
Tuesday, April 1, 2014


My brother and his family, who lived in Antipolo, stayed over our house one weekend. When he is here, we never fail to pull out our usual FOB (fresh off the boat) jokes at their expense and that "Ke ganda ganda talaga dito sa Maynilah" (in our exaggerated Caviteno accent) for laughs. Then one joke led to another resulting  to his craving to try out what "Manila has to offer". With that, he invited us to have dinner out at the TIPSY PIG and we all happily agreed because he offered to treat us as well.

I sure do hope though that they won't leave their slippers at the entrance.

KIDDING! Bwa ha ha ha ha!


TIPSY PIG is located between Black Olive and Nomama in the new "it" venue for restaurants in Capitol Commons in Pasig City. You will never miss it because it is so well lit even from the outside. 

As it is a "gastropub", TIPSY PIG has a wide array of drinks for you to enjoy with their delicious "pulutans".


There are 2 levels in the TIPSY PIG. You could stay at the first floor which is more spacious and for easy access to their bar.

Or you could opt for the second floor which is more cozy and "family-friendly". 


Atty. Anthony (somebody's friend), and THE Chinese Adonis!

Soon to be master chef Rocio, and Atty. Jemy (my oldest bro).

His wife, Atty. Karen, and me, MRS. BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH.

Future lawyer (he idolizes my bro), and member of One Direction, Mati, and Dr. Jojit (my sister... blech).

By the way, if you meet my brothers and sisters, they are SO different from me. They are very educated, learned, and respectable. 

Unlike me :(

I'm the cutest though. So there.  



Sorry I didn't include the drinks menu since... I don't drink! Har de har har!

First off on the table was an order of TIPSY PIG iced tea (P75.00) which came in these adorable bottle like glasses.

My little niece Rocio loved it, as well as the actual iced tea it carried. He he he he!

Like her tita, Rocio could not keep a straight face when taking pictures. I could tell her now that she wouldn't grow out of it, like me. Ha ha ha ha ha!

My brother also treated the boys (except Mati) to rounds of Chivas Shots (P160.00 each)

We got some of the TIPSY PIG Cocotte Mussels and Bacon (P540.00)! This was SOOO delicious! The white cream sauce was generously flavored with garlic, wine and herbs that made it extra delectable with the perfectly cooked mussels. 

I just loved slurping and licking the white sauce from these TIPSY PIG mussels!!! When we finished off the seafood, I did not let the waiter take away the plate because I still wanted to mop my garlic bread into the creamy sauce!!

I bet this would be SO good with garlic fried rice!!!!

I was in the mood for some creamy noodles that's why I ordered some TIPSY PIG's Creamy Carbonara (P260.00).

The dish was just okay since it was not as tasty as I hoped it would be and there wasn't much sauce. But of course, I wouldn't let such a promising dish go to waste! With that, I put my Mcguyver skills to use!

I got the leftover sauce from the TIPSY PIG mussels and mixed it into the linguine. Afterwards, I added some chili powder! 

I was able to enjoy it THIS time! YUM!

Mati and Yub shared an order of TIPSY PIG'S The number 4 (4 cheese pizza - P380.00)!

It was as gooey and cheesy as Mati hoped it would be. He had a great time taking a bite out of the very hot pizza and have cheese strands all over him. 

Like so!

My sister read that one of TIPSY PIG's specialties was the Belly Good Sisig Tacos (P280.00)!

One look and I was drooling! On top of the plain tortillas was a tablespoonful of pork sisig with creamy mayonnaise. It was then topped with a sliver of crispy "pata" like skin.

My sister said the way to eat this TIPSY PIG appetizer was with a spritz of calamansi, some hoisin sauce, and a few drops of the hot tabasco.

I rolled all of that and succumbed its whole biteful into my mouth.

Ow... em.... geee-ness.... So delicious. 

My brother ordered the TIPSY PIG Jack and Coke Barbecue Ribs (P690.00) and what they got was a wooden board filled with THIS.

The ribs were fall off the bone tender that was slathered with a special tangy sauce that had a nice spice to it. This was very perfect to eat with my bare hands and with rice!

My sister also ordered the TIPSY PIG's Triple Chop (P310.00)!

I was surprised that for the price, we got 3 thick and tender pork chops that was still oozing with juices when we sliced it. This TIPSY PIG dish was served with small chunks of fried apples which definitely complemented the delicious morsels of pork chop meat!

ERICJAZ FOODIES and family (except for the friend) in TIPSY PIG!!!

HEY! Who put the horns on my ate Jojit ha? WHO?!

ALMOST done!

We were not able to finish the TIPSY PIG pork chops because we were all so full! We just took it home for our midnight snack!

Kuya Jay's TIPSY PIG bill!!! Thank you for the treat! ALA - EH SA UULITEN! 

(Disclosure -- We mean no disrespect to the people living in Antipolo as we would always go there on a regular basis. We just love to laugh with the people we love and make exaggerated jokes about everything! He he he he! Toodles!)


Capitol Commons, Kapitolyo, Pasig City
02 5704620

Check it out 

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