alike and my family will be celebrating our independence the YAPPY way! I know, I know, that you may (or ARE??) already be tired from hearing this over and over again but the Chinese Adonis and I have agreed on having little traditions for our little family for various events. EXAMPLE! For the Chinese New Year it is already tradition for us to go to Binondo (SEE HERE), for our New Year we do our annual Hotel Hopping (SEE HERE), for Valentime's every year my little lords take me out on dates (AND HERE!!!).... Etc... Etc... In fact I remember somebody telling me already "Tradition again??" Ha ha ha ha! Oh well... Maybe it's just really important for me to instill these practices on my two little lords so that they'll do the same with their own children when they grow up to rule the world or something. He he he he!

Anyway, last year we celebrated Manila day by going to Baywalk, Rizal Park, and the Planetarium (See HERE). This time around, my husband and I planned to take the kids to different museums in Manila. Unfortunately when I called to make inquiries, most of them were closed because of the holiday. So we came up with another route for the kids which still gave us a grand yet educational time!

So Manila, here we come! Mabuhay!!!! 

THE YAPPY BUNCH are going to Manila!!!


Wait a minute... We seem to have an extra kid..... Hmmm


The Chinese Adonis wearing his Filipino shirt!

Master Mati wearing my shades AND a Filipino shirt too... 

Little Andrei and his red Philippine map!

Mati's friend from school Dominic joined us and he too was wearing the colors of the Philippine flag.

As for me, I'm wearing MY Filipino shirt... Yup! I'm PINOY and I'm a HENYO (genius). Wohoo!
Kidding! (But not too much :P) 

This is actually the name of popular segment of EAT BULAGA, the TV show I work for which is also the country's LONGEST RUNNING NOON TIME SHOW IN HISTORY. So. There. :) Yup! Love your own!

Our first stop in LUNETA!!

Dr. Jose Rizal's fountain!

The fountain was actually where Dr. Jose Rizal, our national hero, would drink from while he was staying in a German town. At the 68th anniversary of his martyrdom (on 1964), the fountain was formally turned over as a gift by the German Federal Government to the Philippines. 

I really love historical artifacts. I always get a certain kind of thrill touching them knowing that I am in contact with something that has been there for decades and around people from long ago. 

This was also where the NOLI ME TANGERE garden is located. 

In the NOLI ME TANGERE garden, you will find many maps made out of paper maches that exhibited the significant places and countries for Dr. Rizal. 

Here we have his birthplace in Calamba, Laguna. 

... and the other countries he's been to including Germany, where he wrote NOLI ME TANGERE.

Master Mati had fun looking at the maps. 

There were 3 big maps in NOLI ME TANGERE garden and the one behind the boys is the biggest one.

At this point, Andrei wanted to bug his Kuya Mati by trying to kiss him.  

Yes I did say TRY... Ha ha ha ha ha!

We were fortunate to have cloudy weather this INDEPENDENCE DAY that it was very cool while we were at the park. I told the kids there was no rush in running around and playing.

Mati certainly did not mind sitting down and just enjoying the slight breeze.

Later on we saw the bust of Dr. Ferdinand Blumentritt. 

Dr. Blumentritt was the best friend of Dr. Jose Rizal. He was also considered as his mentor in our hero's fight for freedom. 

The NOLI ME TANGERE garden was still fairly clean but what I loved about it was that the park had a lot of trees. 

He he he! We had to take another picture because Andrei wanted to be in front!

Afterwards we went to Rizal Park where besides being blessed with the wonderful weather, there was not so much people in that area! I guess most of the people feared the cloudy skies thinking that it would rain. Ergo, less hustle and bustle for us!

In Rizal Park, our National Flag stands mighty tall and high.

I may have a lot of petty complaints about our country but once I see our Filipino flag flapping silently, I would just shut up and admire its beauty with pride. 

DR. JOSE RIZAL'S famous monument!

Such a shame that they do not allow visitors to go near the monument which carries his remains. I don't know if this was just for the holiday though. 

In Rizal Park, there were people dressed in costume and gamely posed for pictures!


We salute you this Independence Day!

MABUHAY MGA KAPATID! ("Long live our brothers!")

Since there was not much people in Rizal Park, we were able to take pictures with these dressed up dudes in a jiffy! There was no line!


Just to be clear, we are spelling out L-O-V-E! Dominic was the exclamation point. Ha ha ha ha!

On our way to the fountains, we saw people lining up and going inside this somewhat hidden corner. 

Entrance is free. You just need to register. 

It turns out, we will be going to the ACTUAL place where DR. JOSE RIZAL was executed!

Outside, Mati read words imprinted on the granite wall. 

"My Last Farewell"

Here's where we were going to...


There was also a wall with impressive art pieces showing the life of Dr. Jose Rizal. 

I guess the boys liked the look of these mini statues because they agreed to have a picture with it!

What met us behind the big granite wall was an open field with various statues reenacting the execution of DR. JOSE RIZAL. 

Like I said, this was the actual place where our National Hero was shot to his death. 

They have converted this area into the RIZAL MARTYRDOM LIGHT AND SOUND SHOW which comes to life at night time. That is why the stone seats are facing the statues depicting the last moments of our national hero's life. There is only a very small fee for this.

Visitors are free to go up and take pictures with the statues. 

We somehow did the same. He he he he! Sorry!

Here's Dr. Jose Rizal on trial... 

Here's Dr. Rizal saying goodbye to his Mother... 

Another one shows Dr. Rizal writing his last piece the day before his execution. 

Dr. Jose Rizal saying goodbye to his lady love... 

... and friends. 

Dr. Rizal before going to the firing squad. 


Wait a minute... He's a Chinese Adonis!

We may ham around with the other statues but we will not touch THIS one. I feel that THIS should be respected and not be demeaned by wacky poses. 

If you look closely, the artists who made Dr. Rizal's statue even included where he took in the gun shots. 

Andrei was really curious and asked a lot of questions. 

I told the boys that there was no rush. We could all just sit down, relax, and enjoy the calming feel of the place. 

As for me, I got a bit dramatic and day dreamed what happened here 118 years ago. The thought that our National Hero being executed here sent chills down my spine! 

As for Mati and Dominic, they kept on talking about the coming update on Minecraft. Tsk tsk... HA HA HA!

I left our camera for awhile to talk to the Chinese Adonis. When I was reviewing our pictures later on, guess what I saw? Andrei cam!!!

I wonder when he did that because I saw him joining the older boys with their Minecraft discussion. Ha ha ha!

There were a lot of beautiful trees around the RIZAL MARTYRDOM LIGHT AND SOUND show that the next thing I know, we were recreating a very cheesy pose we did before! He he he he!

And here's the pic I was referring to. He he he he! Andrei our little photobomber!

Now THIS photo truly BOMBED! Ha ha ha ha ha!

THE YAPPY BUNCH with Dominic in a very significant place in Philippine History!

Going out, we noticed that Yub and Dom were wearing VERY similar shirts. Ha ha ha ha!

Next stop for us was the fountains at RIZAL PARK. 

Andrei loved watching fountains since he was little so it was just natural for us to make this our next stop!

We also brought some cold drinks to hydrate our "tourist-y" selves!

Again, the big boys were talking about the upcoming update on Minecraft!

As for Andrei, he was already so happy to just look at the fountains!

He can't take his eyes off them even for our family pic!

Of course, when I told them to act tired, I was the only one who did it for the shot!

My little lords!

By this time, the winds were getting strong. Good thing we have already finished our Luneta tour!

Somebody up there must love the YAPPY BUNCH because when we got to our car, the rain started to fall down!

Our next stop!


No, we were not there to watch ballet or musical theatre. We will be checking out their museums which were open for the holiday! Yey!

The attendant and security guard assigned for the day were very nice and helpful!

And let's go in!

To get to the museum, you enter at the right side of CCP. From there, you use the elevator to go to the 4th floor. 


We were going to CCP's museums!

The first one for us was CCP's Diwa: Buhay, Ritwal, at Sining. AND, a Collection of Asian Traditional Musical Instruments!

This greeted us by the entrance. 

The kids saw how the other ethnic groups lived in the Philippines. 

Claypots and weapons used by our co-Filipinos. 

"Fashion and Beauty Tips!" (Ala Jun Encarnacion! He he he he!)

Hmmmm... I wonder why he's wearing jeans? He he he he!

A museum all to ourselves!

I saw these little girls doing the OSANA. 

When I was a little girl, I did this too in my father's hometown in Cavite. During Easter Sunday, little girls in white would sing and throw flowers celebrating the resurrection of our Lord!

My husband however, was pretty curious at something. 

Hay typical!


Of course, this caught his attention as well. Ha ha ha ha!

Our YAPPY group at CCP's DIWA!

Afterwards, we went to their old musical display. 

A very musical collection!

We saw here various instruments from different cultures. 

Again, we got it all to ourselves!

Of course, the Chinese Adonis immediately went to his "family". He he he he!

Mati and Andrei were very behaved and just looked at the display.

Are you guys hungry already????

Later on I saw Mati pointing at something and laughing.

Ha ha ha ha! Oh well... Like father, like son!

We then went to CCP's 3rd floor to check out the art pieces. These galleries are free for visitors!

Mr. Yonzon's retrospective!

A brief background about the painter.

Group shot!

I was surprised how the boys were really behaved during our museum visits. Usually they would run around and shriek with laughter. But this time they were just looking and pointing. 

I guess the quietness of the place did that to them. 

Like me, Yub is not an art enthusiast. I don't know if a piece has a potential to be sold for millions. When I like something, no matter how cheap it is, I'll stop and admire it. 

Mati asked for a picture in this section. I motioned for him to come closer. He he he he!

I think he was looking at a painting of Humphrey Bogart at the back!

Near and far... 

Andrei loved doing jump shots now. He he he he!

Oops... Spoke too soon. Andrei attached himself to Mati and won't let go. 

Before going, I showed the boys around CCP's main lobby. Mati and Andrei remembered it when we watched WICKED. Somehow, there was a different feel to it when it was just us enjoying the vastness of the place. 

Yep! Nobody but US getting a bit of culture in CCP!!!

For lunch, we went all Filipino again and headed for Max's Fried Chicken!

After a tiring but fun day, we had such a full appetite at MAX'S!!

Check out Andrei impersonating the Herobrines from Minecraft!

Going home, the kids asked for a not-so-Filipino dessert. Oh well, I relented since it was may be their way of getting their Filipino appetites to conquer an International donut! He he he he he!

Till next year! HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY my countrymen!

See this!

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