
Wednesday, April 16, 2014


The YAPPY BUNCH was having a very grand staycation in B HOTEL where we relaxed, enjoyed, and stuffed ourselves to the fullest (pun intended). After an awesome time in our first day (SEE HERE), we were expecting the usual activities in a weekend. But we were pleasantly surprised to find out that more fun was coming our way...

... and our tummies were groaning in sweet surrender at the end of it all. :)

For breakfast, we went down to have a light meal at PRIME CAFE since we were going to have lunch later on...

Little lord Andrei was such in a good mood that he kept on doing the "Look Up" pose. 

He overdid it though...

Oh yes Andrei held on to that pose for quite a while!

Ha ha ha ha!

He only stopped when he offered to mix my coffee!

Yes. My light breakfast at PRIME CAFE in B HOTEL! Ha ha ha ha ha! Their breakfast selection was so good that I cannot help but fill up my plate to start the day!

(More on my PRIME CAFE blogpost coming soon!)

After our delicious breakfast, we went back to our room to get ready for lunch at CAFE D' ASIE in BELLEVUE hotel (I know! More eating right?)

I was fixing the boys' bag when Andrei came hopping inside our room. 

It turned out that he purposely put his 2 feet in one sock. Ha ha ha ha ha! The little prankster! He never fails to give us all a guffaw!

After our very short rest, we drove up to BELLEVUE for lunch with KTG. Upon stepping inside the stately restaurant, I immediately regretted eating a lot for breakfast B HOTEL because the spread at CAFE D' ASIE was enough to make me have another stomach put inside me. Egad! I wanted to eat EVERYTHING!!!

I had some Salmon Sashimi, Tuna Sashimi, Seasoned Tuna, and a very creamy Kani Salad!

My master Mati also had several rounds of ice cream and sushi -- his favorite!

I got surprised how the finicky little lord was able to eat multiple tuna sushi pieces! Way to go Andrei!

Awwww! Isn't that smile just precious?

As for me, I tried out CAFE D' ASIE's buttery roast beef! Oh yum!

Blogpost coming soon!

We were supposed to join the group for a very short trip to Enchanted Kingdom but the boys were really pleading for a swim. Since this staycation was really for the whole YAPPY BUNCH memories, I sent my regrets to Jane of SUGAR SPICE AND EVERYTHING NICE who was very kind and understanding. 

Besides... how could I resist that cutie pie face? He he he he!

I love you Andrei!

While the boys were swimming and I was watching over them like a small boobed lifeguard (hehehe), the Chinese Adonis decided to have a massage in Azurea Spa. The plan was he will take the first hour then I will go after him while it was his turn to guard the kids. 

The receiving area of Azurea spa seem to be taken from the look of another decade. But still, it was cozy, comfy, and something you would like to go home to!

My husband was particularly eager to try Azurea spa's jacuzzi.... 

... and sauna bath.


I hope my husband knows that THIS is not where he usually goes to where the lights are... ahem... "patay sindi".

Kidding! :P

He opted to take the massage instead. 

(According to General Manager Mr. Jose Mari Ouano, as a special treat to B HOTEL guests, they get a free 15 minute Sports Yoga message in the comfort of their own rooms. Just inquire from the front desk to arrange it!)

Haaay.... 2 beds for a couples' massage!! If it weren't for the kids swimming in the pool, I would have gotten that massage in Azurea spa as well.... 

.... beside Benedict Cumberbatch. 

Tee to hee! Ha ha ha ha!


I really did not mind waiting for the boys and taking pictures of their fun time in the pool. I used the special Belo Sun Experts package by SAMPLE ROOM so that I wouldn't get burned while walking under the glaring hot sun! 

Blogpost coming soon!!!!

I was so happy to see that Mati has learned how to float by himself. Yey! 

As for Andrei, I will strap on that life vest even if the pool is only 4 feet deep because I could never be too sure until he learned how to swim by himself! He he he he! :)

While I was waiting for the boys, the BELLEVUE staff was also getting ready for our barbecue tonight. 

When it's hot, I would always cool off with a tall glass ice cold mango shake! It really hits the spot!

Mati seems to agree as he commandeered the whole glass! Ha ha ha ha!

It was this time that I realized it has already been 2 hours since Yub started the massage because he fell asleep on the table. GRRRR! Now I don't have time anymore....

Oh well... maybe next time then. :(

That's why we were LQ for the whole night! He he he he he!

Come night time, we went back to the BELLEVUE pool side for our KTG barbecue!

Hail to the chefs and to our meats waiting to be grilled!

HMP! Massage stealer! You will definitely not get ANY tonight!

I meant ANY more massage from me. He he he he!

The YAPPY BUNCH with dear Spanky and the KTG!!!! 

Check out Andrei mesmerized with stars... 

Don't check out my tummy because it seemed to imitate the Michelin man! Inhale dangnabbit!

After our scrumptious barbecue dinner, we went out for a short visit to meet the genius behind our favorite ice cream, CARMEN'S BEST!

Mr. Paco Magsaysay, the creator of this delectable ice cream, was very kind to let us in his home and showed us how his famous dessert was made. My little boys were so curious and Mati especially asked a lot of questions.

As a special sweet treat, Mr. Magsaysay let us have a taste of his soft served ice cream and everyone just raved about it. My boys asked for cupfuls and Mati digged into it with mucho gusto!

We were also raving about the pint of CARMEN'S BEST pistachio flavor! This will surely be a popular choice among the ice cream lovers out there!

Thank you Mr. Magsaysay for your kindness and for serving us your special ice cream! My little guys learned a lot!

Blogpost on CARMEN'S BEST coming soon!

When we got back to B HOTEL, even if we were so full from the barbecue and the ice cream, me and Mati were craving for some Yakisoba!

There was nothing like snuggling into your comfy beds with a hot cup of greasy Nissin's Yakisoba! I love simple bonding moments like this with my master Mati!

Mati and I also toasted to a very fun night! I had coffee, my man had some milk! 

The Chinese Adonis was oblivious to the fun we were having as he had his face buried on his laptop and working.

Either that or he's checking YouTube videos on kittens again.... 

Or playing Galaga! He he he he!

My little Andrei however, was very tired and was sleeping like a cutie angel in the next room!

The next morning, we slept in so that we would just be in time for brunch at CAVIAR!

I really enjoyed our not-so-much-breakfast, not-so-much-lunch meal at CAVIAR! It was also my first time to have a taste of Mimosa! Yes, I don't drink. Obviously :)

I definitely licked my plate clean when we were served with CAVIAR'S sausage with soft eggs and salad! This was light but very delicious!

The kids loved the crepe and french pudding with home made ice cream! Truly a winner for the sweet tooth!

Special thanks to co-owner Mr. Bastiaan Van der Walle for being very generous and accommodating to the boys. He even gave Mati a tall mug of complimentary hot chocolate! Andrei met a new friend with Mr. Van der Walle's son!

When brunch was done, our group chatted for a bit while waiting for our shuttle going back to B HOTEL!

Loved the photobombing of Mr. Van der Walle! He he he he!

(Again, blogpost on CAVIAR coming soon!!!!)

We only wait for a short time until it was lunch again. This time we are going to try the main course specials from PHOENIX COURT once more!

Yup! More eating again!

Me and the 2 little lords! 

The KTG group! 

And this marks the end of our wonderful B HOTEL staycation!!!! 

This was truly an enjoyable weekend!!! We were able to have a lovely staycation with THE YAPPY BUNCH, got to know more of the KTG, and made new friends as well!!!

Going back to our room at B HOTEL, my little lords were sad to leave the room they called their own! He he he he!

Of course as always, whenever we have hotel staycations, we end our weekend with our usual YAPPY BUNCH pictorials! Ha ha ha ha! Sorry! He he he!

Here are some of my favorites... 

My little boys on the chair.... 

Somebody was laughing while a little man was serious... 

You could stop laughing now Andrei... H aha ha ha!

We each chose our pose in this sunny shot!

Andrei wanted us to growl in this picture...

While Mati requested us to do the Power Rangers pose!

For this one, Andrei asked us to do the Mr. Pogi pose...

Yup! It was Andrei's idea. Believe me. Ha ha ha ha! 

For this one, Andrei wanted us to do a "SMASH"! 


Our wacky pose which Mati did not get into.

And since I work at EAT BULAGA, we did our very own "Look Up" pose!

My little lords did not want to leave "their" room! Ha ha ha ha!


And like in our other staycations, we also did a hall picture for our B HOTEL stay!

Bye Mati and Andrei's room!

Bye our room!

My boys looking right out... 

... and we're leaving... :( I hate good byes in staycations! Especially that we had a LOT of fun in B HOTEL!

Bye B HOTEL rooms!

Muchos thanks from ERICJAZ FOODIES!

Going down, I tried to make an elevator selfie!

For the life of me I don't know why Andrei was wearing a pair of those snorkeling glasses.

My little guy also got into this habit of pressing all of the elevator floors before stepping out. Very "Bart" like. Ha ha ha ha! I don't think he will ever do it again though. ;)

Checking out!

Jeez... I think I gained about 50lbs already!

I found out later on that the reason why Andrei wore his snorkeling glasses was so that he could test how it would protect his eyes while his Kuya makes some serious raspberries. 

Ha ha ha! Haaaay! Boys will be boys. This will go into my special funny memories of them. :)

Good bye B HOTEL!!! We really had a grand time with you!

Thank you so much to Mr. Jose Mari Ouano for your very warm and jolly reception to us. We love how you took care of all your guests and how you went out of your way to make everyone feel VIP's in B HOTEL!

Thank you dear Kathi of MUCKING AROUND MANILA for having ERICJAZ FOODIES in some of the food itinerary. He he he he!

Also for the special delivery of the nummy yummy cupcakes! OH WOW!

Of course, super kaduper thanks to THE Jane Go of SUGAR SPICE AND EVERYTHING NICE for inviting ERICJAZ FOODIES!!! We really had a wonderful stay throughout the weekend and we are so blessed to knowing a special and sweet friend in  you!!! We love you and Kap!!!!!!

Like I said in the first part of my B HOTEL blog post, Andrei was already asking when we are going back for another staycation! Good thing the comfortable hotel was very affordable so most definitely that will be SOON.


Prime St. Madrigal Business Park, 
1780 Muntinlupa City
(02) 828 8181

Check THESE out!


  1. Thank you Jaz I loved all the wacky photos of the fambam! Tinalo mo kami sa totoo lang hahaha!! See you soon, Mwah! :-*

    1. Ha ha ha ha! Thanks! We had fun doing it! The wacky pictures have always been our tradition. The kids love posing for it rather than foodie pics since they want to eat na! Ha ha ha ha ha!
