
Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Shaw Boulevard in Mandaluyong City is fast becoming a "must go to" avenue because specialty restaurants are sprouting left and right... well literally. On the left side you got there Ramen Daisho, Bon Chon, House of Minis, etc, etc, while on the right, stands mighty proud is the newest pizza hub that is getting a lot of raves and rants among the foodie community.  


PROJECT PIE opened its doors late last year and even though we live only 5 minutes away from it, we only got to eat in this popular US franchise tonight. 

Let's just say that our "bodyguards" in the famous institution where we live in Mandaluyong would only  give us a night out once year. Tee hee...

If you did not get that joke, then Google it. He he he he! 

PROJECT PIE in Shaw Boulevard reminds me of a school canteen setting but with more clever sights here and there. Check out some famous sayings printed on their walls!

I also loved the bright yellow lights in PROJECT PIE --- it gave that casual and cozy feeling while you enjoy your pizza!

Now, time to start your PROJECT PIE!!! Yihaaaa! 

PROJECT PIE has a signage of their menu conveniently posted at the starting point of the order process.   

If you don't really feel like memorizing the small details, you could just zoink a paper menu provided!

PROJECT PIE meynuh!!!

And just in case you feel like making your own pizza, here are the mouth watering ingredients which you could pile up!

PROJECT PIE meynuh 2!

Next time we will try their dessert pizzas!

When you place your order in PROJECT PIE, the server puts a small ball of pizza dough in their special "presser" that was from the US. 

No exhibitions here of throwing and flapping around the pizza dough, PROJECT PIE gets it pressed to the usual diameter everytime!

The server then asks you if you want red sauce or not on your pizza. I was quite happy with the taste of their tomato sauce which was not too sweet or too sour compared to other pizza restaurants.

Mati was so excited to "build his own" pizza (P285.00) and really made sure that the server assembling his "project" gets it right. 

I have read a lot of flack about PROJECT PIE service and how they are not helpful to their diners. Maybe the rants online knocked their heads off because the waiters were very accommodating that night! However, you might want to bring an extra "prop" to leave on your table to reserve it. I don't know why they haven't made a system (like they do in Pepper Lunch and Kenny Rogers before) to automatically reserve tables for the diners. 

Mati - "Make sure that it is VERY gooey and cheesy okay???"
There are 5 cheeses to choose from (Mozzarella, Parmesan, Gorgonzola, Feta, Ricotta) and Mati requested that his pizza to be, in his own words, "very gooey and cheesy". 

We did not include the Gorgonzola Blue Cheese though because my son was not a fan of its strong flavors!

After the cheese you could pile up on the meats!

Our PROJECT PIE friend tipped us though that, even if you could make a mountain out of the toppings, it is better to just have the right amount because too much might make the crust soggy. 

Not a lovely sight. 

I was particularly excited to see a variety of non-meat toppings in PROJECT PIE like the artichokes, candied cranberries and walnuts, roasted peppers and so much more. When I go back here next time I will get these piled up on my pizza!!!

Cutie Mati even requested his PROJECT PIE buddy that he would only get square hams on his pizza. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Once you're done assembling your pizza, our PROJECT PIE server will put it in this very, very, este, really, really hot oven!

Are you SURE that it's REAL hot???

PROJECT PIE offers drinks you wouldn't normally see in other fast food restaurants.

Should you choose to have the usual sodas and iced teas, PROJECT PIE has it on a "drink all you can" basis. You just need to get off your lazy butt and get it yourself in their drinks section.

We ordered 2 PROJECT PIE pizzas first because we read in other blogs that their crust could get a bit rock hard when cold.

Project Pie Pizza

When your pizza is ready, they call our the name you specified when  you order. 

So lo and behold, Andrei's PROJECT PIE Cheese Pizza (P245.00) is here!

My little lord can't stop admiring the beautiful sight of the cheese bubbling on his pizza!

Project Pie Pizza

Mati got his wish of a very cheesy gooey pizza topped only with pepperoni and squared ham!

My first born was so proud of his work!

As for me, it got me drooling....

At first bite, Mati was in love! He said it was the best pizza in the world!!!

Little Mati generously let me have a bite of his pizza and yes, I understood why he can't stop expressing love for his pizza!

The PROJECT PIE crust has that crunch when you bite into it but was very chewy at the center. The red sauce gave out a mild tangy flavor and complemented his chosen toppings. I assure you that you won't stop chomping on just one slice of this wonderful artisan pizza!

My Andrei asked his pizza to be sliced!

This was all perfect to be washed down with an ice cold glass of Coke Zero!

Each PROJECT PIE serving is good for one hungry dude so when the kids were about to finish their pizzas, it was my cue to order up my own!

Just in case you want to share your pizza with your own Chinese Adonis, you could specify your PROJECT PIE buddy for a "his and her" chosen toppings on each side!

Yub and the Daddy's boy!

Me and a very happy Mati!

Project Pie Pizza

My PROJECT PIE is here!

On my side of the PROJECT PIE pizza I piled on the mozzarella, feta, parmesan, and gorgonzola blue cheese. Then, I had some jalapenos, bacon, onions, basil leaves, and fresh green bell peppers. 

For my Chinese Adonis' side, it was the same selection of cheeses (save for the Gorgonzola) then topped with pepperoni and ham. 

Yup! My guy does not eat vegetables... More for me!

Project Pie Pizza

Yup! The Carnivore and the Omnivore live together in perfect harmony!

My PIE! My beautiful and delicious PIE!!!

If my husband and I were not watching our weight, we would have each ordered our own PROJECT PIE pizzas. 

But since we (aka I) have been eating lots of noodles left and right, I would only have to contend with 2 full slices of heaping PROJECT PIE goodness! This was still seriously filling though!




Jasmin??? Wait a minute!

Our very messy table. Ha ha ha ha!


Before going home, I ordered one more PROJECT PIE pizza take out for my Mom and Dad :)

We are a family who loves to laugh even at the silliest of things. Check out how we were all howling with laughter with the wee photo booth of PROJECT PIE!

We took a lot of pictures here without really sharing it on the net. Ha ha ha ha!

What the....?????!

HA HA HA HA! Best picture ever!

We were causing such a riot then! Ha ha ha ha ha!

Oh well. If you hear a lot of laughing in this corner of PROJECT PIE, you would know that we have returned. He he he he!


515 Shaw, 1555 Laurel Street corner Shaw Blvd, 
Wack Wack, Mandaluyong
(+63 2) 650-0925

Check it out:


  1. Madam, hindi ka ba natutulog? ;P Tama ba namang inggitin mo kaming mga readers mo ng pizza at 12 midnight? :)) Pero in fairness, bet din namin yang project pie ha! And now my stomach is growling.. WHAT TO EAT (bulaga!) Oh diba galing ng segway ko??? :)

    1. Hi dear Jane of Sugar and Spice!!! Bwa ha ha ha! Perhaps I did that on purpose since I miss you and your Kap so that we will have another foodie trip out SOON!!! Yes I want to eat in PROJECT PIE again! We loved their pizzas! I want to try out other toppings too!!!!

      Panalo segway mo! IDOL! :)
