
Friday, February 21, 2014


When we had our CHINESE NEW YEAR celebration in Binondo (see HERE) we were not only excited to experience the the fun hustle and bustle in Chinatown, but we were also looking forward to having an authentic meal that Binondo is famous for.  So upon the suggestion of our KTG friend Stonibert (aka THE FOOD ALPHABET) we went to LUCKY RAINBOW SEAFOOD RESTAURANT and hoped that we would eat the greasy and delicious Chinese food that we were dreaming about! 


My what long lines you have!

Mati and his de-kwatro!
We were supposed to be 10th in line but then most of the people who went ahead of us got tired of waiting and left even before their names were called. LUCKY US!!!

My little lords didn't mind waiting though as they kept themselves company with the Chinese New Year toys we bought them.

As for me, I kept myself occupied by daydreaming about eating these LUCKY RAINBOW specialties!


Like I said, LUCKY RAINBOW was jampacked with diners who got hungry from all that walking in the Chinese New Year celebration. But turnover was quick since the servers were fast and efficient.

There was a second floor to LUCKY RAINBOW too and it was all occupied!!!

It MAY be a bit cramped but we didn't mind -- we were so hungry! We all felt a sigh of relief though that we were not one of those people still waiting outside!

Check out the poor security guard being swarmed by the hungry ladies.... 

Wait a minute...

While waiting for our turn to order, we just got hungri-ER looking around at LUCKY RAINBOW!

It did not help that our table was near the LUCKY RAINBOW open kitchen so we saw and smelled all the cooking action!

My hungry boys!

Order up!



Lucky Rainbow Steamed Chicken

First up is the LUCKY RAINBOW Steamed Chicken!  One whole of this is P800.00 but you could request the size you prefer for a lesser price (like what we did). 

Lucky Rainbow Soy Chicken

Isn't this just beautiful?

I love Hainanese Chicken! And LUCKY RAINBOW serves this dish the same way --  with grated ginger in oil and special sauce. 

Look at the juices on that fat chicken! Lucky for me, my hub does not share my fondness for this light but flavorful dish so I was left to eat this by my lonesome. Yipeee!

KIDS? What kids? Tee hee!

We also ordered some dimsums!

Very moist and plump LUCKY RAINBOW Hakaw (P88.00) was ordered by Mati.

My little lord was very happy with the LUCKY RAINBOW dimsum as he wiped out  all 4 pieces! However, he would usually just eat the rice paper wrapping and throw out (aka give to Mommy or Daddy) the shrimps (he he he he). 

Lucky Rainbow Xiao Long Bao

My husband ordered LUCKY RAINBOW Xiao Long Bao (P98.00) but was a bit disapponted at how the dimsum wrapper did not held up the soup and would break once we attempt to get it from the basket. Still, the meat inside tasted fairly good and we were able to finish this as well. 


Joan Lim, Stonibert's wife, recommended us to try the LUCKY RAINBOW Kutchay Dumpling  (P78.00). Since my boys don't eat greens, I got this all to myself!!!!

(evil-Mommy-triumphant-laugh) MWA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

LUCKY RAINBOW pork siomai

Of course when we are in a Chinese restaurant we NEVER (take note on the all caps) fail to order a serving (or two) of pork siomai (P78.00).

We were happy (my husband especially who's such an addict to this dish) that LUCKY RAINBOW's siomai fares up to the expensive ones here in the Metro. The dimsum was very moist and filled with pork (no extenders!) plus the wrapping had a very nice texture to it! One bite and you'll know that these babies were newly cooked/steamed and not reheated as some restaurants would. 

Such a winner!!!!

LUCKY RAINBOW birthday noodles

Even if we may have already ordered food that is enough for the four of us, I still requested for some LUCKY RAINBOW Birthday Noodles (P220.00) to take home to my Mom. 

When this LUCKY RAINBOW dish was served to our table, we kept on picking on it left and right since the egg, the liver, the noodles, and the seafood seemed so tasty and inviting. And yes, it WAS as good as it looked. However when you order this in LUCKY RAINBOW, make sure that you eat it at the restaurant. When we took it home, it did not reheat well as everything became a bit watery.   

LUCKY RAINBOW Yang Chow Fried Rice

AND... since we are a family of carbo loaders, we also ordered some LUCKY RAINBOW Yang Chow Fried Rice (P210.00)!

The LUCKY RAINBOW Fried Rice was stir fried with crunchy vegetables, egg, and a bit of Chinese ham.

Mati was longing to eat it but tried to figure how to remove all of the vegetables. (I try my best to resist the urge of picking it out for them since I wanted kids to eat vegetables. So my motto became, If you don't like it, pick it out yourself. I hope they become too lazy to do it someday that they would just eat the veggies rather than remove it from the dish). He he he he! 

My husband was able to finish all of this since, being Chinese and all, it IS his comfort food. 

Mati was in the mood for some congee and really bugged me to order a bowl for him. He was able to eat most of the LUCKY RAINBOW seafood congee but since the serving was good for 2-3 people, he had some leftover to take home. 

Wait... where's Andrei you say and why haven't you heard anything about him ordering this or eating that? Well as usual, being the finicky eater that he is, we would wrestle with him to eat something. Lucky for us he was able to eat a half plate of the fried rice and chicken!


My plate! My beautiful LUCKY RAINBOW plate!!!!



See Andrei behind me? As usual he didn't want to join the picture. He made it his life mission to not look at the camera everytime we have a family picture! 

Another shot for me then! HA HA HA HA!

Almost done!

Our LUCKY RAINBOW bill!!!! 

We are definitely looking forward to going back here since the price is just right for all of that delicious food! Hopefully Stonibert (THE FOOD ALPHABET) and Joan will not hide from ERICJAZ FOODIES anymore and join us! BWA HA HA HA HA! Kidding!


839-841 Ongpin Street Corner,
 Sabino Padilla Street, Binondo, Manill
 02 3138584, 02 7330114

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